Chapter 1509 Let's Gooo!

Chapter 1509 Let's Gooo!

So their very attempts to stop him was reinforcing his barrier. It couldn't be helped. As a god beast who has been born with the innate ability to manipulate cosmic forces, only a Supreme Origin god can match him as he is. If they wait for him to become fully mature, then only world gods will be able to match him.

Legion-8 was disdainful of their attempts until Supreme dragons came to stop him. He didn't wait for them to make their moves at all. He released his dragon breath wantonly at any target that he considered dangerous.

Light disappeared from the world as soon as his breath appeared. The whole plane was plunged into darkness because light and every form of energy around him were being used to power his dragon breath not his own energy.

Then a white pillar was produced from the center of the zone of grayness. The white pillar separated into several beams that twisted and turned to reach their target. Then they cut through everything in their path. Everything it touched disintegrated instantly. Nothing could block it. Not the space warping barrier of space dragons or the time stasis barrier of time dragons.

The white beams left trails of plasma and ash in their wake. Both space and time were harmed in ways no one thought was possible. Even the Supreme Origin gods, who were hiding below the law matrix, were not spared. They didn't die, but they lost contact with the world. They were essentially sealed and frozen.

This is because they could defend the attack. If they hadn't used the full power of their Supreme Law to defend themselves, then they would have died.

The whole plane was plunged into silent destruction. Not many could see or hear the death and destruction because of the absence of light and sound, but that didn't remove from its tragicness.

The dragons were running for their lives only to die soon after. No one watched as the barrier expanded or tried to stop it. The barrier expanded into the sky and into the earth. It punctured the ground of the plane until it reached its foundation. Then it couldn't go further anymore because the foundation of the plane is an immortal land dragged into the realm.

Legion-8 couldn't destroy the plane outright, but his egg is like a tumor in the plane. Apart from the stress he is putting on the plane, he is also siphoning a large amount of energy and matter from the plane. The immortal land is indestructible, but its connection to the plane, specifically the life crystal, is not.

His act of being born is a burden that the life crystal has to bear. If it can't bear it, it will be destroyed, and the plane will become detached from the realm. The immortal land might float away from the realm and take away the plane with it because it is highly unlikely that the Will of the Realm would go through the painful and dangerous process of reattaching it to the realm. So Legion-8 has to be stopped, or the dragons will lose their home plane.

Unfortunately for them, it appears that there is nothing they can do to stop him. At least not when he is still in the egg. Besides, the attack of the Supreme Alliance has only intensified. The dragons have to split their attention between the external attackers and the internal saboteur.

Legion-6 managed to break through the sky defense array around the plane. The first two things he saw when he entered the plane were the large mountain of wealth at the center of the plane and the large spherical gray ball. He didn't approach either. Instead, he activated his concept and flew to the spot between the two of them.

He shouted excitedly as he fell to the earth, "Let's goooooo."

He shouted excitedly as he fell to the earth, "Let's goooooo."

He should be serious since the situation is very dangerous and there is a lot at stake here but he couldn't help but be excited. After all, he is about to take part in destroying a plane again. Most importantly, it is the dragon plane. He is excited for all of Legion.

He fell to the ground like a meteorite and created a massive explosion. There was a crater where he landed. That crater began to grow as a black whirlpool appeared within it.

The black whirlpool grew faster than the crater. It was as if it were impatient. It consumed the earth around the crater and the air around it. Even the sky was being pulled downward into it.

It kicked up wind and earth, so it drew a lot of attention. It was quite a sight. Unlike the pull around the egg that is creating the barrier, this pull is creating a swirling vortex of darkness. What the two of them have in common is that they are both spreading, and they are spreading quickly.

The bottomless abyss appeared within the realm tree again. The plane is in total darkness, just like the Lumen plane, but that didn't spare it from the terrible consequences of his concept. Dark storm clouds appeared in the sky. They revolved around a typhoon that was pulling the sky downward into Ragnarok. The dark storms are also producing lightning that is setting fire to the plane.

The sight of the flames, the hurricane, and the lightning storm brought back pleasant memories to him.

He said in nostalgia, "This reminds me of the good old days."

The inhabitants of this plane became terrified of what he was doing after his concept had unfurled. They are more terrified than the inhabitants of the Lumen plane, but they are also angrier.

He shrugged and said, "That's dragons for you. They are always angry at something."

Just like the fountain of life, these dragons also tried to stop him, but all their attacks were devoured. This made him grow faster. It became too late to stop him after they realized the full extent of his concept.

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