Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 153: Chronicles of Lockdown X

Chapter 153: Chronicles of Lockdown X

Chapter 153: Chronicles of Lockdown X

“So, do you want to start with the push-ups or the martial exchange?” Jason asked with a smile.

“It wouldn’t be too late to do a hundred push-ups after beating your ass up,” Mylo answered with bravado, his tone brimming with confidence.

“Hahahaha, this kid, seems like you need an attitude adjustment, and I wouldn’t mind giving it to you,” Jason said with a smile, but his smile was devious rather than warm.

“Let’s get it then,” Mylo answered back confidently.

He was on a roll and very high on confidence and that was pushing him as he stood against Jason.

“Hold up, we can’t exchange blows in a congested place so we need space,” Jason stated the obvious, but what he didn’t mention was that if he fought Mylo in a place filled with heavy gym equipment, there was a possibility of heavy injury or something worse… a lot worse.

Jason didn’t have enough annoyance against Mylo to want to send him sleeping with the fishes, especially not on a live stream, so he needed to get that rectified ASAP.

Luckily, most of the equipment could be moved aside to create enough room for them to be able to exchange blows and for Mylo to fall over without slamming his head into heavy… brain-damaging objects.

“Okay, let’s move some of this stuff and see if you can survive three minutes against me,” Mylo agreed, though his words had Jason reeling on the inside.

Jason removed Mylo’s phone from the selfie stick, fastened it to the phone stand instead, and placed it at an angle where it could record the whole room.

After putting the phone down, Jason wanted to join Mylo in moving stuff, but his phone went off at that moment and started ringing loudly.

It was only at this moment that Jason remembered that his phone was still connected to his Bluetooth speaker and the phone’s ring tone was being broadcasted especially loudly due to this.

“It’s Sofie,” Mylo who was closer to the phone picked it up and saw the name displayed on the screen.

“Throw it,” Jason said to Mylo and without hesitation, Mylo immediately threw the phone at Jason.

The phone flew at Jason, and he immediately stretched out his right leg to catch the back of the phone before carefully drawing his leg backward and decreasing the speed to take out all the velocity from the throw.

He soon flicked the phone up into his hand and caught it smoothly before swiping across the screen like he had just performed a perfectly normal action.

“Hey Jason,” Sofia’s voice came out of the Bluetooth speaker before Jason could switch the phone back to the phone microphone.

“Hey what’s up,” Jason answered smoothly, not holding the phone up to his ear as it was a video call and he could see Sofia’s face through the phone.

He also did not forget to switch back to the phone mic as he didn’t want his conversation with Sofia broadcasted to the internet.

“You’re not really going to fight Mylo, right?” Sofia asked, a bit of concern in her voice.

“… Huh, and how did you know that?” Jason asked, in a weird tone.

“I’m watching the live stream, you know?” Sofia immediately answered back.

“Why are you watching Mylo’s livestream in the first place?” Jason asked again.

He did not know what had prompted Sofia to be watching a livestream by his dork of a roommate.

“Well, I watch it every day, and…” Sofia attempted to explain, but Jason cut her off with a well-timed,

“Excuse me? You watch it every day? For what? To watch this idiot roommate of mine perform like a circus monkey every day?” Jason fired off question after question.

“It’s not like that, my roommates are actually the ones that watch it and I just join them since I don’t really have much to do anyway,” Sofia explained.

“Why are you sounding so insecure?” Sofia asked in surprise.

“Me? Insecure?” Jason asked back with the weirdest look on his face.

“The word ‘insecure’ and I cannot be in the same sentence, Sofia,” Jason scoffed with disdain, and it was true.

Jason was normally not a person who was big on the emotions between the male and the female species and he had had more girls pass through his hands and end up with another guy than he could count, especially since he was never interested in a serious relationship back then.

He may have feelings for Sofia that he himself was having a hard time keeping in check, but he had not deteriorated into the kind of person who would be insecure because of stupid stuff like his girl watching somebody else on TV or on her phone.

The recent enlightenment about how handsome he actually was had further solidified his emotional strength and confidence so insecurity could not be further away from him, after all, he was THE catch, not just A catch.

Jason’s problem was why someone who was closely related to him was watching a dork’s live stream, and by dork, he meant Mylo… that didn’t change even though Jason was currently on the live stream, after all, even the worst of news channels could have Cristiano Ronaldo on TV, can’t they?

That didn’t decrease Cristiano Ronaldo’s status as one of the greatest to ever grace the game, did it?

For Jason, being on Mylo’s livestream was the same thing… Doing it wouldn’t make him an idiot like Mylo.

“If you’re not insecure… then why all the questions?” Sofia asked, and Jason could clearly see her rolling her eyes.

“Well, you’re watching Mylo’s live stream…” Jason repeated and then paused.

“And…” Sofia asked, not understanding what Jason was getting at.

“… I thought you said you didn’t like idiotic animals?” Jason said with an eye raised.

“What?” Sofia’s eyes widened before she burst into laughter.

“… You know, you’re also on the live stream, right?” Sofia finally said after laughing for a bit.

“That’s different,” Jason argued.

“Different how?” Sofia asked.

“Well, you can consider me sort of like a human visiting the zoo,” Jason stated with a straight face, but that only sent Sofia into another round of laughter.

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