Chapter 1412 Frustration Or Shame.

Chapter 1412 Frustration Or Shame.

This beast is like an ant lion in its sand pit. But unlike an ant lion, it is not passive in its hunting. The 10 tails of the beast reach out of the pit to drag in careless vampires. This is despite being surrounded by thousands of Vampires who are attacking it from every direction.

The Vampires are not weak either. Each one is equal to an Origin god that has reached the limit of the void universe, so they are very powerful. Each of their attacks shreds a part of the pit.

The Vampires are not useless. Their attacks are the major reason why the bottomless pit is not bigger. They chip away at it little by little. But all their attacks cannot destroy it because this beast appears to be endless. It is always growing as it devours the world.

There is a sphere of gravitational pull around the beast that is affecting everything around it. Matter and energy are pulled to the beast, where they are devoured. This is what is fueling its constant growth.

The Vampires can resist the pull, but void energy is not spared from the force. It enters the bottomless pit at the center of the gravitational field and replenishes every part of it that has been destroyed. So while the presence of the Vampires is not useless, they are far from defeating the bottomless abyss.

A frustrated Vampire complained, "Who is the undead one here, him or us?"

There are thousands of Vampires here, and they can't take down one Origin god. They ought to be ashamed of themselves, but the prevalent emotion of the Vampires is frustration. Frustration easily trumps shame when they don't even want to defeat the Origin god in the first place.

The Vampires don't even want to be here, but their hearts of Carnage compels them to fight, even though fighting appears to be useless. Their work won't end, even if they manage to destroy the pit. It would only resurrect somewhere else, and they would have to fight it again.

They can't leave, so they have to stay around and act as if they are busy. That means they attack and watch as the beast regenerates endlessly.

"When will this suffering ever end?" One of them grumbled silently.

Another one that is bolder added, "This is stupid. This whole thing is just stupid."

Someone snapped at it, "Be careful with what you say."

The Vampire was unapologetic. It shrugged and asked, "What would we have achieved even if we killed the pit?"

No one answered, but many of them grumbled more within themselves.

Normally, Vampires don't dare to complain about the order of their Supreme. They don't even dare blame CARNAGE, much less call it or its plan stupid. Those who offend their Supreme always regret it in the most gruesome and painful way imaginable. But that can't happen now.

They dare to complain because their Supreme can't do anything more than compel them with their heart of Carnage. They don't know why their Supreme appears to be impotent. They can only guess that it has something to do with why they have a distant sensation of their Supreme.

It is almost as if they are separated from their Supreme by a distance too large for it to exert its power. This is the prevalent theory, considering that one of the instructions that the Supreme of Carnage sent them was for them to find it.

Whatever the reason, it has made it possible for them to put in just the barest minimum to find the Supreme. On the one hand, they want their Supreme to remain in whatever prison it is, so that it won't be able to control them. On the other hand, they need their Supreme to be free so that they too can be free from this boring work.

It is a bitter vonnundrum. Harsh servitude from an unforgiving Supreme or eternal boredom while hunting an immortal. It truly is a difficult choice to make.

The only change in their lives comes rarely, and it happens whenever their target disappears. It happened after a while. The pit disappeared. Gone is the gravitational pull of the devouring force.

The world sighed in relief and returned to its peaceful nature in the absence of the bottomless pit, but the Vampires groaned and complained. That's the only thing they can do. They had to fly in the direction that they could sense the beast after complaining.

This disappearance is not new to them. The beast disappears several times across the almost 10 thousand years of fighting it. The disappearance usually occurs when they are about to kill the beast. It will leave and heal before they find it again. But it could also leave whenever it wants, and there's nothing they can do to stop it.

This fight is more of a cat-and-mouse pursuit. They can't keep the beast down, despite their best efforts. Even death doesn't solve the problem because it is an Origin god, and they can't give up, so they have to chase it across the void universe while wishing that CARNAGE could be kind.

If CARNAGE was kind, they would put in every effort to release it. Instead of hounding only Ragnarok, they will split up to attack every clone they can sense. They would use their wealth to hire helpers for their cause.

Unfortunately, CARNAGE isn't kind, so they have to continue going through the motions.

If they think they are the only ones exasperated by the useless and repetitive chase, then they are wrong. Legion is also frustrated. They are not happy that they have to sacrifice a clone to keep the Vampires busy.

Ragnarok said to all of Legion, "Sometimes, I wish I were dead."

He got a brief moment of rest from the Vampires which he spent doing nothing. Doing nothing is good, so he can't complain. But he can complain about why he has to be satisfied with doing nothing in the first place.

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