Global Fog Survival

Chapter 110: Diagnostic Through The Threads

Chapter 110: Diagnostic Through The Threads

There were about five hours left until nightfall. At this time, whether the survivors were already out hunting, resting, staying within their territory handling various affairs, or simply idling away their time doing nothing, they all suddenly saw a string of blood-red messages occupying their screens as soon as they opened the chat channel.

Almost instantly, they were drawn to the information at the top.

“Attention! To all survivors who have summoned characters using the ‘Special Talent Summoning Card,’ if their loyalty is not at 100%, please be cautious.”

“Through certain channels, I have learned that the ‘Special Talent Summoning Card’ can cause out-of-control situations. Once they lose control, it will become an extremely terrifying disaster.”

“This loss of control is not based on their will; as long as their loyalty is not at 100%, they will inevitably lose control.”

“The disaster they cause is no less than that of a lord-level mutant and even more unpredictable and difficult to prevent. I will have someone post more detailed information separately.”

“I will provide methods for achieving 100% loyalty to all survivors with ‘Special Talents’ as best as I can.”

“Secondly, tomorrow, a large quantity of potato seedlings will be available. Survivors with territories above level two can purchase them as needed.”

“Thirdly, I have collected a large amount of valuable historical knowledge through special channels, which will be made public soon for everyone to reference.”

“Above all…”

After reading this, the chat channel quickly became lively.

“Wow, I told you the rapid progress in the investigation quest was definitely related to the big boss, but you didn’t believe it. Where’s the guy who said he’d eat shit? Do you know how many tons you owe?”

“We can grow crops! Finally, we can grow crops! My entire territory is full of wild grass, and it tastes terrible.”

“Can the characters summoned by the ‘Special Talent Summoning Card’ really lose control? No way, my ‘Greatsword Hunter’ doesn’t look out of control at all.”

“Didn’t the big boss say? This collapse doesn’t depend on their will. If loyalty isn’t at 100%, they will inevitably collapse.”

“The hot topic is out, go check it out!”

“To achieve 100% loyalty, just help them complete their wishes. For those with special characters, copy their attributes and send them to Colin for specific advice. Damn, I accidentally typed this in the world channel, wasted a broadcast, damn it.”

“Haha, this is just a way to get at us! When special talents level up, their strength is terrifying. Now he’s collecting information to target us in the future. Who would believe that?”

“Serves you right, you conspiracy theorists. I’m telling you, special characters do collapse. One of our special talents had loyalty below thirty, suddenly turned into a walking fireball, and started chasing us.”

“In ancient times, there was the divine doctor diagnosing through silk threads; now we have the big boss diagnosing through the net.”

“What awful thing did you guys do?”

“We don’t know. He suddenly dropped from fifty to thirty loyalty and then went crazy. Now we don’t dare go near that area.”

“It seems like this issue is not simple.”

“Everyone, listen to my advice: special talents are great, but they are complicated. If you can’t handle it, contact the big boss and let him help you manage them.”

So there have already been cases of collapse. Colin frowned; he didn’t expect this to happen so quickly.

In the previous cycle, the loss of control occurred after the thirtieth day. Before that, no matter how low the loyalty, there was no loss of control. Even if it dropped to ten percent or even zero, they would at most disobey orders, but not retaliate.

But now, it had only been four days.

“But it’s not all bad news. Right now, everyone is poor and can’t afford to upgrade special talents.”

As he thought about this, Colin felt a bit complicated. Because of their poverty, they were actually doing quite well. He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

However, if they aren’t at level three, the loss of control for special talents isn’t too hard to handle. It’s only when they upgrade to level three, where their power undergoes a qualitative change, that the disaster becomes terrifying and difficult to resolve.

Just like that “guide.”

Currently, few people have the money to upgrade to level two, let alone level three. Colin remembered that the promotion to level three for talents required sacred marks. For example, Sanna needed the “Mark of Light.” He wasn’t sure if there was a “Mark of Light” at the end of the mountains.

According to Sanna, the light in this region was undoubtedly the “Holy Light” she recognized, the same source as her power. But it was “extreme,” with no healing effect, only purification—the purest form of purification.

If it were compared to vehicles, one would be a medical vehicle, and the other a cannon. Rational beings exposed to this light for too long would go “mad” and start “praising the sun.” This was something Sanna had never witnessed before. She said it was unlike her people, who only genuinely “praised the sun” from the heart.

But when Colin recalled the devout expression on Sanna’s face when she praised the sun, he couldn’t help but think of the difference between southern and northern pyramid schemes.

Without dwelling too much on it, Colin opened his private messages and unsurprisingly saw an overwhelming amount of content.

After deleting a lot of useless information, he used keywords to find relevant information.

“So many.”

Colin was a bit stunned, seeing all the information made his temples throb.

“Level 2 ‘Greatsword Hunter,’ base strength 3.8, ‘Storm Slash.’”

Colin glanced at the information, quickly processing it in his mind, diagnosing through the screen.

[You realize that he may regret not being able to hunt a strong enough prey, earning enough bounty and glory.]

Is this a sword duel?

After thinking for a moment, Colin replied, “Find a stronger elite monster or multiple ones for him to hunt. Then, you guys should act like you’re struggling alongside him, as if you barely won. Afterward, give him a large reward and have a group of people praise him heavily. And when rewarding him, don’t be stingy. From my experience, he will return the favor.”

Soon, the person on the other end replied with thanks.

The enthusiastic words made Colin’s skin crawl, making him wonder if this person was going to duel.

Colin was about to look at the next message when he suddenly felt something was off. Thinking back.

“Huh? I remember Sanna’s base strength is 3.9. Why is the Greatsword Hunter’s base strength 0.1 lower? Who is the real ‘Greatsword Hunter’?”

Without looking at the characters, swapping their names wouldn’t feel out of place.

He suddenly regretted not bringing along the black greatsword.

With so many problems, a few more wouldn’t matter. Shaking his head slightly, Colin dismissed these odd thoughts and looked at the next message.

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