Global Fog Survival

Chapter 77: The Hidden History

A pair of bloodshot, crazed, and brutal eyes swept coldly over everyone present. Almost every mutant possessed the basic ability to drive people insane. However, this ability was displayed more vividly in lord-level mutants. Everyone felt a stabbing pain in their brains and their thoughts became chaotic as they looked at it. Emotions grew singular and extreme.

Colin endured the severe headache and refrained from activating “Hunting Time.” Instead, he took out a blood-stained wooden wheel. In the next second, intentionally guiding his thoughts, Colin felt intense anger. His right hand gripped the wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white. With a single thought, the blood-stained wooden wheel erupted with a clear, holy light. This light was similar to the holy light on Sanna, but its nature was entirely different—dazzling, blinding, and impossible to look at directly.

Under this light, all shadows were banished, and the area within ten meters around Colin became completely shadowless. It was incredible! Not only that, but even the mental influence of the lord-level mutant couldn’t penetrate this area bathed in scorching white light.

“This…” Colin was somewhat shocked. He knew the residual power in the wheel was strong, but neither he nor Number One had ever used it, so he couldn’t have known it was this powerful. It could even completely expel the interference of a lord-level mutant. However, as all mental influences were severed, the unnatural “anger” within Colin quickly subsided, and the blinding light seemed to begin shrinking.

Before this could happen, Colin’s right-hand muscles tensed, and he hurled the glowing wooden wheel with all his strength at the man trapped in the olive tree. The wheel absorbed light as it flew, dissolving all the emitted terror and transforming into a flat, round incandescent light ball about five meters in diameter. In a second, with a thud, it struck the not fully transformed lord-level mutant. Blinding light erupted, swallowing most of the olive tree like a sun, making it impossible to look at it directly.

Everyone turned away, closing their stinging eyes. At this moment, they all realized that this nearly lord-level mutant had been suppressed. Colin felt the power of the “Light Saint” through the wheel and vaguely sensed that the priest might have been able to solo a lord-level mutant in his lifetime. Yet, he couldn’t understand why the mutant seemed weaker after death. Colin remembered that he had chopped it down with a few blows.

But there was no time to ponder this. The light did not immediately dissipate after the explosion but continued to shine on the area. The sound of flesh sizzling under the intense heat kept coming from beneath the tree. It was clear that while the power suppressed it, killing it was still difficult. This time, Colin activated “Hunting Time,” allowing him to see through the intense light to the events unfolding within.

Tears streamed from his eyes as he watched the mutant’s body, oil oozing from the scorching, twisted flesh within the black metal shell, struggling but not dying. Colin hesitated whether to act now. Charging with Sanna and throwing a dozen barrels of explosives to complete today’s “self-destruct quest” might kill this seemingly incomplete mutant, perhaps even extracting its skill. But then, a wave of unease washed over him, followed by a voice full of pain echoing in his mind.

“This is… the light of the teacher… Please, help me break free… Let me see her one last time. I don’t want to become the ‘Miracle of Suffering’… This is my last desire… Your gift will not be in vain… Please…”

The voice carried immense pain beyond ordinary comprehension. It clearly came from under the olive tree. Teacher? Break free? Not wanting to become a miracle? His words made a lightbulb go off in Colin’s mind, seemingly understanding the long-standing mystery of the “Miracle of Suffering.” However, there was no time to think further, as another cold voice, the system’s voice, suddenly emerged.

【Quest condition detected. Quest “Kimino’s Wish” is about to be issued.】

【Quest issued. Please check.】

Immediately, Colin, puzzled, took out a scroll to check the quest list.

【”Kimino’s Wish”】

【Quest Description: Kimino, a devout and powerful follower of the “Light Saint” Kaidish.】

【While on a mission, he learned of the sudden death of the girl he once loved and returned to the Olive Homeland in a frenzy to see her one last time.】

【His desertion enraged the church, and before he could see the girl’s grave, he was executed for heresy on this bare olive tree.】

【Dozens of arrows pierced his body, and several swords stabbed into his vital points, but he did not die, clinging to some obsession.】

【As the Church of Suffering prepared to employ more extreme punishment, a “miracle” occurred. His skin was covered by hard metal from the olive tree, and his body gradually transformed into its branches.】

【This was considered by the church as a miracle bestowed by the “Mother of Suffering and Thorns” in his injured, dying state.】

【The executioners did not kill him further but awaited the miracle’s evolution, planning to accept him once he became a true “Miracle of Suffering.”】

【But Kimino’s only wish was to visit the girl’s grave once before he died, to see her one last time.】

【Quest T time: 4 minutes and 51 seconds.】

【Quest requirement: Submit “1000ml of Golden Hot Oil” and release Kimino from the binds of suffering, fulfilling his wish to see the girl he longed for across the endless years.】

【Quest reward: Hardened Black bread*99, Bloodthirsty Stigma*1, Level 1 Custom Design Blueprint (Crafting Table)*1.】

【Hint: You realize that the design blueprint will allow you to synthesize items that are normally impossible to combine…】

The blueprint made Colin’s heart race, but his next question was, “What is ‘Golden Hot Oil’?”

【Hint: You realize that ‘Golden Hot Oil’ should be ‘rare tainted blood.’】

“How do those two terms even mean the same thing?” Colin muttered, and then the voice came again by his ear.

“While I can still hear you, please, hurry…” The tall man, over three meters, covered in arrows and rusty swords, pleaded like never before.

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