Gospel of Blood

Chapter 123: Found them

Chapter 123: Found them

After Duke Borde and Count Brois exchanged a few words, they left.

The Duke left the mansion and disappeared at the end of the dream.

Watching the direction the Duke left, Sebastian couldn't help but say,

"I didn't expect Duke Borde to be behind the scenes of the Flame Demon Disaster... It seems that, as the rumors say, he has never given up on finding a solution to his fertility problem over the years."

"Demonic contract... he really dares to think! Although the Bloodbornes have always adhered to contracts, the price of the contract is not something ordinary people can afford, especially when it involves both demons and the Bloodborne Archduke Abaddon!"

Charlotte frowned slightly.

"Solving fertility problems... but wasn't he already paving the way for Leno to inherit the territory ten years ago?"

Sebastian thought for a moment and said.

"I suppose he was prepared on both fronts, Master. You may not know, but human nobles value lineage greatly, not inferior to the Bloodbornes in this regard."

"I think perhaps this concept is also influenced by the Bloodbornes, after all, before the Thousand-Year Holy War, the nobles of the Crescent Kingdom and the Bloodbornes were almost similar. Even though they changed direction later, some ideas are bound to be inherited."

"Leno is, after all, a bastard. Compared to a bastard, the Duke undoubtedly still hopes to have a legitimate son as his heir."

"However, people's thoughts can change. I remember that Lord Leno began to emerge only nearly seven years ago. As his potential gradually became apparent, the Duke's expectations of him also grew..."

"Duke Borde's health has been deteriorating, which is no secret in the Duchy. Even if he regains fertility and has a new heir, he probably won't last until the heir comes of age."

"Now, he... probably has completely given up on the idea of ​​having children."

"In recent years, Duke Borde has been vigorously cracking down on the Blood Demon Cult, probably also to completely bury his own history and pave the way for Leno."

Charlotte disdainfully pursed her lips.

Completely bury?

His history... was at the expense of thousands of innocent girls.

Ten years have passed, and who remembers those innocent girls?

Charlotte recalled the various scenes she had seen in the memories of those girls, recalling the despair they had felt...

Vaguely, the scene in the dungeon began to overlap with those scenes in her memory.

And this overlapping memory gradually awakened certain memories deeply buried in her body since she transmigrated...

In a daze, she recalled some experiences from the night of the disaster ten years ago.

She remembered that beautiful little garden, remembered the giggling, running figures in the garden...

In an instant, the door of memory burst open—



That night, the original body owner should have been playing hide-and-seek with the Brois sisters in the garden...

When it was the original's turn to hide, she waited for a long time but didn't see the shadow of the Brois sisters.

And when she cautiously emerged from the woods... what she saw was the burning sky and the awakened Flame Demon.

"Master, Miss Lottie is probably not here. Maybe she's still enjoying the birthday party somewhere else."

"But this is indeed the starting point of the disaster. As a sacrifice, Miss Brois will definitely appear here. Should we wait here?"

Sebastian looked around and respectfully asked.

"Still enjoying the birthday party somewhere else?"

Charlotte's mind stirred.

"There's a possibility."

"Master, from what I know, demons often use dreams to lure mortals into corruption, usually in two ways, one is through nightmares, the other is through beautiful illusions..."

"The starting point of this dream is a birthday banquet, full of joy and beauty. The way currently used was obviously the latter."

"If I'm not mistaken, Miss Lottie is probably still having fun somewhere in this dream..."

"However, to conclude her corruption, she will definitely be brought here by Valaroka, because the ritual is the endpoint of this dream."

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"Master, I think we can wait here and wait for them to come to us."

Sebastian expressed his judgment.

However, hearing his words, Charlotte fell into thought.

"Having fun somewhere..."

She muttered to herself, her heart moved.

Withdrawing her gaze from the depths of the dungeon, Charlotte shook her head.

"No, there's no need to wait. I can probably guess where Lottie is."

"Let's go and meet her."

After saying that, she didn't hesitate anymore. They turned around and left the dungeon.

Charlotte and Sebastian returned to the surface, where the laughter and music in the mansion hall seemed even more lively.

Sebastian's heart stirred and said.

"Master, the banquet has reached its climax. As the protagonists, the Brois sisters may already be at the banquet."

However, Charlotte shook her head.

"No, they won't be there. If this dream is Valaroka's attempt to lure Lottie into corruption, they won't appear at the banquet."

"When we were at the hospital, I communicated with Lottie a lot. She's someone who enjoys quietness, actually she doesn't like the hustle and bustle."

"Her happiest memories... are not in the banquet hall."

After speaking, Charlotte did not return to the hall, but turned and walked deeper into the mansion.

Sebastian was quite curious about the girl's actions.

But out of unconditional trust in the great Lady of the Night, he didn't ask too much, but followed closely behind.

The brightly lit hall gradually receded, and the noise faded away.

Under Charlotte's lead, the two came to the back of Brois Mansion, before a beautiful and dreamy small garden.

It was indeed a dreamy small garden.

Moonlight poured down like water, casting colorful spots on the ground through the rustling branches and leaves.

Countless flickering particles danced freely in the garden, like elemental sprites, shimmering with radiant light, following the cool and comfortable night breeze like ribbons of light.

And in the night breeze, the silver-bell-like laughter could be faintly heard coming from the garden.

Hearing that crisp laughter, Charlotte's heart stirred slightly, her lips curling slightly upwards.

"We found them."

Taking a deep breath, she took a step forward, pushing aside the bushes that blocked her view.

In the grove, on a spacious grassy area, three beautiful girls were playing happily.

Among them, the two older ones looked about twelve or thirteen years old, both with beautiful brown hair and cute white dresses.

As for the slightly younger one, she was only about four or five years old, with delicate features like a blond-haired, blue-eyed doll.

The three seemed to be playing hide-and-seek, with one of the older girls counting numbers while facing a big tree, and the other two girls moving stealthily towards the bushes.

As soon as the two looked up, they saw Charlotte and Sebastian entering the bushes, and they both froze in surprise.

"Someone's here! Let's run!"

The little girl giggled and then grabbed the girl several years older than herself and ran deeper into the grove.

Watching the two disappear into the woods, Charlotte squinted her eyes slightly.

And Sebastian was curious.

"Master... what just happened... was that... the past? You?"

"No, the past me shouldn't be able to see me."

Charlotte shook her head.

"That was... It."

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