Chapter 1441 A Mirror For The World.

Chapter 1441 A Mirror For The World.

This is Soverick's eye in its normal state, of course. It can do more in Soverick's hands. A concept created from the laws of Causality, Fate, Space, Time, Illusion, Soul, Life, Light, Darkness, Fire, Earth, Air, and Water has to be capable of so much more.

Legion-7 could tell that the concept was powerful from the stress it put on his spark of consciousness.

He had to grumble about it, "Not only was the concept dangerous and complicated to make, but even using it without the help of the void universe might shatter my consciousness too."

Legion-5 chuckled. "A 6-law concept is already large enough to displace a world spark. A 13-law is more than twice as large and 128 times as complicated as a 6-law concept. I would expect that you don't have long before your consciousness truly shatters."

Legion-7 stopped grumbling so as not to waste time. Unfortunately, Legion-unity can't bring out the full capabilities of the concept with the shard of power. They are not Soverick, so their shard doesn't recognize it. But what they can do with the eye should be enough for their current mission.

The 3-dimensional mirror, which is the eye, reflected the deary spiritual dimension. Information about everything it saw appeared in their minds. Physical information about everything it saw, such as their length, breath, height, volume, mass, density, temperature, energy content, magnetic field, and gravitational field, was made available through sight.

Spiritual information was also made available, but it was the physical information that was most readily available. All they needed to do was look at something, and they would instantly know the number and types of atoms that make them up, the types and amounts of molecules they contain, the amount and types of reactions going on at a time, the entropy state, and the laws that form the objects.

A weak mind will be unable to parse all the data that the eye receives. This is because the eye doesn't just reflect the world, it grants the opportunity to understand the world on a level that is unprecedented by trying to process the information seen into knowledge.

And that's just information about the present state of the objects. Information about the past state of the world can be acquired, and so can the information about the future. This increases the mental requirements to use the eye without having a mental meltdown.

This caused the stress on Legion-unity to increase. But this time, they didn't complain.

Legion-7 was impressed. He said, "Soverick has done wonders for this eye."

Legion-5 agreed. "Its performance is extraordinary."

Soverick said, "It has to be. I created a world for an eye."

They were truly convinced by the results of the eye to bear the stress of using it. They felt insignificant in the grand scheme of things a few minutes ago, but this has given them hope for the future.

The eye is very accurate because it can see the world in an unbiased manner. It can do this because Soverick constructed the image of the concept as an eye that is capable of accommodating the whole world. For that, it has a world within it. It is an empty virtual world that can truly act as a mirror for reality.

The empty virtual world within the eye has made it very sensitive and accurate. It has also made it very dangerous for anyone who can't bear the burden.

The fact that one can look at the sun doesn't mean they should. They might go blind because of the brightness of the sun.

Weak beings that are smart will collect data about the sun indirectly through the use of tools and infer the state of the sun from the data collected. They might even be able to infer the age of the sun, its life cycle, and its remaining lifespan from the data.

They achieve this without looking at the sun directly with their eyes. Imagine what can be achieved if they can see the sun and not only bear the brightness of it but also see beyond the brightness and understand what lies beneath.

Soverick's eyes go beyond that. He not only sees the world, he uses the information he acquires through direct sight to infer more. This process enables him to determine the past and future with high accuracy.

It enables him to know that even though a star has a lifespan of 5 billion years, it won't live past a billion years because a strange, indestructible comet will fall onto its surface and kill it in just a billion years.

This is because every single piece of data he sees is used to simulate the present, past, and future of the universe in his eyes. So the more data he acquires, the more accurate his eyes become. Its potential is almost limitless. It is why Legion is confident that the eye is their window to achieving omniscience.

So it is overkill that they are using it to find the great mother. As long as there are no obstacles, then the eye can see as far as infinity.

The only obstacles that can block the eye are different layers of space, such as barriers between dimensions, but there are none here in the spiritual dimension. That means they can see everything there is to see here. It will only take time to find a specific thing.

If they filter their sight to account for only objects with certain properties, like energy content, then that time will be narrowed drastically.

If they already have special information about the great mother, such as her possession of a spark of consciousness, and use that information to filter what the eye can see, then they don't need to search at all. She will be literally the only thing that they can see in this large dimension.


A/N: Concepts have a base increase in complexity of two times for each additional law used in the concept. This is just the base increase. There are other factors that affect the complexity such as the image and the interaction between the laws. So a 13 law concept has a base complexity of 4096. It is 4096 more difficult to create than a normal one law concept.

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