Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8399: Coming to the Aoki Realm

This speed surprised him.

This is not just the effect of improved cultivation, but may also be affected by other factors.

Jiang Tian looked around, and what determined the speed of the star jump was the law of the peak of the stars and his level of cultivation.

Compared to when he left the Five Planets Domain, his cultivation level had not changed significantly, and it could even be said that there was no improvement at all.

Why is the speed of returning this time so much faster than leaving?

With the realm of cultivation established and the laws of the pinnacle of the stars remaining unchanged, what other factors can affect the speed of the star leap?

There seems to be no more!

He really couldn't imagine what reasons could affect his escape speed.

At this moment, Jiang Tian suddenly realized that this might not just be a matter of speed.


Jiang Tian slowly shook his head, thoughtfully.

There is indeed no change in speed. Xingyue has always been at the limit of his cultivation.

No matter what state he is in, Xingyue has been the limit of his escape since he was trained.

So, it’s not a matter of speed!

What exactly is that?

That's right!

It's time!

While his speed remained unchanged, he returned to the five-planet domain in a shorter time.

This change that surprised even him actually came from time.

In other words, the law of time!

"Has the law of time changed?"

Jiang Tian asked himself.

The body of laws has ten laws, nine of which have reached the highest level. Only the law of time remains unchanged.

Even though he has advanced many times and has reached the threshold of eternity, the law of time has not changed significantly.

This powerful law seems to be as elusive and eternal as its name suggests.

But now, he is convinced that it is the law of time that gives him faster "speed", allowing him to return to the five-planet domain in a shorter time.

As for the joints inside, he has no time to think about it right now, or even if he tries hard, he may not be able to get a clear answer.

He has only one purpose - to devour!

Use the power of the interface between the Ruoshui Realm and the Green Wood Realm to make up for the huge consumption of the two laws of water and wood!

Devouring these two interfaces is also very particular.

If we want to put them in order, of course they have to devour the Ruoshui Realm first, and then devour the Aoki Realm.

Because the water system's ultimate law consumes the most and needs to be compensated most urgently, the wood system's peak law is not so urgent.

Even if the Green Wood Realm is not swallowed up, as long as the water system's peak law is compensated, the wood system's peak law will be able to recover on its own in the near future.

But now that he is here, he cannot let go of the Aoki Realm.

Back then, he and Huang Jianling escaped from the pursuit of the Alliance of Light and came to the Mysterious Realm.

The Five Elements Immortal Sect at that time was once the place where he established himself and his temporary residence.

At that time, he was friends rather than enemies with the Five Elements Immortal Sect. He even had a good impression of the Five Elements Immortal Sect because of the relationship between Huang Jianling and Master Xuanyin.

But the great changes that happened later subverted his expectations and destroyed his imagination.

It turns out that the Five Elements Immortal Sect, which claims to have broken away from the Alliance of Light, has never drawn a clear line with that alliance. Instead, it has always been secretly colluding and conspiring.

And because of the fall of Master Xuanyin and the great changes in the Xuanyin world, he also turned against the Five Elements Immortal Sect and started a murderous dispute with the Alliance of Light again.

So now that he has returned to the Five Elements Immortal Sect, he will not hesitate at all.

But again, swallowing the Ruoshui and Qingmu realms actually has some particularities.

If they are devoured one by one in order, it will undoubtedly take longer, and they will definitely be encircled and blocked by the Five Elements Immortal Sect and the Alliance of Light. Although he is not afraid of these two opponents, he has already had several life-and-death battles before, so the opponent must be well prepared. Once caught in a fierce battle, the devouring process will be full of twists and turns, and may even be forcibly interrupted.


Therefore, it is really a bad idea to devour the power of the two realms one after another.

A better choice is to devour both interfaces at the same time!

But problems also arise.

Although he has the ability of Star Leap, he can go back and forth between the two interfaces countless times in an instant, and he can also jump between two interfaces or even more interfaces before the opponent launches a siege.

But in this case, the devouring process will inevitably be difficult to continue, and may even be forcibly interrupted.

Therefore, going back and forth between the two worlds is not the best option!

Of course, Star Escape is also an option, but this option also has a problem - Star Escape can only take away one interface at a time.

Both Ruoshui Realm and Qingmu Realm are under the control of Five Elements Immortal Sect.

During the casting process, there will definitely be strong disturbance.

And even if there is no disturbance, taking away such a large interface and casting a spell will take a certain amount of time.

Although with Jiang Tian's current strength, the casting time of Star Escape has been greatly shortened compared to when he was taken away from the Mysterious Realm, it still takes some time.

And this time is enough for the strong men of these two interfaces to disrupt and destroy, and it is also enough for the strong men of the Five Elements Immortal Sect and the Light Alliance to join forces to besiege and intercept.

Therefore, star escape is not the best way.

After ruling out all possibilities, the best way has emerged—that is, to devour two major interfaces at the same time without being interrupted.

How can I not be interrupted?

No matter how strong Jiang Tian is, he is only one person.

Starfall clones are a practical means of combat. Although they have practiced so far, they can maintain multiple clones at the same time for a certain period of time, but that is only suitable for combat, and it is not realistic to complete the devouring of two major interfaces.

As for the light-stealing body, it was a means exclusively used for fighting and could not help him complete the devouring plan.

But there is always a way, and the key to solving this problem is a certain trump card in his hand.

That's right, it's Taiyi Lingmu!

As one of the three innate sacred trees, Taiyi Lingmu has an innate and extreme thirst for water and wood power.

In the lower realm, there were sky-weaver demon vines and wood spirit essences. After arriving in the upper realm, there were all kinds of strange trees, spiritual veins, and rare treasures from heaven and earth, all of which were the targets of the Taiyi spirit wood to devour and nourish.

At this time, Taiyi Lingmu was his greatest help.

But the purpose of his trip was not to encourage the recovery of Taiyi Spirit Wood, but to make up for his own consumption.

Therefore, while using the Taiyi Spirit Wood to devour it, he must also seize the opportunity to replenish himself, instead of letting the Taiyi Spirit Wood convert all the devoured power into his own recovery.

As for Taiyi Lingmu and Zixiao Divine Bamboo, they cannot help him much in this situation. These two sacred trees may help him withstand the enemy, but it is difficult to affect the devouring itself.

After making up his mind, Jiang Tian no longer hesitated.

Performing Star Leap, he landed directly in the Aoki Realm.

That's right!

His first destination is not his number one target, Ruoshui Realm, but the Aoki Realm!

"what's the situation?"

"The will of heaven and earth is different, and someone has invaded this world!"

"Who is coming?" Everyone in Aoki Realm exclaimed.

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