Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 90: An Interesting Encounter... II

Chapter 90: An Interesting Encounter... II

Chapter 90: An Interesting Encounter… II

“Something smells mighty good around here,” Jason heard Mylo’s voice as the footsteps came closer to the kitchen, but he didn’t stop what he was doing and carefully pulled out the chicken from inside the oven and placed it on the counter.

At this point, Mylo had appeared in his sight and he was bare-chested, but wearing a grey pair of shorts, and beside him was a woman who looked to be in her mid to late twenties and was somehow fully dressed, despite the half-naked state of her accomplice.

“Bro, are you cooking?” Mylo asked in a surprised tone.

“As you can see,” Jason replied with a roll of his eyes, disappointed in himself for believing that Mylo had turned over a new leaf and no longer brought women home every night.

“You can cook?” Mylo asked in absolute disbelief.

“Well, you don’t see the food magically appearing and preparing itself, do you?” Jason asked dryly.

*Gulp* Mylo swallowed audibly as the scents from the various foods that Jason was conjuring up blew across his nose.

“Hey… you put me in your plans when you were cooking all this up, right?” Mylo asked eagerly.

“… Unfortunately, yes… I miscalculated the rations and there’d be some extra left for you,” Jason had actually had Mylo in mind when he began cooking which was why he hadn’t decided to cook peppered grilled chicken and spicy pasta instead, but now he feels like it was a waste of his consideration.

“Am I in your consideration as well, Mr. Jason?” the woman who came out of Mylo’s bedroom with him finally spoke and she sounded quite formal and well learned which surprised Jason as he didn’t expect someone like that to be someone who spent her nights in clubs and went home with just anyone.

‘I guess weird people are everywhere,’ Jason thought to himself before asking the woman,

“And who might you be, beautiful?” Jason asked as the woman was actually quite the eye candy.

With long wavy hair that cascaded down her shoulders with a part of it framing the left side of her face, pale white skin that one would think belonged to a vampire, and almost blood-red lips doing their best efforts to beautify her face, she was not just beautiful… she was smoking hot, and that had gotten Jason’s attention as it was obvious that something didn’t add up here.

She was too beautiful and had the aura of a strong and impressive woman so her spending the night with Mylo in a burst of fun didn’t add up.

“Adele Joyce, pleased to meet you,” Adele said and stretched out her hand for a handshake.

“Pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Jason replied as he took off the oven mitts and took her hand his eyes glowing in the morning light as he stared intently at her, trying to uncover what felt off about her.

Suddenly, Jason left her hand and in a swift motion picked up a spoon and whacked the back of Mylo’s hand that was snaking its way to the grilled chicken on the kitchen counter.

“Owwww!” Mylo took away his hand in pain while looking at Jason with an aggrieved look in his eyes.

“Dirty people don’t get to eat, go wash up first,” Jason said in a firm tone that let Mylo know that there was no room for debate.

Mylo rushed off, not wanting to waste any time before he was allowed to eat and Jason turned away, throwing the spoon he had whacked Mylo with into the sink and picking up another spoon to stir the pasta.

With his back turned to Adele, he asked in a playful tone despite his whole body at alert as he didn’t trust the woman,

“You wouldn’t happen to be one of those crazy fans that stalk people, would you?”

“No… I’m an agent working for Gestifute,” Adele replied with mirth in her tone.

“An Agent?” Jason asked bewildered at where this conversation was headed.

“Yeah… you don’t happen to have one of those right now, right?” Adele replied and sat at the kitchen counter watching Jason stir the pot.

“No, I don’t have an age-…” Jason was saying when he suddenly paused as he came to a realization,

“Naaahhhhh, it can’t be what I’m thinking, innit?” Jason turned back to Adele with a stupendous look on her face.

“Well, if what you’re thinking is that I traced you to your home and used your roommate to get a personal meeting with you, then yes, you’re in the right direction,” Adele confirmed his thoughts with her words.

“What the hell,” Jason murmured as he started laughing at the absurdity of the situation.

It reminded him of the absurd scenes he had seen in movies and novels and he couldn’t help but laugh hard at how interesting it was his body lost its tension and he relaxed his taut muscles.

“I’ll give you ten points for the ingenious and interesting idea,” he said with a laugh as he turned back to the pasta and stirred some more, checking if it was done.

“Is that a ten out of ten?” Adele asked with a smile and a bit of surprise at Jason’s reaction to her motives. He was acting a lot more maturely than she thought and she could already feel herself losing initiative in the conversation.

“You wish… you have a thousand points to fill up,” Jason responded with a laugh as he turned off the heat under the pasta.

“But since you have managed to get this far, I suppose rewarding you for your efforts is in order, so I’ll listen to whatever you have to say,”

“… but only for five minutes,” Jason turned back to face Adele, but despite his playful tone, there was a steely look in his eyes that leaked out some of the aura that he usually let off when practicing martial arts.

It was a dangerous aura and quite similar to what some fantasy books would call killing intent, but it was merely a display of one’s mindset, will, and intention in a way that was almost palpable and could cause fear in people with a weaker will.

Nevertheless, Adele could almost feel the temperature dropping around her, causing her to shiver and check if the heater had been turned off.

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