Chapter 1439 Returning Home.

Chapter 1439 Returning Home.

These supreme Origin gods managed to give Legion a lot of big problems. The clones died several times, but they didn't stop. They were able to manage to escape several times by teleporting away, so they were not discouraged.

They didn't stop, and they continued to steal. But they had to stop when they finally hit a wall they couldn't bypass or overcome when a Supreme Origin god with a Supreme Law of Space came after them. Both Legion-1 and Legion-unity died in the hands of that supreme Origin god. They couldn't escape because she could seal and cut space.

Their winning streak came to an end, and they even had to go into hiding because the Supreme Origin god was actively looking for them.She planted a lock on them that she used to track them. The lock could only be removed through death, so they couldn't evade her no matter how far they ran until she killed them.

That didn't discourage them. All they had to do was avoid the area of the Supreme Origin god. Or so they thought. What they missed out on is that someone has become truly pissed at them and sent this Supreme Origin god after them to make their lives miserable.

It wasn't about stealing anymore. It was about dishing out pain. It was about the joy of the hunt. The Supreme Origin god chased them all around relentlessly. They died many times in the hunt. It was then that they decided to stop stealing.

They were indignant about it, but they chose to stop stealing for a while until this very angry and powerful Origin god, whom they stole a lot of soul essence from, cooled down and stopped looking around for them.

They could have used Aeternus's new abilities against her, but it is unlikely to end the problem. She wouldn't die permanently, and she will remember how she died even if she died within a domain because she has a Supreme Law.

That means the world will learn about their ability to wield Chaos energy, which they don't want for many reasons. It will make more enemies come after them if they keep stealing, and Legion doesn't think it is a good idea to broadcast their ability to wield Chaos energy just yet. They plan to make that reveal when they have a lot more to gain.

So Legion turned their attention to something that could strengthen them. The easiest thing to do is to make Legion-9 evolve into a divine spark, hence why Legion-unity decided to make a trip to the spiritual dimension and pay his old friend a visit.

Returning to the spiritual dimension was easy. They just had to dive below the law matrix and pass through the threshold that forms the barrier that separates the spiritual dimension from the normal dimension of the void universe.

They felt the familiar, deathly embrace of the nether waters on them as soon as they entered the spiritual dimension. It felt like swimming in an ocean of decay and death.

Legion-7 sighed and said, "Home, sweet home."

Legion-5 looked around curiously. He removed the protection of his soul force and allowed the nether waters to touch him. He expected corrosion, but it didn't happen. His concept protected him from the nether waters. He can't remove his concept since it is part of his existence now. So apart from soul force, he has another protection against nether water.

He observed, "It seems it is impossible for nether waters to harm an Origin god. Not unless it can overcome the dual protection of active and passive defense."

Legion-5 stated confidently, "It can't. I proved it can't overcome the active defense of soul force, and the dead Origin gods prove that it can't overcome the passive defense of concepts."

"So the spiritual dimension is not harmful to Origin gods at all."

Legion-7 was not sure. "Maybe not only Origin gods. We don't know what will happen if mortals without soul force and concept come here. They will still have their physical bodies for protection. Maybe nether water is only dangerous to spiritual entities."

They decided to test that hypothesis. Legion-unity took out an Origin artifact from their inner world and threw it away from them. They used their divine sense to monitor any changes to it.

They didn't use soul force to protect their divine sense, so nether waters consumed it. They did that so that their soul force wouldn't protect the Origin artifact and interfere with the results.

They bore with the pain of their divine sense dissolving, but it was all for naught. The Origin artifact didn't change at all. It, too was not affected by nether waters.

"Hmmm. Maybe an Origin artifact is too strong. It is part of an Origin god after all."

So they tried other types of materials. All of them were weaker than Origin artifacts. They were mana weapons, ordinary metallic weapons, and even ordinary stone. None of them were damaged by the nether water.

Legion-5 concluded after the series of tests. "So we can say with certainty that nether water doesn't affect physical matter."

"But we don't know if it will affect living things with souls. After all, everything we tested is technically dead," Legion-7 said in addition.

Legion-5 said in awe, "If it doesn't affect living things because of the protection of their bodies, that means that the spiritual dimension is another place that people can live in. Just look at how large it is. But it is going to waste. Most people don't even know that this exists."

Legion-7 wasn't so enthusiastic. "They won't even believe it exists, even if we tell them about the spiritual dimension. Many people have mentioned an underworld for the dead or an afterlife for souls, but no one has believed them. We certainly didn't."

Legion-5 agreed. "Seeing is believing, so they won't believe since they can't see it."

"It makes one wonder what else is there in the void universe that we can't see."

"What else are we ignorant of in this vast world?"


A/N: Mention something you know that Legion doesn't know. I will go for first. ANNIHILATION and how close Aeternus was to death.

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