Great Tang Idyll

Book 2: Chapter 7

Book 2: Chapter 7

Volume 02 Chapter 07 Giving Away Information During The Investigation

"Xiao'bao, we can't just keep hiding from them. We should give them some information and then send them away. If they keep staying here, then matters will be delayed; Prime Minister Yao is still waiting for them to return. Let them know about how our manors gave the Ge Manor rice seedlings and how well the seedlings are growing. We can also let them know about how we helped the Ge Manor during the drought. What do you think?"

While Wang Juan was being carried away on the bicycle, she quietly asked Zhang Xiao'bao.

Zhang Xiao'bao tilted his head slightly and glanced at those two people from the corner of his eyes. He nodded his head, "Okay, let Er'gou find someone from the Ge Manor. If the story is told by other people, it sounds more convincing."

The Manor's little kids didn't understand what their little masters were saying. They all grinned while carrying the bicycle because they felt that being able to help their little masters was the happiest thing on earth. The Young Master had talked about the whistle before, but it was never blown until now. It was finally used today for the first time.

Under the protection of the little children, Zhang Xiao'bao and Wang Juan returned to the yard. After the bicycle was placed down, the little children ran off before Zhang Xiao'bao and Wang Juan could thank them. A special feeling lingered in Zhang Xiao'bao and Wang Juan's hearts.

"This is the first time I realize that those children are better than the bodyguards I had in the beginning. They make me feel safe." Zhang Xiao'bao spoke with a smile.

"I agree. They have some sort of familial love and bodyguards don't have that. Let's arrange the things. We should sleep next to the swimming pool at noon today; it will be cooler there." Wang Juan agreed even though she knew that those children could not be compared to Zhang Xiao'bao's bodyguards in terms of professionalism.

The two of them had a discussion as they made their way to the swimming pool. By now, the workers had already begun the process of filling the pool with sand. The fine sand was sifted out and thrown into the pit. Once they were done with that, they could add in the water.

Zhang Xiao'bao asked someone to bring Er'gou, who was running the bazaar, over and he was given orders. Er'gou assured them that he would complete the task and left. Then, the two of them began to sleep.


"Should we go back and check on those people on the rooftop?" The man and the woman were still standing not too far away from the restaurant. They had spaced out for almost half an hour; it was unclear what they were thinking about. When someone quickly ran by, they came back to their senses and he broke the silence with a question.

The woman looked over to Er'gou but he was far off in the distance already so she gave up on her plan to stop him and ask him questions. She still couldn't comprehend what was going on with the Zhang and Wang manors. It was as if everyone on the manor had some kind of illness. She waited for that person to disappear off in the distance before she spoke,

"There's no need to. We don't need to care about those kinds of things. Let's go ask the people on the Ge Manor. I highly doubt that the people there will also hide from us. The three manors are so close to each other so they're bound to know something."

After saying that, the woman strode towards the Ge Manor. The man took a look at the faint figures moving around on the restaurant's rooftop, and then turned and left.

The two crossed the bridge and saw a person squatting motionless on the edge of the field with his eyes fixed on the rice seedlings in the field. Even when they deliberately made their footsteps louder, the person only turned his head to glance at them, and then turned his head back again.

Seeing this scene, the two felt a tremor in their hearts and they thought, could it be that the people of the Ge Manor are like the other two manors too?

"This brother here, it looks like your crops are not bad this year. When it comes to autumn, you will have a great harvest, won't you?" The man stepped forward, and he squatted down with the man. He looked to the fields too and asked with a casual tone.

"What do mean not bad'? With the drought this year, the entire San'shui County might not even harvest half of the amount the grains that were harvested in the previous years. This year, even rent is exempted."

This person from the Ge Manor glanced at the two of them with suspicious eyes while he explained the situation. He was worried that the people will say that his fields were in a good condition, and he would have to end up paying rent. Production was reduced in the other places in the San'shui County, so it was only natural that it was reported that the production on the manor here was also reduced.

"Yeah, you're right. It is indeed a bit worse, so it's necessary for rent to be exempted. How come the crops here are not as good at the ones on the other two manors? If I were you, I would also use the new seeds."

The man was aware that the whole county was suffering from a drought, so he understood why the resident spoke like that. With a good harvest here, they can store a lot of grains and their family will be more well off. He went along with the resident said and then casually asked about the rice plants on the other two manors. He even sighed and shook his head while talking.

The Ge Manor's resident finally appeared a little bit happy. "You got that right. The rice seedlings there are indeed better than mine. However, new seeds weren't used. Look at my land here. That plant, and those plants in the front. Don't you think that they're about the same size as the ones on the other two manors?"

The man and the woman looked at the places the man pointed to, and surely enough, there were some rice seedlings that were better than the others in the field. After looking carefully, there were several other similar seedlings, but they weren't as good as the ones on the Zhang and Wang manors. Although they weren't as good, they were good enough.

"Yes, it's almost the same. Are there other planting methods? Why do the same seeds produce different plants?" The man asked another question.

The resident sat down and placed his hands on his lap. He looked longingly at the little bridge opposite to him, and said, "There is a way. We need to buy seedlings from the Zhang Manor and plant them down. Look at those rice seedlings. Back then, strong winds knocked over all of the rice seedlings growing there.

During that time, the people in our Manor had the desire to die when we saw that. We cried as we fixed the fallen over seedlings. The people from the Zhang and Wang manors also came to help. But fixing the seedlings was pointless since their roots were damaged. Our Master was kind. He helped us buy a lot of seedlings from the Zhang Manor so that we can replant the fields. Look, they have now grown to look like big lads. "

"Huh? Replanting? It was able to grow this well?" The two asked in surprise at the same time. Even though they didn't know how to farm, they know about the general idea.

The woman asked again, "Since they came here to help, were they not scared that the plants in their own field would be blown over?"

"Blown over? It's not the same. I've seen the seedlings in the Zhang and Wang manors' fields. They weren't that big yet during the time, but they all stood upright in the water like they were big fat guys that were well fed. The seedlings stood confidently in the water with their hands on their waist. The wind could blow however it wanted; some of the bigger seedlings even blocked the wind for its younger siblings."

It was obvious that this resident thought of the seedlings on the Zhang and Wang manor as humans. He waved his hands around as he spoke and his face was ruddy with excitement now. This was such a stark contrast with the dull appearance he had at the beginning.

After he finished talking, the resident saw that the two people were in a daze, and he continued to say, "You probably don't know, but what I replanted in this field is the kind that was planted in their fields. I wonder how they made the seedlings. Next year, I will trade for their seedlings again."

"Oh, so their seedlings are more sturdy. That's good. You must plant those ones next year. I'm worried that there's going to be another drought next year and the harvest will be bad again. These poor rice seedlings." The man sighed regretfully.

"Don't be afraid, so what if there is a drought? There's no need to be afraid of droughts with the Zhang and Wang manors here. You two have no idea how great the Zhang and Wang manors are. This year when the Spring Tillage was approaching, there was not a single drop of water. Everyone was so anxious. When the Spring Tillage arrived, they let us carry their precious water back to here.

Later, we couldn't carry the water anymore, so they set up bamboo poles from there to here and there was an opening to pour water into. After a day of work, the water over there was pretty much all poured through the bamboo poles. So many bamboo poles were used, and it was all paid by those two manors. They're such good people. Then, they helped us change the seedlings here."

As long as the resident talked about the two manors, he seemed quite excited. He stood up from the ground, stomped his feet and clapped his hands because he wanted to express his gratitude.

"Where did they get the water from?" the man asked.

"Where did it come from? Of course, it was stored in advance. Six large ponds were filled with water early on, and there were seven wells. Oh, now it is ten. Our Ge Manor also dug three of them. They used their ponds to raise fish and grow lotus, and for ducks and geese to swim in. I heard that they sent their poultries to some other place a few days ago. They said that there are many locusts, so they must try to help, regardless of the far distance. They're such good people."

The man and the woman looked at each other, and the woman spoke again, "They are good people, not bad at all. We were there just now. They even built a school for the kids. It's a pity though. The residents don't have that money to begin with and now they have to pay for their kids to study. It must be hard for them."

"Pay? Pay what? Are you saying that the manors are asking their residents to pay something to the teachers? That's impossible. The money is paid by their master families. Even the food the kids eat at school is paid by the master families. This is nothing though. During festivals and holidays, their master families will give their residents gifts like clothes and food. They even help the residents raise poultry together.

I heard them say that after the autumn harvest, the kids from the Ge manor can go to school too; although they won't be given a meal. When they have more chicken, ducks and geese, they will let the residents on the Ge Manor help raise them too. When that time comes, life will be so much better. I hope that the the elders on the two manors can live into their hundreds. They are all such good people."

When the resident talked about this, he got excited again. He acted like a good new life would appear tomorrow. His eyes that were once a bit cloudy turned clear now.

These two people finally understood why when they inquired information earlier, no one said anything, and why so many people arrived when the whistle sounded. Their Master gave them all of the benefits that could be given. If anyone wanted to bribe the residents, then that person can keep daydreaming.

"I see, you're right. Those people must live to their hundreds. Is there anything else that you know?"

After knowing the reason behind why they faced so many difficulties, the two wanted to obtain more information from the resident's mouth. This way, they could go back and report to the Prime Minister. They were very satisfied with what they had gained this time.

"Nope. What else do you want to ask? This is all I know." The resident shook his head and said nothing else. He had already followed Er'gou's instruction and said what was necessary to say. As for the other things, he refused to disclose more.

When the two looked at the resident's expression, they gave up their intention of continuing to inquire for more. They felt that it was good enough for a resident to know this much. They thanked him and left. The resident also grinned and he walked back as he hummed a tune that he didn't know the name of. He was very happy that he was able to help the Zhang and Wang manors.

"Are we going straight back now?" The man asked the woman next to him as he watched the resident walk away.

"Let's not go back yet. Let's go to the restaurant to see if anything happens, and report it to the Prime Minister."

The woman was a little worried about any conflicts that might arise over there. If that was the case, then it would be difficult for the Prime Minister to handle. After all, the Zhang Manor had done a great job.

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