Global Game: Ten Billion Spirit Energy Coins From The Start

Chapter 6 - 6 6, Solo kill, level 3 BOSS! _1

6 6, Solo kill, level 3 BOSS! _1

Translator: 549690339

“Evolution” does not include free attribute points after leveling up in the game.

During the leveling up process, the mage’s attributes would automatically increase as it levels up (Strength, Agility, Constitution +1, Intelligence +2, HP +10, Mana +20).

This is one less thing for Su Yu to worry about.

Looking at his attribute panel, Su Yu quietly nodded his head.

“My spell power is now at 26 points, I should be able to instantly kill 4th level monsters. I think it’s time I level up in the high-level monster area!”

Su Yu casually cast a [Magic Bullet], aiming to end the life of the wild boar in front of him, and then move to the high-level monster area.

However, something that he did not expect happened.

After being hit by his [Magic Bullet], the wild boar in front of him did not fall like others of its kind but roared and charged at Su Yu.

Su Yu was taken aback and took a good look at this boar.

Its size was larger than others and had more fur on its head, making it look quite fierce.

[Black Wild Boar Leader (normal)]

HP: 500

“A wild boar boss has spawned unexpectedly! No wonder I didn’t kill it instantly.”

“But since it is a boss, it should drop some good loot!”

With these thoughts in his head, Su Yu quickly reacted.

He calmly moved to the side to dodge the wild boar leader’s [Charge].

Then, Su Yu launched his [Magic Bullet] and scroll-activated [Ice Arrow] onto the Wild Boar Leader.



Two big numbers popped up, and the wild boar leader’s HP dropped below 70% immediately.

The wild boar leader, now in pain, had blood-red eyes. It grunted loudly and launched another [Charge] at Su Yu.

But Su Yu was, after all, a level 64 master in his previous life. For these low-level monsters’ AI to harm him was practically impossible.

Casually dodging the [Charge], his spell casting did not slow down at all.



Two more spells.

The wild boar boss’s HP further dropped below half.

The [Black Wild Boar Leader], who was proud of his [Charge] skill, couldn’t hit the human in front of him and was easily dodged by Su Yu’s proficient footwork.

Despite doing everything it could, it was never able to touch the human in front of it.

Not even once.

In the end, under the relentless bombardment of spells and magic scrolls, the wild boar leader cried out in pain and fell to the ground.

“Ding! You killed [Black Wild Boar Leader Lv3] and earned 30 experience points.”

“The monsters from the newbie village are so weak! There’s absolutely no challenge.”

Su Yu approached the wild boar boss’s corpse and picked up the bag full of loot.

The wild boar boss was quite generous with the loot and dropped several items.

[New Moon Wand (Excellent) Lv3], [Black Iron Boots (Excellent) Lv3], [Lightning Bolt (Normal)] skill scroll, [Wild Boar Leader’s Tusk (Excellent)] X2.

“Oh? A skill scroll dropped?” Su Yu’s eyes brightened.

In “Evolution”, a small part of the basic skills could be learned from job mentors, but most of the higher-quality spells are learnt through skill scrolls. Skill scrolls are much more valuable than equipment, so it was quite unexpected that the wild boar boss dropped one!

It could also be due to the fact that it was the first time someone killed a level 3 boss in Nolan Village.

“[Lightning Bolt]? With the [Flash Chain] reward from the old wizard’s task, it seems that I’m going to start off as a lightning mage in the early stage of the game!”

Su Yu smiled and immediately chose to learn this spell.

[Lightning Bolt (Normal)]: Launches a bolt of lightning to attack the enemy, dealing 130% spell power of magic damage. There is a 20% chance of placing the target in a [Paralyze] state. Casting time 1.5 seconds, consumes 5 mana points.

“[Paralysis]: The target cannot attack or move, duration 0.5 seconds.

Without a second thought, Su Yu spent 1100 spiritual energy coins to upgrade the skill to rare blue quality.

After the upgrade was complete, the attributes of the [Lightning Bolt] underwent a drastic change.

[Lightning Bolt (Rare)]: Release a lightning attack on the enemy, causing 390% magic damage based on spell potency, with a 40% chance of inducing a [Paralysis] status on the target. Casting time is 0.5 seconds, and consumes 15 mana points.

Looking at the upgraded attributes of [Lightning Bolt], Su Yu nodded in satisfaction.

Lightning spells in “Evolution” are known for their single-target high damage, quick speed and [Paralysis] effect.

However, compared to other elemental spells, it has a smaller damage range than fire spells, weaker control than ice spells, and less defensive power than earth spells.

Each elemental spell have their own strengths–there’s no one-size-fits-all answer.

In his past life, mage players generally specialized in a single element type.

But Su Yu was different. He had 7 billion spiritual energy coins and could definitely afford to master multiple elements!

The [New Moon Wand] is still locked because his level is not high enough.

Su Yu casually threw the boss wild boar’s drops into his backpack, whistling to himself as he headed to a high-level wild monster area.

While Su Yu was battling the boss wild boar, Snow Balm and his daughter found the other group of five who were leveling up on the other side of the boar area.

“Excuse me, have you seen a young man named ‘Nemesis’?” Snow Balm asked politely.



“Me neither.”

The four of them shook their heads in unison.

“You can try looking in the opposite monster area,” said the kind-hearted archer. “After all, the wild monster area is large, so maybe…”

But then he trailed off. The archer, who had broader vision, turned to look in the distance, where Su Yu was battling the wild boar boss, surrounded by the heaps of wild boar carcasses at his feet!

“Boss, look over there! What’s happening?!” he shouted, ignoring his leveling up and pointing at the distance.


The fighter known as “boss” finished downing a wild boar, then lifted his head to look in the direction the archer was pointing—but didn’t see a thing.

“There’s nothing there,” he said, looking perplexed.

The other teammates also concurred—they saw nothing.

“You guys can’t see it…quickly, come with me, let’s get a closer look!”

The archer was quite excited. He ran around the monster area towards the direction Su Yu was in.

“You two should come take a look too! Something incredible seems to have happened over there!” he told Snow Balm and his daughter.

Looking at the archer’s actions, his four teammates exchanged glances.

However, they were already bored after half an hour of hunting wild boar, and without saying a word, they followed the archer.

Snow Fall and her father exchanged glances and out of curiosity, they too followed along.

After dealing with the wild boar boss, Su Yu hadn’t walked far when he noticed seven players walking towards him. Among them were the familiar-looking Snow Balm and his daughter.

At this point, all seven players were staring at the wild boar carcasses littering the ground, their faces incredulous:

“Good heavens! How could there be so many wild boar carcasses? Could it be a bug?”

“The wild boars must have been killed quickly, otherwise how would so many carcasses be left without being refreshed?”

“Shocking! Dozens of wild boar carcasses in the wilderness…what could be the reason?”

Among the seven, the archer who had seen Su Yu battle the wild boar boss knew Su Yu was the cause.

He then walked up to Su Yu, his eyes shining, and said in a low voice:

“Buddy, where did you get that cheat? Is it reliable? Sell it to us, and we guarantee we’ll pay a high price!”

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