Chapter 1527 The Green Head Of Greed.

Chapter 1527 The Green Head Of Greed.

The world engine can't be controlled so more power is being provided by it to the law matrix, and the law matrix wants to expand thanks to it. If they allow it to expand however it wants, it will destroy Legion-1's inner world, and they might never be able to take control of it.

What they are trying to do by limiting it is to buy time for them to gain control of it and apply the pressure required to keep it within proper parameters. Legion-7 has joined the law matrix as the controller. It is his presence that is doing the bulk of keeping the law matrix still, so the seven of them are not instantly overwhelmed. The death of Soverick is to provide the power outlet.

Soverick died, but not really. It was the version formed by the tentacle of Legion-7 that died. The destruction of that body meant that he had returned to Legion-7. Since Legion-7 is currently in the law matrix of the incomplete world fragment, Soverick also returned to the law matrix.

Soverick joined with Legion-7 so Legion-7 gained complete access to his nine golden orbs. These nine orbs could control world power and gravity before he was an Origin god. Now they can be used as access points by Legion.

Legion-7 slotted those orbs into a path of revolution around the nine bands of light that serve as the cornerstones. The nine bands of light are rings that rotate around the metaphysical sphere, so the golden orbs also rotate around the law matrix.

The rotation of the nine golden orbs led to the creation of nine golden halos. So while the world engine formed the internal golden sphere, the nine golden orbs formed the external halo around the law matrix. With this done, the other clones allowed themselves to return to Legion-7. Their bodies disappeared as they fused with Legion-7 who was in the law matrix.

The law matrix expanded immediately after it lost the ones shackling it. However, its expansion was brief. It had only surged forward for less than a second before it shrank back by the pressure applied to it.

The fusion of all the clones caused their shards of power to return to Legion-7. Legion-7 was within the law matrix, so he placed the burden of the shards of power on it. The weight of the nine shards of power on the law matrix caused it to buckle and shrink until its form stabilized.

The Tree Father also succeeded in taking control of the world engine, so the power to the law matrix became regulated. This control of the world engine caused the world fragment to become one with the inner world.

Soverick said to them from within Legion-7, "This is why I made it so strong. A weak law matrix would have collapsed."

They said with exasperation,

"We know."

"You are right."

"We know that already without you saying so."

"Stop showing off."

Soverick shrugged mentally, "Who am I to show off to if not you lot? There's no one else around to bear the burden of my genius."

That made them laugh. It is a mental laugh since they don't have physical bodies. They are all within Legion-7, and it will take some time for the vessels he has to recreate their bodies. In the meantime, they are examining their greatest creation, and they are full of anticipation for what it is capable of.

Each black shard of power has taken over a band of light, so all of the shards of power are rotating around the metaphysical sphere together with the nine golden orbs. It caused a third halo to form as a barrier around the golden one.

The rotation of the sphere has been reduced ever since they were burdened with the shards of power, but it is still increasing, albeit slowly. This is because of the very enthusiastic world engine beneath, toiling away to provide power.

Of course, the selfless sacrifice of CARNAGE and the first sage's supreme law cannot be forgotten. Legion will be eternally partially grateful for their sacrifice. Their gratitude is only partial because the sacrifice of CARNAGE and the first sage was not voluntary.

Legion-1 said emotionally, "The world fragment is finally complete."

Legion-7 was excited. "This is magnificent. And we built it. Imagine that. Origin gods building world fragments."

The Tree Father said with awe, "I can already feel the immense power contained within. It should be enough to use the shards of power."

Aeternus said to Legion-1, "Congratulations. Your inner world has become a world fragment. You are probably the only world beast that has ever managed that."

Legion-8 joined in, saying, "I think it is just great that all our effort didn't go to waste."

Legion-1 shook his head and said, "No, this is more than that. This is just the beginning. There is more to come."

They have spent a lot of time and effort, they have offended a lot of powerful entities, and they have endangered themselves several times to build this world fragment so it is gratifying that they have finally succeeded. But it is not the end of it.

They were happy and content for a while. But that didn't last long. The ugly green head of greed rose up again.

"Unfortunately, we still can't control the shards of power completely, or the world fragment would be better."

"What we have is much too good for entities without Supreme Law. But it is not good enough for us."

Their greed is infinite. The world engine will allow them to use shards of power whenever they want. They can't control it since they don't have a Supreme Law, so they can't make it do whatever they want.

The shard of power will still enhance them whenever it wants, but at least Soverick's eyes won't go blind whenever he uses it. He can enhance his eyes for as long as he wants now. However, apart from the direct enhancement of pure power, the shards can't do anything else.

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