Chapter 1561: Not So Simple.

Chapter 1561: Not So Simple.

The ancestor of Litori asked for his secret and gave numerous reasons for it. She was even willing to pay for it, but he refused.

Soverick was sure that her request was a cover for something, which she denied. Then she came with another set of people, and they forced him to either swear that he didn't know the secret to becoming a world god without a Supreme Law or prepare to be hunted by the Supreme Beasts.

He didn't swear it so they confirmed that he had the secret. It was all they needed to know that they were not going to bark up the wrong tree or go on a wild goose chase by trying to use violence to get the secret from him.

A single entity using violence against an immortal would be a bad idea. But a superconglomerate like the Supreme Alliance using violence to get what they want is a very efficient idea. Especially since they are so good at discovering the weaknesses of others and capturing them.

Legion-8 thought to himself, "They are preparing. I should prepare too."

While he is surprised that Litori's ancestor chose to work with the Supreme Alliance, he is not surprised that she was scheming against them, and he is certainly not caught off guard by this turn of events.

He was already prepared to be bait, and these people have only fallen for it. It is best that things don't go the other way around and make him the fool, so he used Soverick's concept. There is an eye within the violet cloud that Legion-8 has become. He could see these layers of information through the links of causality that bind them. But this time, his ability to see the future had encountered a blockage.

He received information about them, but it was fragmented because the past had been blocked. His eye couldn't see into the past accurately, as these people were prepared for him. This blockage reminded him of Soverick's meeting with Litori's ancestor and how she was able to block his vision too.

He said to the other clones, "It seems she was collecting information about us during the first meeting, just as Soverick was getting information from her."

Soverick snorted and said, "It is no wonder she didn't plan to fight. She was content stalking me."

Then Soverick tried himself. He even used the world fragment, all to no avail.

He cursed and said, "They are either constantly using their Supreme laws or using the help of world gods to block my sight. Either way, it must have cost them a lot."

Legion-1 felt a sense of urgency, "This can't go on. These people have too much information about us. Their plan is almost perfect. They have the information advantage. Something has to be done."

Legion-7 joined in and said, "This is all because the dragon king exposed our information to the Supreme Alliance. It is only a matter of time before everyone knows about us."

At first, Legion-8 was only slightly regretful that he couldn't get more information, but he and the other Legion realized that something big must be brewing against them. All of these Supreme Beasts have Supreme Laws, except the few that don't. But even those few are shrouded by the aura of world gods, so their information can't be scryed casually.

This is significant because using a Supreme Law is expensive. Each use of it expends an Origin essence. The assistance of world gods isn't cheap either. This means that the Supreme Beasts have either put in a lot of effort to test them or that this attempt might actually not be a test. It might be the real deal to capture them.

Legion-8 doesn't doubt that his enemies will be defeated because Legion too is prepared, but he doubts that the Supreme Beasts will let things go after this try. After all, no matter how expensive their efforts are, they can't compare to nine sets of world engines, world seeds, and world sparks.

They are bound to try again with the information they gain from this failure. Things could become troublesome for Legion who wants to focus solely on making contributions for the era of conquest instead of fending of Supreme Beasts.

Soon, all the Supreme Beasts that would attack him had arrived. The void around Legion-8 looked empty and calm, but it was far from it. An army of ten thousand Supreme Beasts had arrayed themselves around him.

So he is outnumbered 10,000 to 1, but that didn't make them overconfident. They still communicated with each other and planned their attack.

This act of planning clued Legion-8 into what was to come. He couldn't see their past or future, but his future could always be seen. They are in his future, so he saw the various things they considered and planned to do with him.

What Legion-8 saw made him chuckle. "These people aren't fools. They know to be suspicious when they ought to be suspicious."

They are ten thousand to his one, and he is in the Tyrant Realm, so he can't escape, but they are still suspicious. The Tyrant Realm bans the use of world fragments by outsiders, and this won't change until the Will of the Tyrant Realm becomes too weak to uphold that rule.

The rule is very strong now, so Legion-8 shouldn't be able to use a world fragment to empower himself, and since he doesn't have a Supreme Law, he should be powerless against any of them, much less ten thousand of them at once.

He can't even use a domain under the harsh suppression of the Will of the Tyrant Realm. So everything is in their favor, but they are still being suspicious and careful. They are treating him as a great enemy.

It is flattering, but he doesn't like it. It is because they are right to be suspicious. They know they are not only fighting one entity, and so they don't want to underestimate him. It is the right attitude to have if they are to succeed in capturing him.

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