Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe

Chapter 373 Brotherhood

This midget, he's clearly disgruntled, thought Adam with an amicable smile. At the very least, he's not displaying any hostility.

"My lord," he began, "what would you like to know?"

"Thirteen!" The short hooded figure roared. "That's the number of people trapped in the fire last night. They died as a result of your actions. How are you going to explain yourself?"

"There is no need for any explanations," Adam smiled. "The way I see it, only thirteen people died, but in return, hundreds of innocent women were liberated. That's a good trade-off if you ask me."

"Trade-off?!" The figure angrily asked. "Do you see lives as mere commodities?"

Adam remained silent. He thought for a moment and then replied, "On the contrary, my lord. I believe life is precious."

"Then why did you burn that building down last night? Those thirteen people would have been alive if you hadn't!" The figure spoke in annoyance.

This little bastard… Adam thought to himself.

"My lord, to me it feels like you place more importance on the lives of those thirteen perverted people who visited the pleasure house to indulge in their desires. Do they mean more to you than the hundreds of slaves that I've liberated?"

The figure deeply looked at Adam. A few moments later, his tone softened a little as he replied, "No doubt it is admirable what you did. Freeing those slaves is certainly praiseworthy.

"But at what cost? Do you not feel a shred of remorse for the people who have had to die so that you could free those women?"

Once again Adam went into deep thought, carefully choosing the right words to speak.

"I acted without personal attachment or emotion, guided by the necessity of the situation," Adam replied. "It is essential to remain detached and make decisions that serve the natural balance, not personal feelings."

Now it was the hooded figure's turn to be slightly taken aback by Adam's words. He paused for a moment and asked, "Do you think what you did was right?"

"There is no absolute right or wrong," said Adam. "I only do what my heart tells me to. As long as I don't regret my actions, I can live with it."

"Do what your heart tells you to?" The figure roared in fury. "Then what makes you different from a Magus from the dark faction?!"

The next moment, the other hooded figure, who hadn't spoken a word until now, suddenly chimed in with a gentle tone, "If one of the people who died in the fire happened to be your friend, would you be able to live with it?"

Adam turned his head to glance at the tall hooded figure, finding his voice slightly familiar. "No, my lord. I would deeply regret it."

The man chuckled at his response. He then glanced at the short figure beside him and spoke in amusement, "Well, that says a lot, doesn't it?"

"Hmph, this boy is a loose cannon!" The short figure responded. "He's the type of person to willingly slaughter thousands to attain his objective."

He then glanced at Adam and asked, "Ain't I right, boy?"

Adam lowered his head, refusing to answer.

"Heh," the short figure sneered. "Although Berger has sponsored you, you are nothing like him! He embodies the true spirit of the Brotherhood and upholds its values. While you… Hmph!"

Adam didn't mind the way this person was speaking about him. On the contrary, he felt gratified that the midget before him seemed to deeply respect the Old Man.

This couldn't help but bring a smile to his face.

"What are you smiling for?" The short figure grumbled.

Adam shook his head. "You're right, my lord. He is him, and I am me." He paused before taking a deep breath and solemnly speaking, "I don't seek to be a hero. I follow a different path.

"I accept the harsh reality that sometimes the path to harmony requires sacrifices and decisions that don't adhere to conventional standards.

"I seek to maintain balance and, if possible, minimize suffering in a world that more often than not presents us with difficult choices.

"And if that makes me different, then so be it. The Way teaches us that every path is unique, and my path, though unorthodox, is the one I must follow."

Hearing his response, not only the hooded figures standing across the altar but every other person present was taken aback.

"Hahaha!" Suddenly, the tall hooded figure burst into laughter. "A splendid answer!"

He then glanced at the short figure and smiled, "You may not like his principles and morals, but you can't deny he's exactly what the Brotherhood needs."

The short figure didn't reply.

Seeing this, the man added, "Berger is the one who has sponsored Adam. He's watched him grow ever since he was fifteen years old. Clearly, he must have seen something in the kid. So why not give him a chance?"

Yet, again the short person didn't reply. However, this time he nodded his head.

The tall figure then glanced at Adam. Although the youth couldn't see it, the man's eyes were twinkling with approval and kindness.

"This is where your journey begins," said the man, his voice seemingly echoing with the voices of several generations before him. "Are you ready for the initiation ritual?"

Adam gulped nervously. "What do I have to do?"

"Nothing much," the tall figure waved his hand and an ancient tome suddenly appeared on the altar. Its leather case seemed to be touched by the vicissitudes of time.

"You have to swear an oath. Place your hand on this book and repeat the words after me."

Adam took a deep breath and stepped forward. He then placed his right hand on the book. Next, he saw that tall figure come forth and place his hand on the book as well.

The moment their hands touched the tome, the runes inscribed on the stone altar lit up with a resplendent light.

Then, the tall figure began with a solemn tone, "I will guard the knowledge of the past and seek the truth with unwavering dedication."

Adam repeated his words, "I will guard the knowledge of the past and seek the truth with unwavering dedication."

"I will shield those who cannot defend themselves."

Adam repeated yet again, "I will shield those who cannot defend themselves."

Gradually, their voices overlapped each other and through some mystical means, they now sounded like one.

"I will act with integrity, honesty, and honor in all endeavors.

"I will embrace the harmony between light and shadow, knowledge and secrecy.

"I will strive for excellence in both body and mind.

"I will support and respect my fellow brothers, fostering unity and loyalty.

"I will protect the secrets of the Brotherhood, revealing them to only those worthy.

"I will confront darkness and evil wherever it rises."

A wave of mana surged around Adam as he felt a connection to something far greater than himself.

Perhaps it was to the generations of Magi of the Brotherhood that came before him.

He didn't know.

When the initiation rites were over, the light on the runes inscribed on the altar slowly began to fade.

Adam opened his eyes. He felt different, changed in a way he couldn't describe.

The tall hooded figure glanced at the youth and smiled, "Always remember, Brother Adam.

"We are the lord guardians of the realms.

"In twilight, we find truth.

"In shadows, we seek wisdom.

"Welcome to the Twlight Brotherhood."

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