Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Chapter 88: Encountering the Monster Fusion Again

Chapter 88: Encountering the Monster Fusion Again

Witnessing Guo Ji's tragic demise.

The members of the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain and the Azure Jade Sect, who had served as cautionary examples, suddenly felt a chill run down their spines, their greed diminishing by more than half!

In a flash.

Everyone halted, and numerous individuals even retreated to a considerable distance.

"What should we do?"

"With the Beast Emperor Mountain and the other five major sects guarding it, we stand no chance of seizing the giant egg!"

"Despite our sizable group, our high-end combat capabilities are woefully inadequate."

"Should we just depart?"


The members of the Azure Jade Sect and the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain exchanged glances, monitoring the representatives from the five major sects while discreetly communicating.

Many individuals harbored intentions to withdraw and aimed to depart immediately.

Others considered temporarily retreating, allowing the members of the five major sects and the monsters to deplete each other's strength first!

Among them.

Ye Fan shared this notion!

Weren't the unscathed sects, such as the Beast Emperor Mountain and the Heavenly Blade School, along with those twenty-plus blood-colored monsters, currently embroiled in a struggle akin to two dogs vying for a bone?


How could the five major sects present not discern their thoughts at this moment?

Had they not entered the battlefield yet, there might have been an opportunity to act as a third party and abscond with the bone.

But now.

Having already stepped onto the battlefield, escaping unharmed proved to be a challenging endeavor!

"Scoundrels of the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain and the Azure Jade Sect!"

"I know precisely what schemes you're concocting in your hearts!"

"Should anyone dare to leave, I, Fei Chao, will be the first to slay them!"

Fei Chao from the Beast Emperor Mountain cast a menacing glare at the members of the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain and the Azure Jade Sect.

"That's right!"

"Anyone who dares to leave, even if it means refraining from battling the monsters, I shall eliminate them!"

"Join the fray swiftly! If you contribute, there will be rewards afterward. But if you flee now, your fate is sealed! Can't you discern the correct choice?"


Disciples from the Heavenly Blade School, the Bright Sun Sect, and the other major sects also issued forceful threats and enticements in a fierce tone.

"Not good!"

"They're forcing us to join the battle!"

"If we don't participate, we'll perish. We have no choice but to proceed."


The expressions of those from the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain and the Azure Jade Sect turned grim.

Many, gripped by the fear of death, reluctantly consented.

"So be it."

"Everyone, stay close behind me!"

"Let's unite as one and confront the monsters first. Afterward, we can vie for the rewards."

The sole Mysterious Platform realm cultivator among them, a true disciple from the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain, spoke up.


"Let's go!"


Everyone nodded, and with a step forward, they charged into the battlefield.

Ye Fan was also mingled among the crowd.

The battlefield at this moment was even more chaotic than within the passage, providing an ideal opportunity for him to discreetly absorb qi and blood energy.


"At least they're sensible enough not to flee!"

Fei Chao from the Beast Emperor Mountain sneered coldly, then focused on combating the monster before him.

The others also displayed scornful expressions.

In fact.

If they weren't concerned that those from the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain and the Azure Jade Sect would ally with one of the five major sect forces, everyone would be eager to deal with them once everything was settled!


The five major forces found themselves in a relationship of both cooperation and confrontation.

If the individuals from the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain and the Azure Jade Sect chose to join a particular force, that force would undoubtedly become the strongest among them.


The members of the five major sects all tacitly agreed to retain the people from the Azure Jade Sect and the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain.

After all, these individuals were quite weak and unlikely to secure many advantages.

At this time.

The battle persisted.

The entire battlefield was in turmoil!

"Roar! Roar!"

The blood-red humanoid monsters unleashed terrifying roars, their black, razor-sharp claws continuously slashing, etching deep gashes into the ground.


Fierce assaults erupted from the hands of numerous cultivators.

Vibrant spells and keen, frosty swords and sabers rained down upon the monsters, showering the area with blood and gore!


A monster would falter and collapse under the combined onslaught of the cultivators.

Tragically, some cultivators met their fate as they were inadvertently sliced apart by the monsters' lethal claws, leaving no intact remains.


The human cultivators maintained the advantage, vanquishing the monsters one by one and forcing them into retreat.

After securing an advantage.

The cultivators' numbers steadily widened the gap against their monstrous foes!

The monsters continued to suffer devastating losses.

Their ranks rapidly diminishing from over twenty to a mere eight.


Fei Chao cried out in sheer elation, "Ramp up the ferocity of our attacks, slay them all, and the giant egg shall be ours!"

A glint flashed in the others' eyes.

As they intensified their attacks, their gaze fixated on the giant egg, avarice consuming their hearts.

But just when everyone believed the monsters to be on the brink of extermination!

"Roar! Roar!"



The monsters unleashed anguished and harrowing wails!

"Not good!"

"They're going to fuse!"

The expressions of those from the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain and the Azure Jade Sect shifted dramatically!

They had previously endured a battle involving monster fusion, and they were well aware of the horrifying power the monsters would gain after merging!

Back then, there were also five major sects, boasting a formidable force of 150 individuals!

Yet they were vanquished by a single fused blood-red monster!


Though the number of monsters set to fuse was fewer, there remained three of them at the Late-stage Mysterious Platform realm!

Once merged.

They would undoubtedly be no less formidable than the fused monster from their past encounter.

"What kind of fusion!?"

"What are these monsters trying to accomplish!?"

Fei Chao and the others had never encountered fused blood-red monsters, resulting in expressions of shock and disbelief on their faces.


"Why fear these monsters even if they fuse?"

"A group of weaklings, trembling like this!"

A disciple of the Bright Sun Sect sneered and ridiculed them relentlessly.

Many others harbored the same sentiment, believing that those from the Azure Jade Sect and similar groups were simply too weak, which was why they appeared so frightened.

But at that moment.

The remaining monsters successfully completed their fusion!

"Roar! Roar!"

Bloody flesh tendrils sprouted from the bodies of the monsters, intertwining and interlocking like living tentacles, rapidly merging into a single entity!


An extraordinarily powerful aura radiated from the monsters' form.


"This is... the aura of a Half-step Heavenly Origin realm!"

"Damn it, why have these severely injured monsters become so potent after fusing?!"

"Quick, retreat for now; don't confront it directly!"


The individuals from the five major sects finally grasped the formidable nature of the fused creature, their faces blanching with terror, and thoughts of withdrawal surfaced!


Previously, everyone had been relentlessly pursuing and battling the monsters.

Now, it was far too late for a retreat!


The fused monster brandished its claw, swiftly cutting through Fei Chao's body!


This chief disciple of the Beast Emperor Mountain, a formidable cultivator excelling in physical prowess and defense, was effortlessly cleaved into three segments as if slicing through butter!

His dismembered remains collapsed onto the ground, and Fei Chao met his end with eyes still wide open!


Seizing the opportunity provided by Fei Chao's demise, the other disciples obtained a fleeting reprieve and dispersed, dashing toward the distant passages!


The monster slammed its foot onto the ground, shattering it, as its massive form steamrolled over three cultivators like a juggernaut.


The three cultivators were hurled away, their bodies gruesomely disfigured and unquestionably lifeless!

Among them was the chief disciple of the Bright Sun Sect!

Witnessing another Late-stage Mysterious Platform realm expert meet a brutal end, the onlookers grew even more petrified, their spirits quaking with dread, and they longed to flee even more swiftly.


The velocity of the fused monster was simply unparalleled!

In a single stride, it brandished its dual claws ferociously, instantaneously reducing six cultivators to a dozen or more severed remains!

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