Chapter 1512 A Send Off.

Chapter 1512 A Send Off.

Ragnarok didn't feel pain about the death of the dragon clone because Legion-8 had done his part in furthering their goal of perfection. It is something that he too was willing to do when he angered CARNAGE by devouring the plane. He was ready to die then, and Legion-8 was also ready to die.

In fact, there was no way out of it. Legion-8 had to die. Soverick was certain of it right from the moment he felt the gaze of the dragon king on them.

Soverick could sense the gazes of world gods as a transcendent, so it is easy to sense the gaze of someone more powerful than world gods now that he is an Origin god. They half expected the dragon king to attack them then, but he didn't. They did some thinking and came to the conclusion that the dragon king must want something from them since he didn't kill them immediately.

It could be that the dragon king wanted to kill them in the future, or he wanted Legion-8's divine ability, or he wanted something from the rest of them. Either way, they had to cut off their connection to Legion-8, unless Legion-8 managed to cut off his connection to the dragon king. That's why the dragon clone didn't try to unite with Legion-7 at the earliest moment to preserve his life.

Soverick's eyes might not be able to see everything there is to see despite calling it the All-seeing Eye, but he can surely sense it when someone gazes at him, and he can even trace back the sight of the entity to its source. That's how they knew they had become the target of the dragon king, and how they knew that Legion-8 was a time bomb.

Legion-8's bloodline and the imprints of his ancestors within them serve as the point of influence of the dragon king. If that point of influence remains and Legion-8 unifies with Legion, then all of Legion would come under the influence of the dragon king. They couldn't allow that, but they also couldn't give up on the dragon clone's divine ability. So they pretended not to know about the dragon king's gaze and put on a show to rescue Legion-8.

Legion-8 first tried to get rid of the influence. That's why he chose to become an Origin god first. But the dragon king was not going to allow that. It scared Legion-8 with that attack. However, they weren't fooled because they knew that the dragon king could have killed Legion-8 instantly if it wanted to through his bloodline.

The dragon king didn't need to make a show of attacking from outside the realm. But Legion-8 didn't call him out on that pretense. He pretended to unify with Legion through Ragnarok, but it was just to make his dragon heart close to Ragnarok so that he wouldn't die in vain.

There was no way Legion was going to unify with him with his bloodline still there. Legion-8 had to die to shed that influence. What Ragnarok and the other clones came for was to collect the corpse of a god-beast.

The dragon king must have realized his plans had been seen through when he saw that Legion-8 would rather die than unify with Legion. He was fooled despite seeing all of their actions because they hadn't done anything suspicious. He couldn't hear their thoughts, so he didn't know their scheme.

But that didn't placate him. He became angry, and he used the full power he could exhibit at this distance. A mysterious force began to spread outward from every dragon in the plane. It is the same force that Legion-8 emitted. It came out of the heart of every dragon that had performed the naming ceremony and caused the world to lose color and become gray.

Every dragon became a node for the dragon king to exert his power. The statue of the dragon spirit within their inner world began to shine as it projected the power of the dragon king into the world and made its Will manifest in the plane.

The whole plane froze completely because of it. Even the fighting in the void outside the plane stopped because everyone froze. The world lost its color, and there was nothing but drab silence.

The angry voice of the dragon king sounded in this silent and frozen world. "I am impressed that you discovered my plan. Tell me, how did you do it? Was it through that meddlesome clone with the weird eyes?"

Ragnarok didn't reply. It is not because he couldn't speak in his frozen state. He can speak. That's because the dragon king allows him to. Even his consciousness would be frozen if the dragon king didn't intend for him to hear. But he didn't reply because he was not willing to say anything at all.

"You don't need to answer me for me to know. It must be because of that monkey clone. What is his name again? Soverick, is it? Yes. That must be it. His eyes are indeed special. But I didn't expect that he would be able to notice me. How did he manage to do that?"

This time, the dragon king didn't wait for him to reply. He said, "I guess it must be the enhancement of that shard of power. That is a very powerful object. Do you know what it is and what it is capable of?"

The fact that the dragon king knew everything about them, including the shard of power, didn't surprise them. They already suspected it when the dragon spirit arranged for Legion-8 to fight Mother High Heaven. This has only confirmed it.

It is an unpleasant feeling to have all their secrets exposed, but all they can do is adapt to it. After all, they can't do anything else about it.

The dragon king continued with a calm and confident tone. "I doubt that you know what the shard of power is capable of. But I will tell you. It is so powerful that I will do anything to have it. So do you understand what kind of situation you have put me in and what kind of dilemma you are in?"

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