Chapter 1516 Another Thing To Worry About.

Chapter 1516 Another Thing To Worry About.

He thought to himself, "Not everything is as it seems. I am not even as I seem. There's another person within me. Is Aeternus also like that? That makes another thing I have to worry about."

"But that aside, Legion has made too much progress with true Chaos and it seems the law they broke gave them a reward big enough for the dragon king to be tempted. What is it that they have that is so great that the dragon king out in so much effort for instead of killing Legion-8 outright?"

He wants to know what Legion has that the dragon king wants so badly. He is not safe from the gaze of the dragon king, either. As a matter of fact, he is not safe from the gaze of anyone who has a cosmic source. Not unless he can block the perception of the void universe of him.

So everything he has done in the void universe since he reincarnated into his current body can be discovered and exposed. Even his ability to make Authority is laid bare to the dragon king, but the dragon king didn't come after him. Instead, he went after Legion. That means whatever that Legion has has to be more important than the ability to create Authority.

The Authority of the void universe is great, but it is only useful to world gods who can't get a cosmic source. Authority is, after all, a substitute for a cosmic source.

Authority can be given by the void universe, but the cosmic source has to be stolen and its power usurped. That requires a lot of power and would explain why the dragon king wasn't interested in him. But someone with a cosmic source went after Legion. It shows just how important what Legion has is.

He doesn't know what Legion has, and he wants to know. The only thing he is certain of is that the dragon king is not after the dragon clone's heart. After all, Draco has the same thing and even has something better, so Legion-8's should be useless to him.

Unfortunately, he can't grill Legion to find out what Draco wanted from them. It made him angry, but he didn't show it. He still maintained his smile as he looked at the massacre ensuing because of Aeternus.

His best guess is that it should be a Universal artifact. That would explain why Draco wanted to overwrite Ragnarok since it is practically the only way to steal something like that. But he is not sure about that either. It is as Mother High Heaven said, unless he can be certain of Draco's motive, he can't be certain that Draco failed.

"Soon," he promised himself. "Very soon, there will be an end to everything."


Legion didn't mourn the loss of Legion-8. They were prepared for his death and went on working toward achieving their goal. There would be another clone created to replace Legion-8 and complete what he started. In the meantime, the dream of perfection and the progress towards achieving it will not be stopped.

The next thing that happened to them was the breakthrough of Helios to become an Origin god. It is not a welcomed change, as they would like for him to remain an infinite source of cosmic energy for Legion, but their exposure to the dragon king has made them unable to leave him in a vulnerable state.

Helios is a powerful star. Not many people can harm him, but they have powerful enemies. They have the dragon race and the Supreme Alliance after them, who have information about them. Those two races have many world gods that can pluck Helios easily.

They don't want to lose him the way they lost Legion-8. If someone kills him as he is, they won't have anything left of him because he doesn't have a concept yet. For him to have a concept, he must detach from the law matrix and create his own path.

Even then, they can't relax until he has the double support of the immortality of the void universe and the unification with Legion-7. Only then can they have a certain sense of confidence about his safety. So it was decided that Helios would become an Origin god.

This is something they have been preparing for and finished preparing for before they went to get Legion-8's corpse. They didn't do it then, so as not to spook the dragon king.

They wanted their pretense of ignorance to remain, and they also had a daring plan to deal with Draco, so they didn't let Helios become a titan of law yet. But now that things have reached this stage, it is of no use pretending. So Helios went ahead with the creation of his concept.

The process was faster than Legion-8's since he is only using the three laws of light, fire, and Order. Those are the three laws that make up his divine ability. The law of order refused to let him add more to it.

Since he hasn't completely comprehended the law of order, it is without a doubt that he will fail to form his concept. Legion expects that and is prepared for it.

Helios' breakthrough created a lot of commotion in the realm of high heaven. After all, a sun literally winked out from the sky and plunged their plane into darkness. No one wouldn't notice that. They all looked up into the sky in fear and apprehension. But they couldn't see what caused it or what was happening high up in the void outside the realm.

They didn't see that the star producing light for their plane shrank and was dimming. They didn't know that it was attempting to do something impossible. They didn't know that it was dying because of its daring act.

Helios couldn't form a concept without the law of order because his concept was scattered by the fragments of order in his existence. But he couldn't form a concept with the law of order because he hadn't comprehended it. So he is effectively stuck.

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