Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 14: Peril

Chapter 14: Peril


Water balls struck his body, and he flew back before smashing into the wall of the cave.



Ayaan cursed and stood up slowly from the dust and looked towards the attacker in full of anger. But when his gaze landed on the beautiful face of the girl, all the rage disappeared. What remained on his face was a sweet smile.

"You pervert! Where is my dog!?"

Rebecca shouted at him with a flushed and furious face.

"Heh?" Ayaan looked at her in confusion and didn't know what was going on. Why couldn't she recognise him? A thought appeared.

Ayaan suddenly felt something wasn't right and looked at his body and what he saw made his eyes widen before a gasp left from his mouth.


He again cursed and didn't know if he should laugh or cry. He was standing on two legs instead of four. And...cough little brother was hanging between his legs.

'Fucking hell, how did it become so big? Even God of porn won't be able to compare mine.' a shocked expression appeared on his face when he saw the little creature. 

Rebecca had lowered her head in shame and embarrassment. She looked at him again and saw him staring at his little bro. An enraged expression appeared on his face before shouting, "You bastard! Are you going to stay naked all day or you wear anything!?"

Only now did he realise that a girl was standing in front of him and staring at his naked body. He immediately placed his hands on his little bro and sat on the ground so that he could hide his body from her.

She saw his action and realised that he wasn't doing anything intentionally but didn't have any clothes in real.

She immediately took out a robe from her space ring, which can be worn by men and women both. Without any hesitation, Ayaan put the dress on his body.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to do that." Ayaan apologised her without dwelling.

She looked at him with the flushed expression 'What a handsome lad' she thought. He had white hairs, but his eyes were looking like a pit of darkness which can devour all night. His face was white while his lips were soft and red.


Ayaan noticed her gaze and coughed a few times when she heard his cough; her face became even redder in embarrassment.

"What are you doing here? Are you the one who kidnapped Whity?" She asked with a flushed face after a few seconds of silence but didn't look at his eyes. Whenever she gazed at his eyes, she felt an otherworldly attraction from them. 'What the hell am I asking? Why would he even tell if he was a kidnaper." she thought while scolding herself for the stupid question and didn't know what to say anymore.

Ayaan adjusted his clothes first then turned towards her. He smiled and said, "Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about."

'Sigh I knew it wouldn't be easy to find Whity' she thought before continuing, "Did you see a small white dog by any chance?"

When she wasn't able to get any information about her dog, a sad expression appeared. It was just a dog, but somehow she felt an invisible connection with it, and that was the only reason why she kept it around her.

Ayaan felt terrible when he saw a sad expression on her face, but he can't tell that he was the dog she was searching for, can he?

He looked at her gorgeous countenance and smiled before saying, "Don't worry, you will find whoever you are searching for but never admit defeat who knows he might be around you."

"Heh? What do you mean?" she asked in a surprised voice.

"Umm I mean, you will find him eventually when the time comes." He immediately explained due to his slip of the tongue.

She glared at him with a stern expression and said languidly, " Whatever."

He sighed in relief when he saw her lethargic expression. 

"So, what are you doing here?"

'I knew she didn't believe me completely, and there are still many doubts in her head.' he thought when he saw her piercing stare.

"I don't know" he replied consciously but instantly regretted saying it.

"Heh? What do you mean?" she asked while looking at him curiously.

'Shit, what now?' he thought.

After racking his brain for a few seconds, an idea appeared inside his crafty mind.

"I-I don't know who I am," he replied with a nervous face.

When Rebecca heard a surprised expression appeared on her face and immediately asked, "You mean all your memories are gone."

Ayaan nodded when he heard her question - a sigh left from her mouth before saying, "Sigh You are too pitiful."

A strange expression appeared on Ayaan's face when he heard a sigh full of melancholy. He felt slightly bad about hiding his identity and lying to her, but that's how the world works if you can't keep your secrets to yourself they won't be secrets anymore.

Immediately after hearing her voice, he made a sad expression and said, "I don't know anymore, where I should go. Can you please tell me the closest city from here?"

'Too shameless, I am too shameless, but it is amusing, hehe' a laughed in his head.

She looked at his sad face before saying," Alright, you can tag along with me to the city. I hope Whity has already found a place for himself."

Eventually, a jubilant expression appeared on his face then said, "Thank you very much!"

"It's alright." she shrugged as replied.

After that, they didn't talk much and proceeded towards the city together. In between Ayaan opened his status window to see his attributes.


Name: Ayaan

Race: Heaven destroyer dog

Level: 10(0/1000)

Credits: 150

Magic Art: N/A

Element: Death

Attribute points: 0

Mantle power(Magic power): 50

Health: 50

Willpower: 100

Strength: 15

Intelligence: 10

Speed: 11

Agility: 10

Wisdom: 8

Dexterity: 8

Spell: N/A

Quest: not available.

There were few changes in his attributes, and the most noticeable thing was the increased number of attribute points. There was a new attribute also added 'will power'.

When his eyes landed on a spell section, a surprised expression appeared on his face because the fireball spell was gone.

"After forming the rune, you have acquired your element, and due to that the stability between basic elements was broken - from now on you can't use element other than death element until you formed another rune."

Birdy was the one who cleared his doubts. He nodded in understanding, then asked, "So, do I need to buy a spell from the library?"

"Exactly~" she replied excitedly.


Ayaan nodded as he heard her and was about to open the library when the sound of a blast interrupted his thinking process and turned to look towards the commotion. What he saw made him gasp in shock. 


The walls of the city were nowhere to be found while the huge eagle was whistling above the town and sending a blade made of winds. 

Yes, when he was checking his status, he reached the 'sun city' unconsciously, but the sight in front of him wasn't looking pleasant. The dead bodies were decorating the entrance of the city gate, which was nowhere to be found.

An enraged expression appeared on Rebecca's face, but she didn't lose her rationality. Both of them only analysed the situation without speaking anything.

The eagle, which was flying in the sky, slowly came down and slowly started to take the form of the human.

"Demon!" a furious expression appeared on her face when she saw the man taking the form of the human. Those beasts who can transform into human form are called the demons. And the demons were the race hated by every human. 

Ayaan saw the change on her face and felt fortunate that he didn't reveal his identity if she were to find that he was a demon. As he thought about many possibilities, a chill ran down through his body.


As he was immersed in thinking a burst of evil laughter came in front of him. He looked towards the man who was laughing without restraints, but immediately all the laughter disappeared. A chilli expression was plastered all over his face. He carefully observed everyone in the city but didn't find anything.

"Who is the leader of this city?" he asked with an arrogant voice as if everyone was his servant.

This man was none other than the man who was sent by the king-Oriel Gibbs. His race wasn't compelling, but they were still able to make a place for themselves on the demonic continent.

And after becoming the disciple of their king, his status also skyrocketed, which was the reason for all his arrogance, he never put anyone in his eyes other than his master.

Darren walked out of the crowd with a shivering body then said with a meek voice, "Lord, I am the leader of this"

"Shhhsh~" Darren wasn't able to finish his sentence when Oriel Gibbs sensed something. He directly looked at the place where Rebecca and Ayaan were hiding. Oriel curved his lips in an evil smirk before shooting in their direction.

"Fuck! He found us!" An anxious expression appeared on Ayaan's face, but there was no time to run, and he knew that he couldn't run away from this enemy.

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