Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 140: Breakfast Meeting I

Chapter 140: Breakfast Meeting I

Chapter 140: Breakfast Meeting I

**8th March 2020**

Jason climbed out of his bed drowsily and picked up his phone to check the time, his eyes gradually regaining focus.


After checking the time, he stood up and took up a yoga mat from a corner of the room and laid it out on the empty space in the bedroom.

From then, he spent the next half hour going through various yoga poses to try and reduce his muscle exhaustion and help with match recovery.

By the time he was done, he was sweating a bit, but he immediately jumped into the bathroom to have his bathe before he started feeling sticky all over.

After having his bath, he went back into his room and wore a simple t-shirt and a pair of shorts before he packed up the yoga mat and then headed out of the room, the kitchen being his destination.

The last time he ate anything substantial was before the game.

There had been a few snacks in the locker room for the players for the match, but Jason had only eaten a bit and now he was feeling the consequences of that decision.


His belly rumbled in a way that was reminiscent of a dog’s growl and Jason’s first move was to rectify that by pouring a whole bottle of milk down his throat.

He didn’t even bother to take a glass and simply poured the cold milk down his throat, even squeezing the bottle a bit so he could gulp it down even faster.

“Phwwaaaaah,” He let out a sigh of relief and contentment after downing the milk, but the feeling of contentment flew out the window when he saw the ingredients in the fridge and he immediately started grabbing ingredients and throwing them onto the kitchen counter.

Jason’s original plan for the day was to meet with Adele so that he could sign the agent contract.

He hadn’t had the time to sign it earlier since he was almost always at the CTFD Portogaia, completely indulged in training.

Thus he had previously arranged with Adele that they would meet to have to sign the papers and have breakfast while they were at it.

The problem was that the meeting had been arranged for 11 am and the time was barely past 8 am at the moment.

There was no way in hell that Jason was going to wait till 11 to eat with how hungry he was feeling, so some changes had to be made and the first thing that would have to be changed would be the status of his stomach from almost empty to full tank.

Picking out ingredients for what he wanted to cook, Jason realized another problem…

There was no way he would want to take a step out of the house immediately after he had stuffed himself full of food, in fact, he would no longer want to do anything other than lounge on the couch all day so the meeting would have to be rearranged.

Immediately taking out his phone, he called Adele and after two rings she picked up the call,

“Hello,” Adele’s voice came through the phone.

“How are you this morning, Miss Agent?” Jason spoke cheerily into the phone, but his hands didn’t stop rummaging through the refrigerator.

“Why are you calling me now, it’s not yet time for our meeting,” Adele wasn’t buying Jason’s sudden positive and cheery attitude.

“Ah, about that, can we reschedule our meeting?” Jason said, not asked, because, despite his words sounding like a question, he was simply telling her and not actually asking.

“… Okay, but before I ask for when, can I ask why?” Adele was already a bit more familiar with Jason so she ignored his antics and asked the pressing question.

“Well, we can say I’m not feeling up to it… in more basic terms, I feel too lazy to take a step outside of my residence,” Jason stated with a laugh, not caring to streamline his words.

“… You’re feeling lazy?” Adele asked as if she couldn’t believe her ears, and she actually couldn’t. it was not impossible nor was it strange for someone to be feeling lazy to do something, but it was strange to be so brazen about it.

Every time she thought she had finally gotten used to Jason’s brazen attitude she realized that he wasn’t even displaying all of it yet.

“Yes, I’m feeling lazy, but since a home delivery service is among the services you offer as my agent then you wouldn’t mind bringing over the contract, would you?” Jason continued speaking, oblivious to her thoughts.

“Okay… when?” Adele couldn’t even be bothered to be annoyed at this point, she was the one that needed to sign Jason if she didn’t want to wallow at the bottom of the pyramid for all her life, not the other way around so she had to be able to put up with this much.

“Let’s say 9:30 am…” Jason replied.

“Okay then,” Adele noted and was about to end the call.

“To reward your efforts, You may have breakfast with my esteemed self this morning,” Jason said with the demeanor of a Lord, but he was just joking around.

“Wait… you’ll cook? And I’ll eat?” Adele asked, her breath quickening and her mouth immediately salivating.

“I mean, I wouldn’t exactly order takeout this early in the morning, would I?”

“I might be feeling lazy, but not that lazy,” Jason replied.

He knew that suddenly changing the time of the meeting would throw her day off a bit and that it would make things a bit inconvenient so he already planned to cook extra… but was he going to tell her nicely?

Hell to the No!

Acting high and mighty towards her was more fun than he cared to admit so he wasn’t going to spoil the fun for himself just because he wanted to act nice and considerate.

F*** that.

Acting like a king was more fun than acting like a normal guy…

‘Wait… am I mentally correct right now?’ Jason suddenly had a brain-shocking thought and began to doubt his own sanity.

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