Global Awakening: I Got A SSS-level Library System

Chapter 16: The Assessment Ends, Awards for Best Individual and Class Achieved

Chapter 16: The Assessment Ends, Awards for Best Individual and Class Achieved

Oscar was taken aback for a moment by the score before he couldn't help but burst out laughing. 930 points? How could that even be? He pondered if Wendy Queen had been under some undue stress.

Oscar's laughter allowed those around him, initially stunned, to ease into amusement, their faces breaking into smiles. They ridiculed what seemed to them an absurd lie, befitting the reputation of the academy's perennial underachiever.

Some teachers even began to suspect that Wendy might have conspired with Alex to fabricate this score from the start. Why else, they thought, would Alex appear so unfazed throughout?

But surely, they reasoned, fabricating such a score without the trophies to back it up would be quickly exposed as a farce, wouldn't it?

Dean Ken Moore, too, was fraught with skepticism, but he wasn't quick to draw conclusions like the others. After a brief pause, he inquired, "Wendy Queen, could you please present the findings from your venture into the secret realm?"

Responding to the dean's request, Wendy promptly produced an enormous sack from the academy-issued storage ring, a sack even taller than her slight frame, puzzling all onlookers. What did this signify?

As Wendy fumbled with the bag's opening, she explained with an awkward air, "I ran out of time for harvesting trophies, so I brought back the carcasses of the beasts. That counts towards the score, right?"

Upon opening the bag, hundreds of Dusk Bat corpses cascaded out, blanketing the ground. The sight laid bare the truth for all to witness.

Even Isabella seemed to lose color at this revelation. Having consistently clinched the top spot since her entrance to the academy, the reality of being outdone by Wendy—and by such a staggering margin—was a bitter pill to swallow. Isabella's look towards Wendy mingled envy with a touch of resentment.

The crowd erupted in murmurs.

"She slew that many Dusk Bats?!"

"Wow, single Dusk Bats are easy enough to squash, but faced with so many... I'd likely be the one defeated."

"How on earth did she accomplish this?!"

"Alex Watson of the Omni-Class must be phenomenal, to transform the school's last-ranked student into this year's victor!"

"Da*n, if only I had known, I'd have signed up for the Omni-Class last year!"

"Please, even if you had wanted to sign up, he might not have wanted you. Remember, the Omni-Class is reserved for prodigies."

Conversations buzzed, growing louder and filled with wonder. Confronted with undeniable proof, the students quickly revised their opinions of Alex.

It became clear that Alex' instruction was the catalyst for Wendy's remarkable progress. How else could one explain her dramatic improvement?

However, as teachers congregated to offer their congratulations to Alex, they were interrupted by Oscar's scornful accusation, "Ah, Alex Watson, I can't believe that you'd resort to cheating to win this competition!"

This accusation sent shockwaves through the assembled crowd. Wendy Queen cheated? Wendy herself shivered slightly upon hearing this.

Just moments ago, she had been reveling in the adulation from her peers and teachers, and now she found herself unjustly accused of cheating by Oscar, a charge that deeply wounded her.

Yet, how could she articulate the manner in which she had attained her score? It wasn't her place to reveal that Alex had provided her with an intricately detailed map. Thus, Wendy opted for silence, bearing the weight of the unfair allegation.

Alex, upon hearing Oscar's claim, furrowed his brow in displeasure. He was willing to overlook personal slights, understanding that vindication often required patience. However, he would not tolerate slander against his student.

Before Alex could voice his objection, Ken stepped forward, his expression grim at the mention of cheating—a serious infraction. If the allegations proved true, the academy would be compelled to expel Wendy Queen.

However, such grave charges could not be leveled lightly. "Mr. Mills, on what grounds do you claim Wendy Queen cheated? Such accusations cannot be made without substantiation," Ken emphasized, advocating for fairness.

Oscar sneered and gestured towards the mound of Dusk Bat corpses, "Wendy Queen is well known for her skills across Santania School. The presence of hundreds of Dusk Bats here... It's not something even our teachers could handle solo. How then could she possess such capability?"

Unmoved by Oscar's insinuation, Ken responded with equal firmness, "This doesn't conclusively prove Wendy Queen cheated. The trophies are laid out for all to see. How could she cheat with such overt evidence? Are you implying she conjured these Dusk Bats through some illusion?"

Stunned by Ken's counterargument, Oscar found himself momentarily at a loss, before blurting out in desperation, "She must have prepared these bodies in advance! She had these corpses in her storage ring before entering the realm. She must have..."

"Enough!" Ken, no longer able to contain his frustration with Oscar's unfounded allegations, sharply interrupted.

"The storage rings were distributed today. How could she possibly have prepared so many Dusk Bat corpses in advance? Or are you suggesting the academy assisted her in cheating?"

"I..." Oscar found himself speechless, his accusations dismantled by Ken's pointed rebuttal. Yet, he couldn't shake off the disbelief and accept the outcome.

If Wendy's score stood validated, it meant he had indeed lost the bet to Alex. With even the Dean affirming the score's authenticity, Oscar found himself cornered, with no avenue left to contest. Swallowing his indignation, he withdrew from the confrontation.

As the tumult settled down, the principal stepped forward to declare the outcomes of the evaluation.

"The preliminary examination for this year's admissions has concluded. Based on average scores, the accolade for this year's top class goes to Alex Watson's Omni-Class! And the top individual performer is none other than student Wendy Queen!"

This proclamation was greeted with enthusiastic applause from teachers and students alike, who are always generous in their praise for the unequivocal victors.

Amid the celebratory atmosphere, Alex, wearing a modest smile, approached Oscar, gently nudging him, "Mr. Mills, do you recall our wager? Perhaps it's time to fulfill your end of the bargain?"

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