Chapter 1545 Worth Dying For.

1545  Worth Dying For.

The battle sage monkeys know how important she is, and it appears that they are going to do their all to protect her. However, the increase in security didn't deter or discourage him. If anything, he is looking forward to the upcoming conflict even more. The addition of the Leviathans is only making his claim on the public channel sound more authentic. It would be weird if the Origin gods simply accepted his message as the truth without any proof. But those that came to check out the coordinates found the target, bolstering their security. It is convincing about the fact that there is something valuable to be protected here. So while the Leviathans are increasing in number, so is the number of Origin gods who have come to have a piece of whatever they are hiding. The number of those who are willing to die in this battle is also increasing. After all, a child of the plane is worth dying for once. That's the level of their commitment. If they can't even afford that, then they shouldn't bother trying to fight for the chance to control such a valuable tool. It is as Soverick said, fighting over a child of the plane is a better reason to go to war than fighting for a plane. Especially with the way the Realm Lord sabotaged everyone's plan to use the plane to have increased influence. Salvini tempted Origin gods who are not even related to the battle sage monkeys or the Vipers. The fusion of the plane affected a lot of people's plan. But one good thing is that it has made it very easy for Origin gods from various places and Origin to congregate in a place very quickly.

The number of Origin gods increased, but no one has attacked yet. For one, they are not sure if there is a child of the plane there. They are certain that there's something valuable hidden here, but not everyone has eyes that can see through most barriers. Plus, not everyone can identify the child of the plane if she doesn't use the boost from her title. For the second reason, the Leviathans belong to the forces of the racial council, which they are hesitant to offend. For the third reason, the Leviathans are powerful and many, so whoever attacks first is probably going to be blown to bits. All of those reasons are not enough to make them give up, though. The Origin gods are just hesitant. They are hesitant because they are smart. Immortality has removed some of their inhibitions, fear, and the need for self-preservation instincts. But they are still smart and don't want their deaths to be in vain. Soon, the number of Origin gods reached a million. The Origin gods knew when their number reached this amount. They knew the exact time because they were counting. They were all counting and waiting. So no one spoke or led the cry for a charge. They all rallied at the same time. Soverick grinned as the charge began. He also joined the charge. They were like a horde of locusts falling on a beautiful farm full of plants. Dinner was about to be served. They just had to work a little for it. Or so they thought. The Leviathans were surrounded on every side. Origin gods were attacking from the top and from beneath. There was nowhere to run to. But the defenders were not quivering in fear. They let loose their cannons. Annihilation Cannons, Obliteration Rays, Gravity Bombs, and Matter-Energy-Force Shields were activated. The world lit up with shaking might and roaring power. The darkness of the void was chased away by a bright light. Then heat and destruction followed after the light. This is just a side effect of the attacks by the cannons. There is no sound in the void, but the attackers could feel the explosions deep in their bones. Space was quaking, and the void was rioting. Swathes of Origin gods were erased instantly. Most of them couldn't defend against the attack of a top-grade artifact empowered to the limit of the void universe. The Leviathans are not world fragments. They are just Origin artifacts, but they are large and numerous, so nothing below the level of Supreme Origin god could stop them. Unfortunately, there were no Supreme Origin gods joining this attack. So the Origin gods were practically throwing their lives away.

It is a good thing that the Origin gods didn't know such a thing as morale. What they cared about was the fact that they were indeed getting closer to the Leviathans. As long as they are making progress, then everything is good. Besides, the Leviathans can't continue to attack forever, and they are immortal. They can always return to fight if the reward is worth it. All of these made the Origin gods fearless as they rushed forward. Plus, there was an anomaly that was disrupting the offensive of the Leviathans and making it easier for them to approach. The Leviathans are powerful. Anyone can admit to that. But they become useless if they can't hit their target. If, by chance, they waste a lot of their shots, then they will be useless to stop the charge of Origin gods. This is what Soverick thought and what he decided to do. Soverick was roaming around the battlefield unscathed. Sometimes he moved backward instead of forward. And sometimes he moved sideways, even when there was an open space for him to go through. He is doing this while explosions are going on around him. None of the attacks could touch him. It made it look like he might as well be surrounded by randomly exploding mines. It is more like he is missing the attacks narrowly. It is not an effect created by a single action. It is a result of the combination of the inability of the Leviathans to pinpoint his position accurately, his ability to see the explosions before they happen, and the large number of other enemies that the Leviathans have to pay attention to.  n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

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