Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Chapter 136: Reunion with Ji Ruxue

Chapter 136: Reunion with Ji Ruxue

"That is indeed the case."

"Fang Yuan, it would be prudent for you to foster a rapport with Jiang Chen and stave off potential conflict. Otherwise, you may find yourself entangled in a substantial predicament."

"I am aware that your initial perception of him might be less than favorable."

"However, as an unparalleled prodigy with ambitions of surmounting the Fourth Step, even the Fifth, forbearance is an indispensable virtue."

"Currently, neither of us is in an optimal condition and our assistance in combat scenarios remains largely peripheral. It's possible this situation might persist for an extended period. Reflect upon this."

Nangong Wan issued these words with an air of grave seriousness.


"Indeed, practicing forbearance is appropriate."

"However, servility is not."

"If your initial encounter with Jiang Chen resulted in discord, there's no obligation for you to curry favor with him!"

"Remember this, you are being guided by us two, true Void Tribulation realm great powerhouses. Bloodline is a trivial matter, it merely represents potential. What is there to be apprehensive about?"

Shangguan Ning bore an undercurrent of intense disdain towards Nangong Wan.

Even though she conceded the validity of Nangong Wan's points.

However, she was habituated to countering out of instinct.

Nonetheless, Shangguan Ning's statements bore logic.

The most pertinent factor was its alignment with Fang Yuan's aspirations.


"I comprehend!"

"I, Fang Yuan, will assuredly ascend to the Fourth Step, even the Fifth Step, and surpass these to higher realms. I will not find myself at a disadvantage compared to Jiang Chen!"

"If we are destined to be allies, then so be it. But should we be enemies, I am resolved to defeat him."

Harboring this conviction, Fang Yuan gradually tightened his fists.

As a predestined scion of the heavenly fate, he placed unwavering trust in his innate instincts and discernment!

"That suffices."

"Return to your cultivation without delay."

"You've made us a promise. If you secure the esteemed title of the Holy Son, a portion of your cultivation base will be allotted to us!"

Shangguan Ning pressed him further.

Fang Yuan nodded in response and subsequently flew towards his personal cave dwelling.

Meanwhile, within the Main Hall of the sect.

Jiang Chen had finally concluded his extensive discussion with the four elders, thereby allowing him to take his leave without appearing impolite.

After respectfully bidding the four elders goodbye, Jiang Chen was promptly seized by the arm by Ji Mingxiu, whisking him into the heavens.

In the very next moment, the pair transformed into a gleaming streak of light, arriving at Ji Mingxiu's palace compound, teeming with Immortal Qi, within the span of a few breaths.

Nonetheless, Ji Mingxiu guided Jiang Chen towards an adjacent, smaller palace complex.

Situated in close proximity to Ji Mingxiu's abode, this place served as the residence and cultivation grounds of Ji Ruxue.

At that precise moment, Ji Ruxue was ensconced in her private chambers, when the female disciple, who had just arrived there, approached

This female disciple, who had hurried here as soon as the grand sect assembly was adjourned, was named Xie Xiaojing.

"Sister Xiaojing, you're here?"

Upon spotting Xie Xiaojing, who radiated palpable enthusiasm, Ji Ruxue promptly emerged to welcome her.

This Xie Xiaojing was not your run-of-the-mill cultivator.

Gifted with exceptional aptitude and a formidable cultivation base, her prowess designated her as a prodigy among the disciples of the Purple Heaven Holy Land.

Raised under the tutelage of her grandfather, a Late-stage Dao Comprehension Elder, she benefited from a life of abundant privileges.

Furthermore, her bond with Ji Ruxue since their formative years was akin to a sisterhood, rendering them more than just close confidants.

Owing to a disagreement with Ji Mingxiu, Ji Ruxue had opted to abstain from the grand sect assembly.

Nonetheless, in truth, she nursed a hint of regret.

After all, this was a majestic congregation that was convened only once every several years.

With respect to the grand sect assembly, Ji Ruxue held some curiosity as well.

As a result, she divulged her sentiments to Xie Xiaojing.

Upon receiving this news, Xie Xiaojing immediately made her way over.

Being somewhat of a rumormonger, she took delight in narrating such accounts to others.

At this juncture, Xie Xiaojing had just made her arrival, eager to share her stories with palpable excitement.

Yet, this very spectacle was beheld by Jiang Chen!

'Villain's Eye!'

With a mere flicker of thought, he accessed the interface that displayed the specifics about the young woman.

[Name: Xie Xiaojing

Realm: Early-stage Heavenly Origin

Status: Quasi-Heroine

Intimacy: 72 (Infatuated)

Fate Value: 5645]

'Aha! A Quasi-Heroine, infatuated with the Villain!!'

'It's almost as though the Heavenly Fate is conspiring to assist Fang Yuan in poaching from another man's pond while he himself remains idle.'

Jiang Chen was truly stunned by the information panel of Xie Xiaojing.

In his comprehension, if the Heroine was the principal female lead fated to align with the protagonist, a decree seemingly etched in the heavens, then the Quasi-Heroine was the alternative female lead, representing an optional choice - a prospective companion shaped by the protagonist's aspirations and actions.

And this Xie Xiaojing, true to her status as a Quasi-Heroine, was undeniably a sight to behold.

Slightly older than Ji Ruxue, she was of shorter stature, with untamed, curly chestnut hair cascading down to her waist.

Her amber eyes, sparkling with playful mischief, were akin to twin droplets of honey, entrancing any who dared to meet her gaze.

Her vivacious, petite figure emanated an undeniable allure.

However, if the original narrative were to be followed, this unfortunate girl would inevitably traverse the road of unrequited affection for the Villain, who was already ensnared by the charms of the Heroine....

'Curse this confounded Heavenly Fate!!'

'Yet, that's a matter to be addressed later. Presently, Ji Ruxue demands my attention.'

'She indeed seems quite intrigued by the events of the grand sect assembly.'

'Surprisingly, she chose to receive the information directly from other disciples rather than utilizing something akin to a transmission jade token.'

'From the looks of it, the two have only just met and haven't had the opportunity for an in-depth discussion.'

'Experiencing events firsthand and learning about them from another are different experiences. The most significant occurrence at this grand sect assembly was Fang Yuan's restoration of his cultivation abilities.'

'Additionally, considering the potential sway of Fang Yuan's Heavenly Fate Value, it's highly plausible that Xie Xiaojing will center her narration around this event!'


Within his heart, Jiang Chen pondered the situation, a slight crease forming between his brows.

As Xie Xiaojing readied herself to speak, what could he possibly say to dissuade her?

Furthermore, with Ji Mingxiu standing by his side, it wasn't his place to preemptively interrupt Xie Xiaojing!

However, in the following moment, a spark of inspiration ignited in Jiang Chen's eyes!

Why should he rely on verbal interruptions at all?

'I was the centerpiece of this grand sect assembly!'

'My mere presence alone is worth more than a thousand words!'

Embracing this realization, a slow, knowing smile began to dance on Jiang Chen's lips.

Consequently, he turned towards Ji Mingxiu, standing adjacent to him, and inquired, "Master, is this where Miss Ruxue rests?"

His voice, though not loud, was perfectly audible to cultivators of the Heavenly Origin realm!

"Yes, indeed."

"This is indeed Ruxue's sanctuary. I came to accompany her; later, I'll guide both of you together."

Ji Mingxiu responded with a genial demeanor, confirming Jiang Chen's query.


Jiang Chen beamed, nodding in affirmation.



"The Holy Lord and Senior Brother Jiang Chen are here!"

Upon discerning Jiang Chen's voice, Xie Xiaojing registered a surprise, her expression a mingling of reverence and delight.

The reverence was towards Ji Mingxiu, the delight was for Jiang Chen.

"My father and Jiang Chen are here?"

Ji Ruxue, who hadn't been persistently employing her divine sense, only now detected the arrival of Jiang Chen and Ji Mingxiu.

The mention of Ji Mingxiu provoked her to pout.

At this juncture, Ji Mingxiu, accompanied by Jiang Chen, had reached the courtyard where Ji Ruxue and Xie Xiaojing were engaged in conversation.

"Honors to the Holy Lord!"

"Honors to Senior Brother Jiang Chen!"

Xie Xiaojing promptly bowed in respect towards Ji Mingxiu and Jiang Chen.

"Xie Xiaojing?"

Ji Mingxiu inquired, surprised to find her there, "What brought you here?"

"In answer to the Holy Lord."

"The Holy Maiden requested my presence here."

Xie Xiaojing responded without hesitation.

"Hmm, that's good."

Ji Mingxiu cast a fleeting glance at the trio of youngsters, a subtle smile gracing his lips.

The arrival of Xie Xiaojing was indeed fortuitous.

He had harbored a slight concern about potential awkwardness that might surface between Jiang Chen and Ji Ruxue if left to their own devices.

However, with Xie Xiaojing's involvement, the ambiance was bound to become more convivial.

"Father, what brings you here?"

Ji Ruxue questioned with a tinge of irritation.

"I came to... oh, I suddenly recalled an errand! Carry on with your conversation."

Ji Mingxiu nimbly revised his statement, maintaining his gentle smile, "I will rejoin you shortly."

With these words, he swiftly turned on his heel and departed.

Evidently, he was creating a conducive environment for the younger generation to interact without restraint!

'Such a thoughtful elder!'

Jiang Chen mused to himself, internally offering a silent nod of respect to Ji Mingxiu.

'Hmph, as if he suddenly remembered an errand.'

'He obviously brought Jiang Chen here intentionally.'

Ji Ruxue snorted softly in her heart, diverting her gaze from Jiang Chen.

At this, Jiang Chen felt a pang of helplessness stir within.

Ji Ruxue was a formidable character yet to be swayed.

Given the effects of the Heavenly Fate Value, it proved remarkably difficult to win her favor.

And now, she seemed to be on the verge of losing the modicum of curiosity she once had towards him.

Any other villain, in this scenario, would doggedly pursue her, oblivious to the consequences, which would only exacerbate Ji Ruxue's annoyance, indirectly favoring Fang Yuan.

That misguided villain would then, for unknown reasons, direct his ire towards Fang Yuan, provoking a conflict, and beheading his own fate...

But refocusing on the current matter, he understood that precipitancy wouldn't bear fruitful outcomes.

Therefore, Jiang Chen was in no rush.

He straightened his exclusive disciple robe, offered a courteous bow towards Ji Ruxue, and began to articulate his thoughts, unhurriedly.

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