Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 59.3

Chapter 59.3

Never did he expect that before he presented the memorial to his grandfather, the Heavenly Emperor

Grandfather abdicated to him.

His mother who always said, Yes, I also want to be the Emperor of Heaven, was now telling the immortal maids to clean up the Immortal Palace in preparation for the new Emperor of Heaven.

Wait, what about the fair competition between them!?

This father and daughter pair couldnt wait to throw away the position of Heavenly Emperor to him. What blasphemy is this ah?!

Before sitting in the position of Emperor of Heaven, Yuer always felt that his mother was silly and nave, and there would never come a time where she would deceive him.

Now, he realized that his mother had merely lied to him about her desire to become the Heavenly Emperor in order for him to act competitively and gain ability as he grew up.

The succession ceremony of the new Heavenly Emperor went smoothly.

After all, whether the previous Heavenly Emperor remained on the throne or His Highness the Crown Prince replaced him is not much of an issue. Although the new Heavenly Emperor is still young, his prowess was comparable to that of his grandfather.

He was a good Heavenly Emperor that made the immortals feel at ease.

As soon as he was crowned, Yuer began diligently managing the Heavenly Realm. Even though he watches his grandfather and his mother play around every day, his dedication to work remained sturdy.

He was truly a career-minded dragon!

After another 100 years passed by, Grandfather decided to leave.

He wasnt dying. He was just going to travel around and enjoy his time, with no plans to return.

Hearing this, Yuers mother was deeply saddened. After all, she had always been pampered by her father. Even though she was already hundreds of years old, she was as carefree as a child.

Yuer tried hard to comfort her.

Growing up, he always thought that his mother was silly and carefree, but before he left, his Grandfather told him and made him understand that his mother had suffered a lot in the past.

This whole time, Yuer always wondered why his mother, a Princess of the Heavenly Realm, was so carefree and innocent.

Shouldnt rulers cultivate the excellence of their heirs?

When he learned of these past events, it became clear to Yuer.

Grandfather only wanted his daughter to remain happy.

She only needed to be happy and joyful, to be the most charming and happy Royal Princess. All the hardships and burdens would naturally be shouldered by Grandfather.

Now, it was his turn to protect her.

Yuer decided he will take his grandfathers place and take good care of his mother so that those miserable sorrows would never come back to haunt his mother.

After saying goodbye, Lin Shiheng didnt leave the world immediately, but he really played around as he said he would. He thought this feeling of traveling the world and seeing the beauty of the world was truly sublime. He waited until he had played all over the five realms. Then, when he was satisfied, he left this world.

Vacationing was really refreshing.

Standing in the white space, Lin Shiheng stretched and cleared his mind of any lingering emotions from that world.

System, proceed with the next task.

When Lin Shiheng opened his eyes again, there was a green curtain in front of him.

He was hanging with a rope tied around his waist, while a group of people wearing ancient costumes and holding various weapons were positioned underneath him. Further away, there was a large group of people wearing modern clothing holding various recording equipment.

Lin Shiheng squinted slightly in the dim light as his brain quickly received the memory. Then, as soon as the middle-aged man in the hat said, Start, he immediately jumped from the curtain and started to fight with this group of people under him with a sword in his hand.

He was elegant and light, dressed in white, and fought with finesse and grace. Once corpses started littering the ground, the director contentedly shouted with a small trumpet, Cut!

This is a good shot. Just, a few shots earlier didnt make the cut. Do it again. Just repeat the things you just did.

Lin Shiheng remained silent. He let the staff fix his harness and returned to the top of the green curtain, and after cued, he jumped lightly to fight again.

The director of the fighting scene expressed his satisfaction and shot it three times in a row before announcing the end of the shoot for today.

A small assistant at the side came over and handed him a bottle of water as the staff untied the harness, Shi-ge, here, some water.

Lin Shiheng took the water and gulped a few mouthfuls before handing it back. He flexes his shoulders as he asks, Are there any more scenes for me today?

No, Shi-ge. Do you want to go back and get some rest? I ordered some takeout, and I think it will arrive soon.

Lin Shiheng nodded and went to the changing room to take off the dusty clothing he was wearing.

He was an actor in this life.

Currently, he is filming a fantasy drama, thus the ancient costume, in which he played as the supporting male after the lead actor and actress.

Although he was a supporting character, the character was set up very well. According to the memories Lin Shiheng inherited, after the drama was released, he would suddenly become popular.

However, the original owner was not satisfied with this sudden popularity.

Right now, the original owner was a new and rising actor that nobody knew, and no one would recognize him if they encountered him as he casually walked the streets without wearing a mask.

The only reason why he could afford an assistant, a limousine, and a single large apartment all to himself was that he was actually the illegitimate son of a wealthy family.

Although his father didnt plan on bringing him back home, he at least considered the original owner as his own flesh and blood. If his son wanted to enter the entertainment industry, he would give his support. His son was not offered any roles or didnt have any scripts to choose from because he was a newcomer? Then, hell throw money at these producers and get his son to be hired with capital.

In short, apart from affirming the original owner as his son, the wealthy father gave the original owner all he could.

The original owner was also very happy with how things were Until this drama aired.

Undoubtedly, the original owner played his role very well indeed. The third supporting male was to be a gentle, elegant, and full-time reader of poetry and books. Despite his first time acting, he was truly passionate, and he learned everything about his role.

The original owner brought the role to life.

Therefore, as the drama aired, many fans poured into his Weibo, and more praises showered him. In addition, with the help of his wealthy father pulling some strings, the buzz was overwhelming for a while.

Unfortunately, soon, with the explosion of popularity came the pain of scrutiny that follows it.

Almost all of his fans became fans for his portrayal of the character, and when people called out to him, most of them shouted the name of that character instead of his own name.

If it was other artists, they may not have felt so aggrieved. They were artists because they needed to make money to support their families. For money, being called other names was nothing.

Such was not the case for the original owner. He had no shortage of money because he knew from an early age that he was a bastard son of a rich man. On the other hand, even though he had a good relationship with his father since he had to live in secrecy and anonymity with no one to care for him, his heart was full of inferiority.

Through acting, the original owner hoped to become a person that everyone liked. Sadly for him, his true character was nowhere similar to that of the character he played.

When those who came to be his fans for the role found that he was completely different from the character, not gentle and elegant, not well-read, and without all the wonderful qualities of that character, they were disappointed.

In turn, the more he noticed the disappointment amongst his fans, the more the original owner suffered.

In truth, he was eager to become that character. However, he couldnt learn that kind of temperament and manner, and couldnt make himself become the character itself.

In the end, he did something crazy.

He publicly stated that he fell in love with the female artist who played his wife in the drama.

To be precise, it was the artist he thought he should fall in love with.

It would have been fine if he had just been in love and did nothing further, but because he was so set on the idea that he should be with that artist, he did something irreparable.

In the first place, the artist already has a husband and child, and she wasnt the kind of person who would agree to anything for the sake of power. Unfortunately, after she rejected the original owner, her child was kidnapped, and the original owner was the prime suspect.

No one knew whether he was truly crazy or not. Even in face of the police tight encirclement, he was persistent in calling the female artist and asking her to promise to marry him.

In order to stabilize him, the female artist agreed.

She thought that this would save her child, but no one could have foreseen that while he was so ecstatic hearing her agree, he would take the child into the car with him with the intention of coming to her, they would get into an accident, with both dying on scene.

A family was broken that night.

[Ding! This world task: To guard Ren Qiaoqiao, and a side task; Please let everyone think you like the guardian target. ]

Ren Qiaoqiao was the female artist who lost her child.

To make things worse, her husband was also a good friend of the original owner.

Lin Shiheng was a little surprised by this side task. It was asking him to guard her and also telling him to express his love

Isnt this encouraging him to pry between a married couple?

Doing this kind of thing Wasnt the system afraid of being struck by lightning?

After a few seconds in thought, he narrowed his eyes slightly as he gently raised his eyebrows.

So this world could be played like this


Sounds of glasses clinking together could be heard as two good-looking men and one woman laughed and drank from their glasses.

Shiheng, what are you going to do next? Continue to take on dramas? My agent told me yesterday that Director Zhang is planning to shoot a modern drama, and is getting ready for auditions. Do you want to give it a try?

After saying as much, Chen Hao sipped another mouthful of wine. His eyes were full of envy as he said, You would be set, you know. If you go, Director Zhang will definitely hire you. After all, in this money-oriented society, the ability to bring capital into the group itself was a kind of strength.

Im not going to go. I have to take a break. With a wry smile, Lin Shiheng held out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. Im still too immersed in my role. I think I have to see a psychiatrist.

Surprised, Chen Hao turned to look at his friend with concern, Dont scare me. There was just news the day before yesterday that a foreign star got depressed because he was too deep into his role.

Close by, Ren Qiaoqiao also started looking worried, but she soon calmed down as she said, It shouldnt be a big deal. Your role could be regarded as joyful from beginning to end. I also saw the news, and the role that person took was quite depressing. Anyways, go find a psychiatrist to take a good look at it.

Although she was younger, Ren Qiaoqiao was a child star in the past, and she has seen a lot more in the entertainment circle than the two novices, Chen Hao, and Lin Shiheng.

Thats what I had in mind too. After saying so, Lin Shiheng smiled bitterly but continued, Just, I keep having this same dream recently. I keep dreaming that I am Yi Qing. If I dont end this now, I think Ill go crazy.

Then why are you still drinking wine ah? Okay, okay, stop drinking. Early treatment is better. Taking in a role too deep isnt a good thing.

He and Chen Hao had a 4-year-long brotherhood. After so long, they had grown really close. After hearing his brothers problem, Chen Hao couldnt drink anymore as well. When they got up, he went outside and called the assistant to send Lin Shiheng back.

Thats fine, Ill go first. Ill come back to congratulate you after your scenes are finished.

Damn you. You still have to show up after the shoot!

Several people joked and laughed as they watched Lin Shiheng get into his limo.

However, even until production was finished, Lin Shiheng never showed up again.

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