Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Chapter 85: Not a Conventional Cave Mansion

Chapter 85: Not a Conventional Cave Mansion


"Since we uncovered this cave mansion together, it rightfully belongs to all of us!"

"I hereby declare that everyone is permitted to enter the cave mansion!"

"However, once inside, the opportunities you may come across will depend on your own fortune."

"Lastly, I'd like to caution everyone that the cave mansion is teeming with peril. If you lack confidence in your abilities, it's wiser to refrain from entering."

The speaker was Qiu Linrui, the chief disciple of the Bright Sun Sect.

"That's correct!"

"You're free to enter, but carefully weigh if you can make it out alive!"

Fei Chao, the chief disciple of the Beast Emperor Mountain, remarked with a cold smirk on his face.

"Enough discussion."

The chief disciple of the Heavenly Blade School, Xie Lianchu, stated, "I concur with this proposal!"


The chief disciples of the Divine Wind School and the Water Cloud Sect also expressed their agreement with a nod.

Immediately thereafter.

The disciples from various sects raised no objections.

Collectively, one hundred and three individuals agreed in unison!


None were willing to forgo this opportunity.

Even though the interior was exceedingly treacherous, and the danger could potentially arise from fellow sect disciples also entering the cave mansion.


Those present were the finest among the disciples of the top ten sects spanning the three continents. With the opportunity right before their eyes, no one would relinquish it!

"Very well!"

"Then, in the interest of fairness, we shall count to three, and upon the final count, everyone will enter the cave mansion simultaneously!"

Qiu Linrui, the chief disciple of the Bright Sun Sect, announced.


The chief disciples of the five major sects exchanged glances with one another and dispersed.

Disciples from various sects also lined up behind them in succession.

Many cast disdainful glances at the members of the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain and the Azure Jade Sect.

These two sects lacked top-tier combatants present, and their numbers were even fewer. If they dared to enter the cave mansion in search of opportunities, it would be tantamount to suicide!

The individuals from the Azure Jade Sect and the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain also felt immense pressure as they observed the five major sects.

Yet they didn't intend to surrender.

Among them, Ye Fan's eyes sparkled brightly, and even if others backed down, he wouldn't!




Suddenly, the chief disciples from the five major sects initiated the countdown in unison.

Upon the final count.

Everyone charged towards the entrance of the cave mansion!


The true disciple of the Azure Jade Sect, Guo Ji, issued a low command, and the rest of the group promptly followed and surged forward!

"You dare vie with us for opportunities? Perish!"

The members of the Beast Emperor Mountain were adjacent to the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain and the Azure Jade Sect. Fei Chao scoffed coldly and launched a punch backward without hesitation!


A deep, thunderous roar, akin to a tiger's bellow in the wilderness, accompanied his fist.

A massive golden tiger phantom materialized and fiercely lunged at over a dozen individuals from the Azure Jade Sect!

"Block it!"

The most formidable disciples of the Azure Jade Sect and the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain simultaneously decelerated and instantaneously conjured defensive barriers.

The remaining members hastened to assist, collaboratively resisting Fei Chao's assault.

With sixteen people working in unison, they managed to fend off Fei Chao's attack with relative ease. However, they were relegated to the rear of the pack.

The swiftest individuals from the Divine Wind School had already seized the lead and entered the cave mansion!

Trailing closely behind.

The Heavenly Blade School, the Bright Sun Sect, and the other three prominent sects entered in rapid succession, with virtually no distinction in their order of entry.

"Damn it!"

Guo Ji bellowed, his face contorted in frustration.

The cultivator at the Mysterious Platform realm from the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain also displayed a sullen expression.

The remaining individuals seethed with indignation, clenching their fists and suppressing their boiling rage.

Ye Fan, who was inconspicuous among the crowd, maintained his composure.

In his perspective.

If the cave mansion harbored danger, those from the five major sects in the lead would inadvertently trigger the traps!

If there was no peril.

The five major sects would undoubtedly engage in battle against one another.

Thus, there was no cause for them to be hasty.

A few moments later.

The united group of sixteen individuals from the Azure Jade Sect and the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain also ventured into the cave mansion.

'They've all entered.'

'Let's see what unfolds!'

Jiang Chen concealed himself in the shadows, the corners of his mouth curving into a cold, sinister grin.

Immediately thereafter.

He utilized the Moondust Ring to fully mask his aura before swiftly advancing towards the cave mansion.

Throughout the endeavor.

He never let Ye Fan out of his sight.

Upon stepping into the cave mansion.

He first encountered a previously shattered formation.

Navigating beyond it, he discovered numerous interconnected passageways, each lacking any clear destination.

By all appearances.

This location deviated from a conventional cave mansion, as it contained neither a meditation chamber nor any rooms for pill refining or artifact crafting, and no living quarters.

Jiang Chen stroked his chin, decisively following the passage Ye Fan had entered.

Pursuing the protagonist was undoubtedly the correct decision.

As they advanced.

The passageway initially appeared quite level.

However, it rapidly grew steep!

Countless irregular holes materialized around them, as if burrowed by some creature!

This prompted Guo Ji and the others to proceed with caution.

Among them, Ye Fan was particularly vigilant, slowly drifting to the rear of the group.

In that instant.


A ferocious roar echoed from ahead.

The expressions of Guo Ji and the others shifted dramatically as they adopted defensive stances!

The blood-colored monster was at least at the Mysterious Platform realm!

In the past, the Azure Jade Sect, Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain, and the other five major sects had collaborated to confront a Late-stage Mysterious Platform realm creature.

Now, they had only sixteen people.

Should they face a Late-stage Mysterious Platform realm beast, their annihilation was nearly guaranteed!

At this juncture.

The sixteen cultivators assumed positions to brace for the looming threat.

Members from the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain and the Azure Jade Sect alternated their placements, readying themselves for combat!

Thankfully, the passageway offered ample space; otherwise, if they were crammed together, their predicament would be even more dire!

Thump, thump, thump!

The muffled sound of footsteps approached from ahead.

Subsequently, the footsteps paused momentarily before abruptly quickening!

In no time.

A blood-colored monster materialized within everyone's divine sense range.

"It's heading our way!"

"It's a monster that has just attained the Middle-stage Mysterious Platform realm, brace yourselves!"

Guo Ji alerted everyone, feeling a slight sense of relief.

At that instant, the blood-colored monster had already entered their attack range!


A resounding cry erupted from an unknown source.

Subsequently, a torrent of assaults struck the blood-colored monster.

Swords, spears, halberds, and an array of spells pummeled the creature, leaving it battered and bloodied!

Nonetheless, the monster possessed an astonishing regenerative ability.

Almost as soon as the injuries manifested, its flesh began to writhe, scab over, and mend.


The monster roared as it lunged into the throng!

Guo Ji and a Mysterious Platform realm cultivator from the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain bore the full force of the onslaught!

"Pin it down! Crush it!"

Guo Ji issued a low command, then produced a chain artifact and tossed one end to the Mysterious Platform realm disciple from the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain.

In that instant, the blood-colored monster abruptly shifted its gaze!


Guo Ji clenched his teeth and lunged forward, nimbly evading the creature's claw strikes while cooperating with his counterpart to coil the chain around the monster's body!

Before long, the monster was ensnared by the artifact, resembling a trussed-up roast!

"Intensify the assault!"

The Mysterious Platform realm disciple from the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain, weaker in cultivation, called out with some difficulty as he persevered.

Instantly, the remaining fourteen individuals unleashed their full-force assaults!

An assortment of spells bombarded the monster, causing blood and flesh to spatter and provoking incessant roars!

Just as everyone believed they could gradually pulverize the monster to death in this manner.


The creature's body inflated with force.

The artifact chain actually snapped!

"This is bad!"

Guo Ji and the disciple from the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain had exerted excessive force, and when the chain shattered, they were caught off guard, being hurled backward.

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