Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Chapter 165: The Battle Officially Begins

Chapter 165: The Battle Officially Begins


Fang Yuan found himself unexpectedly disconcerted.

He had initially believed that while everyone acknowledged his potential to secure a high rank, they remained oblivious to his prospects of reaching the finals.

In this way, he could still astonish everyone with his ultimate performance.

But now, Jiang Chen had openly revealed his anticipated results!

Naturally, the crowd was taken aback by this sudden announcement.

However, for most, their shock stemmed from Jiang Chen's bold assertion; in their eyes, Fang Yuan merely served as a vehicle for Jiang Chen to command attention and elevate his prestige.

Nonetheless, Fang Yuan was in no place to lodge any objections.

After all, Jiang Chen's motives were honorable!

Amidst the prevailing doubt and dismissal, Jiang Chen had offered him both validation and motivation!


"Jiang Chen!"

"You foresaw my favorable ranking, and now you predict my arrival at the finals."

"But I wager you could never envision my victory over you, my ascendancy to the Holy Son position, my acquisition of the Holy Lord's favor, and my intimate bond with Ji Ruxue!"

"When that moment comes, I yearn to witness the shock on everyone's faces!"


Fang Yuan's fists tightened covertly, his teeth grinding in silent determination as he declared his resolution.

At this moment, Supreme Elder Mo Yu, taken aback to his very core, hesitated for a brief moment before intending to question Jiang Chen about the basis of his audacious forecast.

However, Jiang Chen had been continuously scrutinizing the reactions of the surrounding spectators.

Just as Mo Yu prepared to voice his query.

"Esteemed elders, dear fellow disciples!"

"I am aware of your skepticism towards my proclamation."

Jiang Chen let out another laugh, "But worry not, for words may be misleading, but witnessing lends truth. Observe the unfolding events and you shall understand."

Upon hearing these words, everyone exchanged knowing glances.

But, collectively, they chose to momentarily suppress their doubts.

After all, Jiang Chen was widely acknowledged as the future Holy Son. Even the Holy Lord and the Supreme Elders would need to maintain their respect towards him.


"Very well!"

"Jiang Chen, we shall wait and observe the veracity of your claim."

Ji Mingxiu offered a subtle smile, then declared, "Now, the contest for the Holy Son officially commences!"

Upon his proclamation, a group of Elders designated for officiating the competition stepped forward.

Simultaneously, several formation masters activated the myriad formations present on the Holy Land Square.

Instantaneously, luminous trails of light delineated numerous floating platforms in the firmament!

Each of these platforms was considerably vast.

The diameter of a single platform spanned a staggering three thousand meters.

Yet the expanse of the Holy Land Square was so vast that it could effortlessly accommodate over sixty such platforms.

Moreover, these platforms boasted built-in protective mechanisms. They were unaffected by external influences and could absorb any residual energy from the battles transpiring within.

Shortly, all the formation platforms were fully operational, totalling sixty-three!

"All disciples, please select your artifacts and ascend the platform according to your number plates!"

An Elder instructed, "Be aware that you are prohibited from utilizing your personal artifacts, talismans, pills, formations, and other external items."


One after another, the cultivators sprang into action, ascending into the heavens, each selecting an artifact from another Elder that complemented their unique skills.

Unsurprisingly, Jiang Chen selected a long sword.

The grade and quality of these artifacts were consistent across the board, each ranking at the upper-grade in the Heavenly Origin realm.

However, these artifacts lacked any extraordinary abilities and could essentially be regarded as blank artifacts.

Their purpose was to maintain fairness during the combat.

Having received their artifacts, everyone promptly descended onto their respective platforms.

Jiang Chen, too, made his way to the thirty-sixth platform.

Almost immediately, a flash of light soared upward and transformed into a young cultivator at the boundary of the platform. It was Jiang Chen's first round adversary, Tai Yuanqing.

"I am Tai Yuanqing, and I extend my respects to Senior Brother Jiang Chen!"

Tai Yuanqing offered a bow with cupped hands towards Jiang Chen, wearing a wry smile, "I hope Senior Brother will exhibit leniency."

"Rest assured."

"I will give my best."

Jiang Chen, in response, shook his head and grinned, "To hold back would be to dishonor you."

"Junior Brother acknowledges!"

Tai Yuanqing's forced smile flickered for a moment, then morphed into a resolute expression, his respect for Jiang Chen amplifying even further.

Simultaneously, the remaining cultivators too prepared themselves for the impending battles.

Fang Yuan stood beneath the platform, his gaze fixed on Jiang Chen in the arena, a chilly glint flickering in his eyes.

At that moment, countdown figures, created by formations, began to appear on the platforms, starting from nine and decreasing steadily.

As the numbers diminished further, hundreds of thousands of cultivators assembled in the Holy Land Square held their breaths, their eyes wide and fixed on the platforms they were most concerned about.

Unsurprisingly, Jiang Chen's platform drew the most scrutiny.

The majority of the Holy Land's population had their attention trained on him.

Just then, the countdown concluded!

"Void Rainbow Sword Technique - Returning to One!"

Jiang Chen gently gripped the long sword in his right hand, and in an instant, he unleashed an awe-inspiring surge of sword Qi!


Immediately, an aura surpassing that of the Heavenly Origin realm enveloped the entire platform!

'Could this be... the might of the Inquiring Journey realm!?'

'Senior Brother Jiang Chen has already elevated his combat prowess to the level of the Inquiring Journey realm, while still within the Heavenly Origin realm! He is truly deserving of his status as the Holy Lord's disciple, the unrivaled prodigy of the Holy Land!'

A whirlwind of thoughts raged in Tai Yuanqing's mind.

However, as a prodigy of the Holy Land, and buoyed by the encouragement from Jiang Chen, Tai Yuanqing was prepared for battle.

The moment Jiang Chen released his sword Qi, Tai Yuanqing didn't hesitate in the slightest, and swiftly unleashed all his trump cards!

Layers of defensive light shields erupted from his body, immediately accumulating to dozens of layers, each possessing the defensive strength of the Heavenly Origin realm!

Not only that, an intangible and colorless assault burst forth from between Tai Yuanqing's eyebrows, instantly advancing towards Jiang Chen's visage.

This was his most formidable trump card, a soul attack!

At this juncture, Tai Yuanqing had marshalled the most potent combat power he had ever exhibited in his lifetime!

Regrettably, the chasm separating him and Jiang Chen was simply too vast.

Tai Yuanqing's defensive light shield, confronted with Jiang Chen's sword Qi, resembled a balloon pricked by a sharp knife, instantly bursting.

Furthermore, his soul attack proved ineffectual against Jiang Chen.

After all, Jiang Chen possessed a soul at the Inquiring Journey realm, and had honed his skills through the 'Dormant Spirit Stirring Divine Secrets'.

To Jiang Chen, Tai Yuanqing's soul attack was akin to a gentle zephyr caressing his face.

In the following instant, the formation constituting the platform suddenly emitted a potent force, establishing a robust defense around Tai Yuanqing.

This was the platform's protective mechanism.

It would activate when a disciple was subjected to a lethal assault, ensuring that none would perish.

And the activation of this mechanism also signaled the end of the battle.

At this juncture, Jiang Chen's sword Qi violently collided with the formation defense, eliciting an explosive energy ripple.

Tai Yuanqing, behind the formation, stiffened, his entire body taut to the extreme, before gradually relaxing!

"So, did you gain any insights?"

Jiang Chen turned to Tai Yuanqing, a faint smile gracing his features.


"Thank you for your guidance, senior brother!!"

Tai Yuanqing expressed his gratitude towards Jiang Chen with a bow.

From Jiang Chen's assault, he deeply perceived an even more formidable power.

This direct experience enabled him to grasp his current standing and future aspirations more lucidly.

This was immensely beneficial for Tai Yuanqing's cultivation.

"There's no need for thanks."

Jiang Chen offered a gentle smile and waved his hand dismissively, "I hope you can triumph in all your forthcoming battles."

"Junior Brother will surely give his all!"

Tai Yuanqing saluted earnestly, his visage filled with resolve.

Shortly thereafter, both Jiang Chen and Tai Yuanqing descended from the platform.

"Senior Brother Jiang Chen!"

"Senior Brother Jiang Chen!"

"Senior Brother Jiang Chen is so formidable! I am well aware of Senior Brother Tai's strength, but he couldn't even parry a single move from Senior Brother Jiang Chen!"

"Senior Brother Jiang Chen, you are indeed our destined Holy Son!"


Witnessing Jiang Chen conclude the battle and depart the platform, innumerable disciples instantly erupted into enthusiastic cheers.

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