Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 157: Chronicles of Lockdown XIV (Attitude Adjustment)

Chapter 157: Chronicles of Lockdown XIV (Attitude Adjustment)

Chapter 157: Chronicles of Lockdown XIV (Attitude Adjustment)

While the chat descended into chaos, Jason and Mylo remained completely unaware as they were still in a fight and didn’t have time to check the chat, though they would have been just as confused as the rest of the chat if they had seen what was going on.

Mylo shook his head to try and clear his stabilize his vision which seemed to have been detached from its scope and was bouncing around quite freely.

Jason who had thrown away all forms of pretense stood before Mylo, waiting for him to get back up, though he had some doubt that Mylo would be able to get back up.

Unfortunately for him, Mylo found enough determination and energy somewhere within himself to get back up even though his vision was still bouncing around.

“You were lucky that time, come on,” Mylo said in a tough voice as he put his hands up and started moving cautiously towards Jason, his movement a lot slower than his earlier reckless charge at Jason.

He seemed to have learned from the earlier attack, that Jason was a lot tougher than he expected, but he still had not given up on winning the fight.

Unfortunately for him, all his movements were already shaky in Jason’s view and were no problem at all. The only problem Jason had was choosing how to counter against him.

Jason had to use moves that would counter him perfectly, would not look too dangerous, and would still feel satisfying for him who was beating Mylo up.

“Tch…” Jason clicked his tongue in annoyance as he thought about how to deal with Mylo.

He was running out of options as he had realized that while Mylo may look quite sturdy for a striker, he was in no way resistant towards blows and was already very dis-coordinated from an indirect hit to his cranial nerve.

Earlier, Jason hadn’t directly targeted Mylo’s cranial nerve as it would have been too obvious and he had instead covered up his intentions by hitting a wider area with his fist which should have lessened the effects of the blow, but Mylo was still affected quite a bit which Jason could easily notice from his slightly woozy movements and unfocused eye pupils.

The problem Jason had was that Muay Thai was too aggressive for Jason to ‘carefully’ take Mylo out as any roundhouse kick, axe heel kick, or knee kick would instantly take Mylo out, and it would look very dangerous.

Annoyingly enough, Jason couldn’t use Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu as it was in a way just as dangerous as Muay Thai, if not more harmful.

Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu targeted joints and was intended to be used to make opponents submit which would be quite dangerous in this situation as he could end up disjointing some of Mylo’s bones, especially since Mylo was already dis-coordinated at the moment and could end up worsening the situation if Jason got him in a lock.

Unfortunately, Mylo wasn’t willing to stay down, so Jason needed to find a way to put him out of commission before someone said that he was bullying Mylo with martial arts when he could have easily ended the fight.

Luckily, it seemed like the stars had aligned for Jason today as Mylo kicked out clumsily when he came at Jason and it wasn’t even a side kick or a sweeping kick, but rather a very straight and direct kick.

Immediately a few countermoves appeared in his mind and Jason’s face suddenly widened into a smile when an interesting idea popped up in his head.

Not getting out of the way, Jason let kick at him, but at the last minute, Jason moved back and let Mylo’s leg land on his thigh instead, but before Mylo could rejoice in his mind that he had managed to land a hit on Jason, Jason suddenly moved.

Jason’s arm shot forward, grasped Mylo’s wrist, and pulled Mylo forward with amazing force.

With Mylo’s leg on Jason’s thigh, Mylo didn’t have any choice but to be pulled into a pivoted movement using Jason’s pull and thigh and he soon found himself on Jason’s shoulder.

With Mylo on his shoulder, Jason called out,

“Hey, Google,”

Jason’s phone beeped in response, awaiting Jason’s next command.

“Play The Time is Now by John Cena,” Jason said with a devious smile.

Mylo who was on Jason’s shoulder didn’t understand what was happening, but he recognized the name John Cena, and when he heard John Cena’s theme song begin playing from the Bluetooth speaker he started trying to throw himself off Jason’s shoulder, but Jason had a death grip on him and his dis-coordinated movements weren’t helping matters.

Even the chat that was watching the fight while arguing could not help squinting their eyes in surprise when they realized where the situation was going.

Their surprise only lasted for a second though and in the next second anticipation filled their hearts to see Jason’s ‘attitude adjustment’ which he had promised to deliver to Mylo earlier, though when he had said it, they hadn’t thought he meant to do it “John Cena Style”.

Of course, Jason wasn’t paying any attention to them and was more interested in keeping up with the song, and at the right moment before the intro of the song, Jason executed a perfect ‘attitude adjustment’.

With surprising strength, Mylo found himself being thrown over Jason’s shoulder and his vision turning in a way that let him know that it wasn’t caused by dizziness before it finally ended with a bang as his back was slammed onto the wooden floor of the room.

Mylo couldn’t even scream in pain as his back hit the floor as he simply lay there, the pain having shocked all the fighting spirit out of him and his wooziness increasing even further.

However Jason didn’t stop after slamming him down, he quickly grabbed Mylo’s leg, held it up in a pin, and slammed his hand down the first, second, and third time, before standing up and spreading his hands out with a huge smile on his face as if he had just won the Wrestlemania.

{Following the most perfect attitude adjustment I’ve seen after John Cena’s, the Rose Dragon has successfully won the Wrestlemania Quarantine} CorneliusJohnson turned into a WWE commentator and unleashed a commentary level that was just as good as other WWE commentators.

{Aiyooo, somebody get my man in the ring with John Cena for a tag team match ASAP} Dark_Shadow009 commented in ecstasy

{Tears inna me eyes right now… there has to be a follow-up match, right?} Tommy_Schoenith commented with fervor.

{Yesssss… Maybe he can do a knuckle shuffler or an RKO in the next match} TrevorJackson commented, saying things that would cause Mylo to have a heart attack if he knew.

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