Gifted Bride of the Sinned Prince

Chapter 433

433 Over-qualifies the other princes

Qiu Zedong furrowed his brows together. His Queen committed a crime in everyone’s eyes and if he would not punish her, then it would bring questions to his justice. His consorts, his concubines, and his children had their eyes on him as they wanted him to speak.

He was in a big dilemma!

When Xiaoming announced that he would like to take the punishment on his mother’s behalf, it infuriated the King. However, when Lóng Wei intervened and asked him to let Li Hua decide on that matter. Qiu Zedong liked the suggestion of his youngest son and agreed to it.

“I allow Li Hua to come here,” Qiu Zedong said and glanced at Eunuch Gao Bing to bring Li Hua there.

Xiaoming kept his head low because his father had not told him to raise his head. They all waited for Li Hua to arrive. However, before that Jin Yu arrived in the courtyard of the manor. She furrowed her brows together as she came to a halt.

Qiu Mu clenched his jaw as Lóng Wei interceded in his plan. The opportunity to be the next Crown Prince he did not want it to slip off his hand. He wanted his mother to be the next queen and for that, he had to put every effort on this.

“Royal Father, it will be wrong not to punish the culprit behind the crime. Many innocent people have lost their lives in this attack. In my opinion, Royal Father must deliver the justice to those people,” Qiu Mu put forward his views.

“Since when the Second Prince start to think about innocent people?” Lóng Wei snickered as he gazed in his direction. He knew that Qiu Mu wanted to be the next Crown Prince and wanted his mother to be the next Queen, but he could not let that happen.

The answer he wanted to find from Xiaoming, he already had found. Xiaoming did not ask the King to forgive his mother. Instead, he was ready to take that price of her crime. He realized that Xiaoming indeed possessed the qualities of a good king and in the future, he must sit on the throne amongst them all.


“My wife reacted on this matter after Her Majesty sent her the message by faking that she was the person, who killed the Xu Family. If there is someone, who should decide on this matter, then it must be Li Hua,” Lóng Wei proclaimed and tilted his head to look at Xiaoming.

“The Crown Prince should not talk about stepping down his position because he has worked hard to reach here. We all know that more than us, Prince Xiaoming always was into work. The crime his mother committed should not become the reason of his dethronment,” Lóng Wei stated and shifted his gaze straight to his father.

Xiaoming was overwhelmed to hear Lóng Wei’s words. When everyone was silent, Lóng Wei stepped up to protect him. He troubled Lóng Wei so much when he was young merely because of the prophecy. However, Lóng Wei proved him wrong today. The slight doubts that were in his mind had vanished.

Jin Yu was impressed with Lóng Wei’s nature. She wanted to intervene in this matter, but seeing a brother helping the other, she decided not to. She had faith in Lóng Wei and Li Hua that they would not let anything happen to Xiaoming.

Lóng Wei heard the sound of the anklets and turned to look. He smiled to see Li Hua, who was behind Gao Bing. She peered at Lóng Wei and stood next to him.

Bowing her head before the King, Li Hua greeted him first.

“Li Hua, firstly, I would like to apologize to you. You were targetted many times. This time none other than the Queen tried to take your life. I would like to know what punishment you want me to give to my Queen,” Qiu Zedong said while keeping his tone as polite as possible.

Li Hua lifted her head and opened her mouth to speak. “His Majesty is embarassing me by apologizing to me. I would like to know from Her Majesty why she tried to kill me?” she stated.

Qiu Zedong looked at Zhu Liling, who was on the ground and asked her to tell Li Hua the reason behind it.

“I am ready to listen to the harshest truth behind such plan of Her Majesty,” Li Hua affirmed. “So, I request her to speak the truth only,” she urged.

“Lóng Wei is the reason,” Zhu Liling replied in a low voice which was audible to Xiaoming and Lóng Wei only. Xiaoming was stunned to hear that answer and he felt terrible.

“Say it loudly,” Lóng Wei said with a stern tone.

“Prince Lóng Wei is the reason why I decided to kill Li Hua!” Zhu Liling loudly said and finally rasied her head to look at the King. “He humilitaes us and always keep us below his shoes. A concubine’s son became the Governor of Qinping and His Majesty did not even hesitate to give out such a decision. I was scared thinking that in the future, Lóng Wei might snatch the right of my son. If Li Hua would have died, then Lóng Wei had not dared to even talk back to me, and walk with his head high.”

Zhu Liling expressed her entire thoughts to all of them.

Li Hua heart wrenched to hear those words. Her eyes filled with tears and she looked at Lóng Wei who had not even a single frown on his forehead.

“Your Majesty, I want a death sentence for Her Majesty,” Li Hua announced her decision, shocking everyone present there. Lóng Wei tilted his head to look at her because this was not what he had expected from her.

Li Hua gulped the anger that had built inside her. “Just because my husband over qualifies the other princes that does not mean that one must come after his happiness. Her Majesty must be hung to death. If there was a commoner in Her Majesty’s place, then he or she would have been given a death sentence without any delay,” Li Hua stated. Her voice was filled with angst and she had made up her mind that today, she would end the Queen’s chapter.

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