Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Chapter 142: What, Then, Do You Desire?

Chapter 142: What, Then, Do You Desire?

Immediately after, the esteem for Jiang Chen within their hearts had soared exponentially.

Initially, they had perceived Jiang Chen merely as a prodigy blessed with the mysterious bloodline of a true dragon.

However, it now appeared that Jiang Chen might be much more than they had imagined.

Despite being nothing more than vestiges of souls, their concealment within the Soul Embodying Ring wasn't a phenomenon an average person could discern.

Otherwise, their existence would have been unveiled long ago.

Naturally, the reason for their erstwhile undiscovered presence might also be attributed to their dormant state.

Now, upon awakening, the pace of their divine sense activities had amplified, concurrently heightening the likelihood of detection.

Nonetheless, they had always treaded cautiously, thus keeping the chances of their discovery relatively low.

Their discovery by Jiang Chen, in such circumstances, was indeed remarkable to a shocking degree.

At this instant.

"Fang Yuan, there's no need for such tension."

"I hold no malicious intent towards you or the two esteemed seniors. If I did, I wouldn't have openly pointed out their presence."

Jiang Chen stated, a subtle smile gracing his features, addressing Fang Yuan whose countenance was rigid.

Upon processing these words, Fang Yuan's unease instantly dissipated, but in its stead, a potent internal conflict surged.

He had conceived the notion that Jiang Chen was an ill-intentioned individual, yet now, Jiang Chen's deeds contradicted his preconceived beliefs.

Fang Yuan found himself grappling with doubt.

Nevertheless, embodying the enthusiastic, youthful protagonist, brimming with vitality and perpetually in the limelight, he regarded himself as the focal point, and was more inclined to rely on his own intuition and discernment.

In no time, Fang Yuan quelled the turmoil within his psyche, reinstating his conviction that Jiang Chen was a malevolent entity.

Furthermore, now that Jiang Chen was aware of Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning's existence, his vigilance towards Jiang Chen had escalated significantly.

It had reached a juncture where he wouldn't waver to view any matter involving Jiang Chen through a lens of utmost suspicion.

Simultaneously, within the hearts of Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning, their perception of Jiang Chen underwent a remarkable enhancement.

Jiang Chen's candor and straightforwardness, entirely bereft of craftiness, were traits that naturally invoked their affection.

[Ding! You have successfully elicited mild fondness from the unpursued heroines, Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning. Fang Yuan's Heavenly Fate Value diminishes by 500 points!]

[Ding! You've accrued 1,000 points of Villain Value!]

The system notifications echoed in Jiang Chen's mind, a melody exceedingly pleasing to his ears!

Just at that moment.

"We had not anticipated your discernment of our presence."

"Fortunately, your nature is sincere. Should it have been another, they might already be scheming against us clandestinely."

Nangong Wan's voice reverberated within the cave mansion, "I am Nangong Wan. We are indebted to you for this occasion."

"Jiang Chen."

"I am Shangguan Ning, your favor will not be forgotten."

Shangguan Ning stated, "If you require assistance, do not hesitate to approach me."

Upon absorbing these words, a wave of discomfort surged within Fang Yuan's heart!

Subconsciously, Fang Yuan had already claimed Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning as his own, including all the advantages they could provide.

But now, Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning were actually pledging benefits to Jiang Chen, a person he harbored immense displeasure towards. How could he react with anything but discontent?

However, for the time being, he could only keep these feelings bottled up.

What else was there to do? Would he abruptly sever ties with Jiang Chen?

If he were to do so, wouldn't Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning likely see through his motives?

At this moment.

"My deepest gratitude to the two seniors. This junior feels unworthy of your magnanimity, yet holds too much respect to decline."

Jiang Chen responded with a light chuckle.

When faced with the benefits offered by Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning, he found himself confronted with two options: to refuse or to accept.

If he rejected the benefits, it might instigate suspicions of hidden nefarious intentions beneath the facade of unrequested generosity.

Alternatively, it could lead Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning to believe he intended to withhold their favor, in pursuit of greater gains.

Either scenario was far from ideal.

Certainly, they might perceive Jiang Chen as a genuinely altruistic and virtuous individual.

However, would such individuals genuinely exist within the harsh realities of this world?

Both Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning were formidable figures who had ascended to the Void Tribulation realm, boasting extensive experiences, having either witnessed or personally navigated various adversities.

The chances of them harboring the aforementioned suspicions were arguably higher.

Hence, Jiang Chen chose acceptance!

After all, reciprocity was a universal principle.

Accepting the offer from Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning at this juncture didn't signify the conclusion of their relationship.

On the contrary, it, to a certain extent, established the groundwork for future engagements between them.

At this moment, after Jiang Chen communicated his acceptance of Nangong Wan's and Shangguan Ning's pledge.

"There's no need to deem yourself unworthy."

Nangong Wan's voice echoed once more, "Tell us, what is it that you desire?"

Her voice was even gentler than before.

Jiang Chen instantaneously comprehended that his decision had been the right one!

At this juncture.

"Nangong Wan."

"Are you permitting Jiang Chen to choose freely?"

Shangguan Ning's voice surfaced, tinged with a smidge of mockery, "You must be aware that all we can currently offer are cultivation method manuals. We don't have anything else to give. Do not make commitments you cannot fulfill, thereby embarrassing me."

"Shangguan Ning."

Nangong Wan retorted, her tone nonchalant, "If Jiang Chen truly desires something I currently cannot provide, I can make a mental note and endeavor to acquire it for him."

Her statement suggested that Jiang Chen's requests were not confined to merely cultivation method manuals.

Regarding this spectacle, as it registered in Jiang Chen's gaze, it immediately struck a nerve!

He had initially believed that Shangguan Ning and Nangong Wan shared an intimate sisterly bond.

But now it appeared, something was slightly off.

They were actually disputing with each other!

'Could it be that there's friction between Shangguan Ning and Nangong Wan?'

Jiang Chen mused, storing this observation away for future reference.

Directly after.

"Thank you, esteemed seniors, but I seek neither cultivation method manuals nor any other natural treasures or unmatched divine weapons."

He voiced out earnestly.

"What, then, do you desire?"

Shangguan Ning inquired, somewhat taken aback.

Nangong Wan remained silent, her expression a tableau of confusion.

Fang Yuan's brow furrowed.

As he observed Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning engage in conversation with Jiang Chen, his inability to interject left him increasingly irked.

Now, with Jiang Chen's declaration, he had an inkling that Jiang Chen might spring forth with some unreasonable demands.

The thought of this amplified his irritation.

Just then.

"Esteemed seniors."

"I wish to understand, what exactly is the nature of this world?"

"How extensive is our Immortal Martial Continent precisely, and what exists beyond the bounds of the Immortal Martial Continent? Does this world possess an edge?"

Jiang Chen inquired, a fervent gleam in his eyes, "If the seniors could provide me with relevant documentation, that would be fantastic."

Upon hearing these words, Fang Yuan's expression faltered for an instant.

He had anticipated that Jiang Chen would present some unreasonable demands, but he hadn't expected such a simple request.

'Could I have misjudged yet again?'

'Did Jiang Chen actually abstain from making any peculiar and excessive requests as I had assumed!'

Fang Yuan was a whirlpool of surprise and uncertainty.

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