Hades, the Urban Legend

Chapter 177: It’s Cake

Chapter 177: Chapter 177: It's Cake

As the movie ended, the lights in the theater came on, and the audience began to leave, bustling towards the exit.

Yang Chen turned around and saw that Lin Ruoxi had finished the entire bucket of popcorn, not a single kernel left. He couldn't help but chuckle. "You have a bigger appetite than I imagined."

Lin Ruoxi knew what he meant. She had finished eating without even realizing it. Blushing, she explained, "I just saw you weren't eating and was worried about wasting it."

"Who said I wasn't eating? I was saving it for you. Besides, I haven't had dinner yet either," Yang Chen said.

"Then shall we go for dinner?" Lin Ruoxi asked, still feeling a bit unsatisfied.

"Sure, what do you want to eat?"

Lin Ruoxi blinked and whispered, "How about cake?"

Yang Chen couldn't help but groan inwardly. His wife already surprised him by liking glutinous rice balls; now, she wanted to eat cake for dinner like a little girl?!

Seeing that Yang Chen didn't seem to agree, Lin Ruoxi felt a little disappointed. "I just mentioned it casually. We can go for dinner or something else if you want."

"Let's have cake then. I remember there's a Starbucks across from the cinema. Although it's just an ordinary chain coffee shop, let's make do with it. I bet you've never been inside before," Yang Chen said.

Lin Ruoxi's eyes lit up at the mention of Starbucks. Suppressing her inner excitement, she casually nodded.

As one of the most common coffee chain brands in the world, Starbucks was indeed a popular choice for ordinary people. However, in Yanxia, many people seemed to treat it as a luxury, which was a strange phenomenon.

Lin Ruoxi, who had done a lot of research on this famous chain brand since she was young, knew about it but had never been inside due to her status. So when Yang Chen suggested going to Starbucks, she was more than happy to agree.

The two of them walked out of the cinema and headed towards the Starbucks coffee shop across the street in the night breeze.

Lin Ruoxi was wearing a fashionable professional suit she had worn during the day, her hair let down and fluttering in the wind. Her exquisite beauty, coupled with the cold temperament she had accumulated since childhood, attracted numerous gazes the moment she appeared.

Lin Ruoxi was accustomed to this kind of attention from a young age, but Yang Chen felt somewhat uncomfortable having other people look at his woman like this. It felt like being a wild beast guarding its prey, always uneasy.

However, there was nothing he could do. Yang Chen felt that if he were to go out with Mo Qianyi or Liu Mingyu, some people might prefer looking at Mo Qianyi, while others might prefer Liu Mingyu. They each had their own unique charm, appealing to different tastes. But if Lin Ruoxi were to stand among them, everyone's attention would be solely on her. It didn't mean that Mo Qianyi and Liu Mingyu weren't beautiful; it's just that some people naturally exuded a strong presence.

Neon lights on the roadside and car lights on the street flickered, casting a colorful glow over the entire city of Zhonghai.

The bustling noise of the people on the streets was different for Lin Ruoxi this time. She wasn't alone in this little corner; she had someone accompanying her.

Suddenly, while crossing the street, Lin Ruoxi felt a hot hand holding her left hand. It was rough, heavy, and warm, causing her heart to immediately race.

Glancing at Yang Chen, she saw him wink at her. "Be careful when crossing the road."

"This is a pedestrian crossing," Lin Ruoxi said, feeling a bit awkward, but she didn't pull away.

"On a date, we hold hands," Yang Chen smiled and said.

Lin Ruoxi pursed her lips, lowered her head, and looked at the road, not saying anything.

Hand in hand, they entered Starbucks. Lin Ruoxi looked around curiously since she had never been there before. At the counter, she ordered a strawberry cake and a hot mocha, while Yang Chen ordered a Sam's Americano and two chocolate cakes.

Since there weren't many people at this time, their orders were quickly served. They took their coffee and cakes to a table near the window and sat down, enjoying the night view outside while slowly eating.

In the café, the serene melody of a flute playing "Canon" filled the air, creating a relaxed atmosphere. Lin Ruoxi was slowly savoring a strawberry cake, taking small, measured bites as she glanced around the café's decor. She turned to Yang Chen and asked, "Do you know how Starbucks came into being?"

Yang Chen was busy devouring his cake with a spoon. "No, is there anything special about it?"

"I read a biography of Mr. Howard Schultz, the founder of Starbucks, and it tells a story about his life before creating Starbucks," Lin Ruoxi began softly. "When Mr. Schultz was young, his father lost his job, and their family was very poor. To make his father happy, he stole a jar of coffee beans from a store and gave it to his father as a Christmas gift. His father was delighted at the time, but Mr. Schultz ended up getting beaten by the store owner who came demanding payment. After that incident, their relationship became strained."

Yang Chen paused, setting down his spoon, sensing that Lin Ruoxi might be recalling her own family, her father who had gone insane. He listened attentively.

"At that time, Mr. Schultz made a vow to himself that he would one day have enough money to buy the best coffee and prove to his father what he could achieve," Lin Ruoxi continued. "So, he worked hard, even during the toughest times. He earned a scholarship through his football skills, went to college, and eventually climbed the ranks to a senior position at a world-famous company, earning a monthly salary of over seventy thousand US dollars. After his success, he bought the finest Brazilian coffee beans for his father and told him that it was to make up for the incident with the jar of coffee beans many years ago."

Lin Ruoxi's voice took on a somber tone. "His father then asked, 'You did all this just for such a trivial thing?' Mr. Schultz was furious, and from then on, he distanced himself from his father, even refusing to visit him when he was dying. It wasn't until one day, when he was sorting through his father's belongings, that he found the old coffee jar he had given him years ago. Inside, he discovered a crumpled letter expressing his father's greatest dream: to own a cozy coffee shop where he could grind coffee beans for his wife and children. Unfortunately, his father's incompetence prevented him from realizing this dream. Apart from resorting to physical violence, he couldn't find a way to make his children recognize his existence."

"So, Mr. Schultz and his wife decided to start Starbucks together, and it has grown to what it is today," Lin Ruoxi concluded.

"Reminded you of your dad?" Yang Chen asked gently.

Lin Ruoxi nodded. "I used to hope that my dad was like Mr. Schultz's father, that despite not treating me well, he truly loved me. But in the end, hopes and reality often don't align."

Yang Chen realized this was also a cautionary tale for himself. "So, there's this story behind it. Seems like you really read all those books you bought."

Lin Ruoxi gave him a playful glare. "Do you think I'm going to wallpaper the room with shredded paper?"

"Hehe," Yang Chen chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll be a capable father in the future. Grinding coffee beans for my wife and children should be within my abilities."

Lin Ruoxi's cheeks flushed slightly. Although there was a flicker of hope in her heart that Yang Chen would strive for that, she was unwilling to admit it. "Who said I'd let you grind them? When did I agree to have children with you?"

Yang Chen teasingly retorted, "Did I say you'd be my wife, or that you'd be the one giving birth? Maybe in a while, you won't want me anymore, and I'll find a new wife. You're overthinking, aren't you?"

"You're incorrigible!" Lin Ruoxi gritted her teeth, grabbed the hot mocha on the table, and stood up, pretending to splash it on Yang Chen.

Although Yang Chen knew it was just a bluff, he still instinctively protected his chest and recoiled slightly. "Even if you're angry, don't spill it on my clothes! Misfortune shouldn't befall my attire!"

"Rogue scoundrel," Lin Ruoxi muttered angrily, retracting her coffee cup and taking a sip herself.

The hot mocha had a layer of creamy white foam on its surface. As Lin Ruoxi casually sipped, the foam stuck to her thin, well-defined upper lip.

Seeing that streak of creamy white, Yang Chen couldn't help but sigh. "See, this is why women like this. Only when they're with women, everything stays clean. When they're with husbands, they like to have cream on their lips. Pretending not to notice, huh?"

Realizing there was something on her lips, Lin Ruoxi felt too embarrassed to lick it off with her tongue, so she reached for her bag to find a tissue.

"Don't bother, it's troublesome. Let me help you," Yang Chen said, leaning closer to Lin Ruoxi's face.

As their faces drew nearer, Lin Ruoxi gradually realized what Yang Chen was about to do. Her eyes widened in confusion, her heart in turmoil, as if the world had gone blank!

Finally, Yang Chen's lips kissed Lin Ruoxi's upper lip, coated with cream. It was cool, soft, and carried a hint of creaminess.

As if a clap of thunder had exploded, Lin Ruoxi was stunned.

Even after Yang Chen returned to his seat, Lin Ruoxi sat there, bewildered and at a loss.

Yang Chen found Lin Ruoxi's reaction incredibly adorable. "What's wrong? I thought using tissues would deplete the world's wood pulp and harm the environment. Should I use my clothes? These were bought by you, so I'm reluctant to use them for wiping."

Lin Ruoxi snapped back to reality, realizing she had just let him kiss her, albeit as her husband, so it wasn't exactly being taken advantage of, but still!

Having lost her virginity to him in a haze of confusion initially, neither of them had truly felt anything at the time. But now, they could tangibly sense each other's presence and warmth. With these thoughts in mind, Lin Ruoxi's cheeks flushed even deeper, almost dripping with moisture. "Don't do this again in the future. And by the way, I bought the clothes myself; I'm too lazy to have someone buy them for you."

"You've ruined such a beautiful moment with your lack of romance. Just pretend you bought them, problem solved," Yang Chen chuckled, trying to educate her.

"Enough bickering! Let's eat!" Lin Ruoxi demanded.

"This is cake," Yang Chen pointed out.

"Then eat the cake quickly!"

Lowering her head, Lin Ruoxi found it difficult to shake off the flush on her face. She began eating the cake faster, as if she had a grudge against it. But with every bite, why did it seem like the cake had been extra sweetened, as if it had been laced with honey?

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