Golden Experience

Chapter 167: “Takuma The Tank”

“Is that a spear, Mare-san? Do you fight as a spear warrior?”

“Well, yes. Something like that.”

The player who introduced herself as Mare, encountered in the northern forest of Neuschloss, answered Tonbo’s question that way.

To unleash such powerful magic and also be able to fight as a spear user, Mare displayed extraordinary strength. Takuma’s party was confident in their abilities, considering themselves among the top players, but they might need to reconsider. Mare, at least, seemed capable of handling the tasks of both Tonbo and Kouki on her own.

Not only that, she had a short dagger strapped to her waist. It was too long for a utility knife. It could be a sub-weapon, but it wouldn’t make sense to carry it in such a position if it couldn’t be used. Perhaps Mare had invested experience points in dagger skills similar to Shiitake’s proficiency in short sword techniques.

Considering these aspects, Mare was likely among the top players, possibly even surpassing the current upper echelons.

──Perhaps it was unnecessary meddling.

Due to their pride as a top-class party, they hadn’t been conscious of players with greater abilities than themselves. Although Tonbo approached with good intentions, it might have been unwelcome.

Despite the difficulty in reading expressions due to the hood, Mare didn’t seem welcoming from her tone.

However, the fact that she at least agreed suggested that she saw some benefit in it. It was essential to move forward positively and focus on supporting each other as temporary party members.

“Well then. For now, our party already has Tonbo and Hourai as melee physical attackers, so Mare-san, could you act as a magic attacker alongside Kouki? Is that acceptable?”

“Yes, that’s fine.”

It was regrettable not to see Mare’s skills with the spear or dagger, but their roles would overlap with Tonbo and Shiitake. Shiitake could provide long-range support with a short bow, but Tonbo had only a spear for attacking. If they assigned Mare the role of a spear user, Tonbo would be left with no tasks. Moreover, the goblins in this area had high defense, and finishing blows were mostly left to Kouki’s magic.

On the other hand, Mare’s magic was formidable. If she could cast such powerful spells, she likely had sufficient MP. If she had area-of-effect magic, she probably had single-target spells as well. While there was a possibility she only had fire-based magic, it didn’t matter much, as the monsters in this forest were goblins and skeletons, both vulnerable to fire. Additionally, with a cooldown time on magic, having multiple magic users would be advantageous.

They rearranged their formation: Takuma, Shiitake, and Hourai in the front; Tonbo in the center; Kouki and Mare in the rear. With this, they resumed exploring the forest.

“…But seriously, I was surprised when the forest suddenly burned.”

Tonbo spoke to Mare from behind Takuma.

“I apologize. Many skeletons were emerging from the ground in the wasteland. I wanted to check if the same was happening in the forest.”

“More importantly, what was that magic you used earlier? Such a wide-range attack, and it completely incinerated a ☆4-ranked forest! As far as I know, there’s no fire magic with that level of power. Did you discover a rumored combination magic?”

“Combination magic?”

“Oh, my mistake. Well, there are rumors about it. You see, magic cooldown times are separate for each spell. So, if you adjust the ejection speed and activation time well, it’s not impossible to shoot different spells almost simultaneously. Normally, they would cancel each other out, but if that’s the case, it’s not strange to have a magic combination that produces synergistic effects with specific combinations.”

“…I’ve never heard of that. Huh. Those are interesting rumors…”

Kouki also joined the conversation.

Even if they had more firepower than usual, this was the forefront of a challenging dungeon. In fact, Takuma’s party had never reached the deepest part of this forest. They went back and forth, sometimes experiencing a death and respawn, earning experience in town while progressing through exploration. It was not a place for casual conversation.

“Hey, you guys─”

“Front! Skeletons! Probably goblins too!”

As Takuma was about to intervene, Shiitake’s warning interrupted all conversations.

Quietly on guard in the front, Hourai was already in combat mode, gripping the hammer and glaring at the shadows of the trees pointed out by Shiitake.

Shiitake released a distracting arrow. Since skeletons were mostly immune to arrows, the reaction was minimal. Still, if there were goblins accompanying them, they would likely be lured out.


Magic flew from the shadows of the trees. Unfortunately, there seemed to be a mage among the enemies.

The goblins in this forest were larger than those in other areas, almost human-sized. The mage was similar, possessing magic power on par with some players.

Depending on the composition and number of enemies, an ordinary party could easily be defeated.


A refreshing voice was heard from behind, and a lightning bolt pierced through the formation, intercepting the magic unleashed by the goblins. Both magical attacks burst and scattered around, but the damage wasn’t significant.

As soon as the magic was repelled, skeletons emerged from between the trees. However, the waiting Hourai swiftly swung her hammer, sending one skeleton flying and smashing it into another tree. Skeletons were weak against blunt force, and with the impact and collision with the tree, it should be on the brink of death.

The goblin that followed was being restrained by Shiitake’s arrows. Tonbo’s responsibility was to keep it in check. Tonbo raised his shield and advanced. Shiitake, noticing this, confirmed the lowering of the bow and activated [Shield Charge]. It was a skill that continued running in a straight line with the shield raised until canceled. Tonbo charged straight ahead, reaching the tree where the goblins had emerged and slamming the goblin against it.

Canceling the skill, Tonbo immediately used [Backstep] to retreat to the rear.

While watching the goblin, now slumped at the base of the tree, getting hit by Kouki’s magic, Tonbo raised his shield again, activating [Taunt] to prepare for attacks from other creatures.

“[Blaze Lance]! … And, is that the last one?”

The goblin mage was incinerated by Kouki’s [Fire Magic], and the caution was temporarily lifted. Shiitake, still attentive to the surroundings, eventually sheathed his short sword.

“There were a bit more than usual this time. Mare-san, thanks for being here. The first magic was Mare-san’s, right?”

“…Yes. But it wasn’t a big deal.”

“No, our Kouki has considerable magical power, but he doesn’t use magic for interference. It’s helpful not to take the initial hit.”

“…Rather than using magic to avoid taking damage, it’s more MP-efficient to cast [Heal] a few times after the battle. I’m just acting rationally.”

In Kouki’s case, it was more about being lazy and frugal than rational, but since it wasn’t causing significant problems, Takuma didn’t strongly object. This time, Mare’s different style of magic use allowed them to take it easy. This was one of the charms of a temporary party.

“Now, let’s proceed once the stripping is done. Tonbo, Kouki, please.”

While goblins didn’t yield significant items, the red-black translucent stones in the protrusions on their foreheads were valuable. Initially, they thought it might be a horn or something, but the protrusion didn’t reach the bone; it was formed by the hardening of the skin.

These translucent stones could be sold at a high price to the NPCs in town. It seemed to be some kind of material, but players specializing in crafting hadn’t been collecting it, so the recipe for it hadn’t been discovered yet.

“Yes. That’s fine.”

With Mare’s consent, they resumed their exploration.

Encounters with groups of goblins and skeletons occurred frequently, but they were all defeated without much danger. There seemed to be slightly more than usual, but it was surprisingly easier than usual.

Needless to say, it was because of Mare. While she didn’t cast the high-powered magic seen during their first meeting, her cool and effective actions, like nullifying magic and hindering enemy movements, contributed. She even showed off tricks like using magic to shoot down arrows from goblin archers. According to her, lightning magic had a fast activation and projectile speed, making it easy once you got used to it. However, Takuma had never seen anything like it before.

While still being efficient in combat, she discreetly left the job of delivering finishing blows to Kouki, ensuring to preserve his pride. Clearly, she was a player of a significantly higher caliber. Though they received less experience per enemy due to her presence, the overall efficiency of their battles increased, resulting in higher income.

“…Yeah, having one more magic user really changes the efficiency.”

Shiitake, for his standards, made a considerate remark. Takuma’s party had no dissatisfaction with Kouki, but such a clear difference in abilities couldn’t be ignored.

It would be ideal to have Mare continue with the party from now on, but she had mentioned teaming up with different members regularly, making it difficult.

“Takuma, what do you think? Since we have the chance, how about challenging the deepest part of the forest today?”

As Tonbo suggested, if possible, they wanted to try reaching the deepest part of the forest. Until now, Takuma’s party had never reached that far. They usually prioritized surviving and returned when they could cover about half the distance to a combat-ready location. Even though there were often casualties, they were still alive.

Normally, they would be close to turning back now. However, considering the time, it was still quite early. Thanks to the efficiency of their battles, they were ahead of schedule. The overall plan wouldn’t change, but checking the boss of this area before returning for equipment repairs seemed like a good idea. Of course, Mare’s approval was essential since there was a possibility of being unable to retreat, meaning a potential wipe.

“…Yeah, Mare-san. How about it? If you’re okay with it, would you explore all the way to the deepest part and check out the boss here? Of course, there’s a possibility of being wiped out right there on the spot, so if Mare-san isn’t willing, we’ll turn back right here…”

“…It’s okay. I’m interested too. However, if it comes to fighting the boss, I’m sorry, but I will prioritize defending myself first.”

“Of course! Thank you very much!”

It was only natural for her, a temporary member, to prioritize her own safety. They hadn’t built a level of trust in this short period that would justify her risking her life and experience points for them. It felt too apologetic to have her go through that for Takuma and the others.

“Well then, let’s continue towards the deepest part without turning back.”

Although it was described as the deepest part of the forest, it wasn’t precisely clear where that was. However, through their exploration so far, they had a rough idea of the general direction.

While the overall density of monsters in this forest was higher compared to the town, there was a significant increase in monsters only when approaching specific areas. It was evident that they didn’t want them to go in that direction, likely because a boss was there.

Shiitake, utilizing mapping skills and items, had mapped the forest from the surface to the middle layer. However, beyond the middle layer, there were areas not yet mapped, forming an arc. These areas were left blank due to the extremely high monster density, indicating places where Takuma’s party hadn’t set foot. Usually, this served as a guide for turning back. That meant this area beyond and likely the center of the arc contained the boss.

From there, the difficulty level increased significantly.

Even with Mare in the party, it could be described as barely making it.

They had to drink potions for fatigue and MP recovery at every short break. They hadn’t prepared potions for Mare, but she insisted it wasn’t necessary, so they used only their own.

It wasn’t that the enemies became stronger, but the increase in numbers took its toll. The excessive number of enemies couldn’t be covered by Takuma’s provocation-type skills alone. Shiitake, who didn’t usually engage in close combat, had to focus on defense.

Still, they managed somehow, thanks to the party composition.

Players who couldn’t engage in close combat were only Kouki, and the others had some form of combat capability. If Kouki was targeted, Shiitake guarded him, enduring until Tonbo and Hourai attacked and pulled the enemies away.

In this situation, Mare, the guest, couldn’t support much, but that concern seemed unnecessary.

Mare was taking on several goblins by herself. In the chaos, she didn’t use her spear but smoothly dodged attacks, occasionally throwing enemies and precisely piercing vital points with her short dagger. In the midst of this, she casually cast magic, seemingly neutralizing enemy magic and hindering their actions. It couldn’t be confirmed as they didn’t watch the entire time, but the fact that hardly any magic came from the enemies suggested as much.

This forced march was somewhat selfish of Takuma’s party, but Mare seemed unconcerned.

The surprise attack from behind, which had been absent until now, was especially nerve-wracking.

The timing was undoubtedly chosen to ensure the success of the ambush, exploiting the accumulated fatigue. Shiitake, whose attention was focused forward, didn’t notice the approaching enemies from behind, falling victim to the surprise attack.

Even so, Mare took care of it.

Suddenly, at the rear with Kouki, she cast an area-of-effect spell, piercing multiple goblins with lightning, leaving them charred. Simultaneously, enemies came from the front, so Takuma’s group couldn’t support the rear, but it wasn’t necessary.

The enemies from behind, who were supposed to execute a foolproof surprise attack, seemed flustered, and it appeared they weren’t Mare’s foes. Before the front battle concluded, the clean-up in the rear was complete. After that, it was the usual scenario, with Mare supporting the front battle.

Understanding what it meant to team up with a player of significantly higher skill level, Takuma felt it unpleasantly.

With just one such player, they could challenge dungeons of one or even two difficulty levels higher. However, this couldn’t be called conquering a dungeon. They were merely being taken on an attraction by Mare.

“Mare-san, I apologize for the impoliteness, but I have a favor to ask.”

“What is it?”

“Well, if we happen to fight the boss, I’m sorry, but I’d like you to refrain from getting involved and just watch.”

“Hey, Takuma! …No, yeah. If Mare-san is okay with it, it would be appreciated.”

Tonbo seemed to share the same opinion. Shiitake also nodded in agreement. Hourai remained silent with closed eyes, but he always did so when he agreed. If he disagreed, he would immediately express it. His silence meant he, too, felt the inadequacy of their party’s strength.

“…If it’s okay for me to prioritize my safety, I don’t mind.”

If Mare were to use Takuma and the others as meat shields, there might be a chance of winning against the boss. However, Takuma and the others wanted to at least try fighting the boss themselves, even if they ended up losing.

Since she had acknowledged their intention with a nod, appropriate gratitude was necessary.

Fighting the boss with just Takuma’s party would likely lead to a wipeout. If that happened, she would have to face the boss alone. Even with Mare, it didn’t seem likely they could defeat the boss.

While the value of her experience points was uncertain, they decided to hand over all the drop items they had obtained so far. No one in the party opposed this decision.

“Uh, thank you? Uh, wait a moment, please.


…Yes, here you go. Thank you very much.

…Um, thank you.”

Mare accepted it, momentarily wearing a surprised expression. Her gratitude seemed unexpected. She was not only skilled but also had a wonderful personality. Takuma considered himself fortunate to have met her.

He would have liked to become friends, but that was out of the question since Shiitake had attacked her during their journey. If he proposed it now, it might seem like he was trying to lure her with drop items, so he decided to give up on it this time.

“What is this… a house? It’s built here.”

“Goblins build houses? That’s the first time I’ve seen that.”

This was probably the deepest part, where the boss would likely be.

There was a cleared space where surrounding trees seemed to have been cut down, and in that space stood something like a log house.

The log house was quite sizable, possibly two stories tall.

Although doors weren’t visible, they might be on the opposite side.

It was almost certain that the boss was inside.

“Oh, hey, it’s coming out!”

From behind the log house, a massive goblin appeared slowly.

By rough estimation, it seemed to be around three meters tall. If it lived in this massive body, the log house might be a single-story instead of two.

The clothing was neater compared to other goblins, made from oddly sewn together colorful fabrics.

No, it was different.

These were probably clothes taken from people in the town. They were sewn together to make their own attire.

Considering monsters having concepts of decoration or clothing seemed unlikely, this was probably some kind of hunting trophy. It conveyed the message that it had invaded the town and killed this many humans.

“It’s intimidating. Can we win against this guy?”

“A ★4 is this…? Or is the boss in a different league?”

“More importantly, here it comes! Mare-san, please step back!”

Swinging a log that seemed like it was just pulled out from a nearby tree, the boss attacked.

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