Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 8: Saving The Women Of The Wang Family

With Dong Zhenguo securely unconscious, Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi wasted no time in executing the next phase of their plan.

Working swiftly and efficiently, they suppressed Dong Zhenguo's cultivation and bound him with unbreakable metal restraints, ensuring that their captive remained incapacitated.

Once Dong Zhenguo was securely immobilized, Wang Li drafted a letter intended for the Dong Family, outlining their demands with ruthless precision.

The threat of Dong Zhenguo's imminent demise loomed large over the letter, serving as a stark warning of the consequences should their commands be ignored.

As the ink dried on the parchment, Wang Li's mind buzzed with anticipation. His calculated strategy hinged on the Dong Family's fear of exposure and loss of prestige. By threatening to publicly display Dong Zhenguo's demise, he sought to leverage the family's desperation to maintain its façade of strength and power.

With the letter sealed and ready for delivery, Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi set their sights on the next crucial step.

They needed to ensure that the Dong Family complied with their demands without question, lest they face the dire consequences outlined in the letter.

"We must send this letter swiftly," Wang Li declared, his voice firm with determination. "The longer we delay, the greater the risk of our intentions being discovered."

Wang Xiangyi nodded in agreement, her eyes gleaming with resolve. "Agreed. We cannot afford to underestimate the Dong Family's resources or resolve. Every moment counts."

Together, they dispatched a messenger to deliver the letter to the Dong Family, their fate now inexorably linked to the response it would elicit.

"Now, we wait," Wang Li remarked, sealing the letter with a flourish before handing it to Wang Xiangyi. "Once they receive this, the Dong Family will have no choice but to comply with our demands."

Wang Xiangyi nodded in agreement, her gaze steely with determination. "And if they refuse?" she questioned, her voice tinged with a hint of apprehension.

Wang Li's lips curled into a confident smirk. "Then we'll show them the consequences of defiance," he replied, his tone unwavering.

In the days that followed, tension hung thick in the air as they awaited word from their adversaries. Every passing hour seemed to stretch on endlessly, each moment filled with anticipation and apprehension.

Then, finally, the long-awaited response arrived—an official summons from the Dong Family, bearing the unmistakable seal of authority. With bated breath, Wang Li broke the seal and read the contents of the message, his eyes scanning the words with keen interest.

"It seems our message has been received," he remarked, a hint of satisfaction tingeing his voice. "The Dong Family has agreed to our terms and has scheduled an auction for the coming month."

Wang Xiangyi's eyes sparkled with anticipation, her excitement palpable as she contemplated the prospect of their plan coming to fruition. "This is our chance to strike," she exclaimed, a thrill of adrenaline coursing through her veins. "We must prepare for the auction."

"We must be strategic in our approach," Wang Li explained, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Only those at the Foundation Establishment Realm or below will be included on this list. We cannot risk facing opponents beyond our capabilities."

Wang Xiangyi nodded in agreement, her eyes alight with determination. "Agreed," she replied, her voice resolute. "We must ensure that we have the upper hand in every encounter."

With their plan in place, Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi embarked on a series of meticulous preparations, meticulously plotting each step of their strategy. Every detail was carefully considered, from the layout of the auction venue to the distribution of invitations.

As the days passed, anticipation hung heavy in the air, the tension palpable as the fateful date of the auction drew near. Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi remained steadfast in their resolve, their determination unwavering despite the looming threat of confrontation.

A month passed by, and the day of the auction arrived. The bustling streets of Meigu Town were abuzz with excitement as cultivators from far and wide converged upon the venue.

The air crackled with anticipation as guests mingled and exchanged pleasantries, their eyes drawn to the opulent displays of wealth and power that adorned the auction hall.

Amidst the throng of attendees, Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi moved with purpose, their identities concealed beneath the guise of anonymity.

Clad in nondescript attire and obscured by the shadows, they observed the proceedings with keen interest, their senses alert for any sign of trouble.

As the auction commenced, Wang Li's gaze swept across the room, his mind sharp and focused as he searched for their targets among the crowd. With each passing moment, the tension mounted, the anticipation building to a crescendo as the bidding began in earnest.

Suddenly, a hushed silence fell over the room as the first item was presented for auction, a rare artifact of unparalleled beauty and craftsmanship. All eyes turned to the stage, their gazes fixed upon the glittering prize as the bidding war erupted in a frenzy of excitement.

As the fervor of the auction reached its peak, cultivators from all corners of the hall eagerly vied for the coveted treasures on display, their voices echoing through the opulent chamber as they shouted out their bids. Spirit stones exchanged hands amidst a flurry of excitement, each participant eager to outdo the others in their pursuit of wealth and power.

Meanwhile, within the confines of the VIP chamber, Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi observed the proceedings with a calculated detachment, their identities shrouded in secrecy beneath the veils of anonymity. With keen eyes, they surveyed the crowd, their focus unwavering as they assessed the crowd for potential threats.

"This is it," Wang Li murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as he exchanged a meaningful glance with Wang Xiangyi. "Time to set our plan in motion."

Wang Xiangyi nodded in agreement, her gaze sharp as she scanned the crowd for any signs of trouble. "Understood," she replied, her tone firm with determination.

With a silent exchange of nods, the duo prepared to set their plan into motion, their movements swift and decisive as they unleashed the next phase of their strategy. Beneath the floorboards of the auction house, a complex Dual elemental Array Formation sprang to life, its intricate patterns glowing with an otherworldly energy as it enveloped the hall in a shimmering barrier of pulsating light.

The sudden activation of the array formation sent shockwaves rippling through the crowd, chaos erupting as panic-stricken cultivators scrambled to comprehend the situation.

But before anyone could react, Wang Li's commanding voice rang out, "Silence!" His words were imbued with a potent aura of authority that quietened the room in an instant.

All eyes turned to the source of the voice, the air heavy with anticipation as the crowd awaited his next move. Amidst the tense silence, murmurs of curiosity rippled through the room as the gathered cultivators exchanged uncertain glances, their curiosity piqued by the mysterious figure who had seized control of the situation.

"Who are you?" someone called out from the crowd, their voice tinged with a note of apprehension.

Wang Li remained composed, his expression impassive as he addressed the assembled throng with unwavering resolve. "That is of no consequence," he replied, his voice steady and unwavering. "What matters is that you heed my commands if you wish to leave this place unharmed."

The crowd fell silent, their attention riveted on Wang Li as he outlined his demands with a chilling clarity that left no room for doubt. With each word, the weight of his authority bore down upon them, compelling them to comply with his directives or face the consequences.

"What do you want from us?" someone ventured, their voice trembling with uncertainty.

Wang Li's gaze swept over the crowd, his expression inscrutable as he delivered his ultimatum with a cool detachment that brooked no argument. "I want nothing more than your obedience," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of menace. "Break your Spiritual Slave Seals and release your servants, or suffer the consequences."

The room fell silent, the gravity of Wang Li's words hanging heavy in the air as the crowd grappled with the implications of his demand.

For a moment, tension crackled in the air, uncertainty mingling with fear as the gathered cultivators weighed their options.

But their deliberations were cut short by the defiant voice of one among them, a cultivator named Leng Zhi who refused to yield to Wang Li's demands.

"Release me at once, or face the wrath of my master!" Leng Zhi spat, his tone laced with venomous defiance.

Before anyone could react, a sharp blade flashed through the air, its gleaming edge slicing through the silence with deadly precision. With a sickening thud, Leng Zhi's head tumbled to the ground, blood gushing forth in a grisly fountain as his lifeless body crumpled to the floor.

The crowd recoiled in horror at the sight, their expressions aghast as they stared in disbelief at the gruesome spectacle before them. In the wake of Leng Zhi's demise, a palpable sense of fear descended upon the chamber, its tendrils snaking through the hearts of all who bore witness to the brutal display of power.

Standing amidst the chaos, Wang Xiangyi exuded an aura of icy resolve as she addressed the stunned onlookers, her voice devoid of emotion as she delivered her chilling warning. "Who else dares to defy us?" she demanded, her words hanging heavy in the air like a dark omen.

The remaining members of the crowd exchanged nervous glances, their resolve faltering in the face of such ruthless determination. With a collective sigh of resignation, they acquiesced to Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi's demands, their compliance sealed with trembling hands and bowed heads.

And so, with the release of the Spiritual Slave Seals, forty women of the Wang Family were freed from their bonds of servitude.

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