Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 857: Summer Vacation Plan

Chapter 857: Summer Vacation Plan

At this moment, inside the room, they were eager to know more about the situation.

But the Extendable Ears were no longer useful, and they couldnt do anything about it, which was really frustrating.

Clearly close to the Order of the Phoenix, and they could only sit here, feeling an itch in their hearts.

In Evans opinion, it was not really necessary to go through all this trouble. They could directly ask Sirius about what he was doing.

Evan believed that Sirius would be willing to tell them, at least he wouldnt keep it a secret from him.

If it had something to do with the vampires and Slytherin, that was exactly what he needed to know right now.

The double snake scepter in Slytherins hand was the core of the second chapter of The Book of Abraham. It was also a necessary item to connect ancient gods and evil gods.

Only by getting it, could he further crack and know more secrets and defeat the evil gods.

Evan was going to write a letter to Sirius and ask about the relevant situation.

Next, they talked about Percy, which was even more frustrating and unpleasant.

Evan and Hermione already knew what had happened, and Harry heard about it for the first time.

After listening to everyone, Harry muttered a few curses under his breath. He had always liked Percy least of Rons brothers, but he had never imagined he would say such things to Mrs. Weasley, and even break with his family and turn to the Ministry of Magic and Fudge.

In his opinion, this was madness, and Percy betrayed them, it was hopeless.

Well, lets not talk about Percy. It is a good thing hes gone. I think were well shut of him, said George with an uncharacteristically ugly look on his face. Otherwise he would stay, too; and he would not allow us to do this or that.

Yeah, why are we all crowded in a broom room? said Fred, looking around and letting out a whistle. I just saw that there are really a lot of brooms here, and there are many models that cant be seen on the market.

They began to study these brooms again. This was a rare sight.

As Beaters for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Fred and George knew a lot about broomsticks.

As for Ginny, under the influence of her brothers, her Quidditch skills were also great, and she was also very interested in broomsticks.

These were the children who grew up in a wizarding family. Each of them had a special passion and liking for broomsticks.

The status of the broomstick in the wizards mind had greatly surpassed the significance of cars to Muggles.

They were almost obsessed with these brooms, which was the main reason why Evan wanted to produce broomsticks.

This might not be the most profitable industry, but it was absolutely significant and had a status and influence beyond imagination.

If there were enough funds in the future, Evan was even considering forming a Quidditch club.

Evan, what are you going to do? Hermione asked curiously, not paying attention to those broomsticks.

She knew Evan very well and knew that he was not interested in brooms and Quidditch, but now he was very attentive.

After returning with Harry, he just wanted to come and see the broomsticks. And this, in itself, was abnormal, wasnt it?

There are many things to do. In the short term, Im going to buy a Firebolt first, said Evan, and then disassemble it.

The others turned around and looked at Evan in surprise, thinking they had heard wrong.

Even if he had money, he didnt need to spend it like this. Dismantling a brand new Firebolt was simply criminal damage.

You want to buy a Firebolt and dismantle it?

The Firebolt is just one of them. Im going to buy all the mainstream broomsticks, disassemble them and study them carefully, said Evan.Only by understanding the main structure inside can we better design a brand new broomstick.

Design a broomstick?! The rest of the people were even more confused, not understanding what Evan was talking about.

Under everyones extremely shocked eyes, Evan explained his broomstick production plan to them.

In fact, they couldnt keep up with Evans thoughts, and they had never thought of such things.

All of these people present had participated in the creation of Hogwarts Magic News and it could be said they were the original crew.

For young wizards, creating a newspaper was a good idea. It was a bit bold, but it was not impossible, and it was within everyones ability.

Just a little bit later, it was independent from Hogwarts and developed to this scale. It was completely taken over by Lupin and became a real business. The whole process was really amazing.

On that night four years ago, Evan had once described the prospects to them, but no one thought it would develop so fast.

The use of ghosts as a source of news was also a masterstroke, which had been talked about by the whole media industry until now.

Driven and helped by Evan, Fred and George began to run prank products and gradually entered the formal business.

What the two of them most hoped now was to graduate from Hogwarts and open a joke shop.

They had saved enough Galleons, and Evan also had promised to provide them with sponsorship and partnership.

After all these things, they all believed that Evan had the ability and strength to do a big business.

But the sudden idea of producing broomsticks was a bit too much.

It was like your classmate suddenly told you that he was going to make a car, how would you feel?

It was conceivable that either he was joking or he was crazy!

Not surprisingly, after Evan finished talking about his plan, there was a long silence.

Everyone looked at Evan in amazement, as though they were looking at a freak.

Well, is there any problem? Evan looked at them. If you can give me some advice on my plan, just say it.

They all thought for a long time, but really didnt know what to say.

Thinking about it carefully, for Evan, this production plan that sounded a bit like a fantasy was very feasible.

As he said, he had exclusive technology, and Alchemy could make up for all the performance deficiencies.

What they needed to do now was to design a drawing, then buy back enough materials and assemble according to the drawing.

The whole process was simple, like a child making a toy model.

Finally, Ron raised a question, It takes a lot of money to make a broomstick!

It was very difficult for him to buy a brand new broom, let alone make it. It was almost like a dream.

Dont worry about money. I have about 8,000 Gold-Galleons and some valuable things, but theyre not easy to sell, said Evan. I can find someone to help; and with sufficient funds, Ill produce the first batch of broomsticks. Well take the high-quality route like the Firebolt

He happened to know a suitable person to help him sell those things, and it was at the time that led to Harry being attacked by the Dementors.

Mundungus Fletcher, one of the members of the Order of the Phoenix, was a thief at the bottom of the wizarding world. No one was more suitable for such a thing than him.

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