Getting A System In A Modern World

Chapter 171: Meeting At The White House

Inside a big, white office, a group of people, men and women, could be seen standing, and some were seated. The group seemed to be waiting for someone, as they quietly stared at the door.

Their long anticipated wait came to an end when the door opened, and Adrian walked in.

"Mr President!" He saluted as he walked into the office.

"Adrian, we have been waiting for you. A little bird of mine told me that something happened at the facility at Ross Ice Self. Do you mind explaining?" The man who was being referred to as the president asked as he relaxed on his seat and placed his feet on the table.

Adrian smiled when he heard what the president said. He had already expected that the news would get to him, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

He didn't know who the little bird the President was referring to was, but he was very curious about the identity of this little bird of his.

He took a look at the others in the office, and he saw how they were anxiously waiting for him to start explaining himself.

'Pack of fucking dogs and sly foxes.' He thought to himself when he saw the expression on their faces.

"Mr. President, I also just got the news from them. Apparently, someone, a woman, infiltrated the facility and escaped with our most treasured asset," he said.

He made sure he chose his words carefully so as to not implicate himself.

"Adrian, you're the head of the BEM, right?" The president asked as he stood up from his seat and walked towards the window.

Adrian couldn't help but feel uneasy when he heard this question.

"Mr. President, I am the head of the organization. It was you that put me in the position, sir." He replied with a forced smile on his face.

"I remember putting you in that position, Adrian, and I also remember what I told you about your position. Do you remember it, Adrian?" The President asked, and the feeling of uneasiness that Adrian felt increased.

Adrian gulped silently in nervousness at the president's question.

"I remembered everything, Mr. President. You said that I should value the position just like I value my life, and I should make sure that there's nothing that jeopardizes the interest of the organization." He answered the best way he knew he could.

"Now, let me ask you this question, Adrian. How did someone infiltrate the lab facility, a place that has state-of-the-art defense systems installed? A place that has the best of the best that our special training for our special operations soldiers can produce, a place that shouldn't regularly be accessed by just anyone, except authorized individuals.

How did someone infiltrate it successfully and was able to escape with what you called our most valuable asset? How was that possible, Mr. Adrian Sanders?"

Adrian knew that he was in for it. He knew that the president was trying to do the same thing he wanted to do to those at the facility, finding someone to use as a scapegoat.

He knew that the only thing he could do at this point was to explain himself the best he could and get a lighter punishment.

"Mr. President, the infiltrator was like no other. The report I got said that she's stronger and faster than any phenomena that we have ever seen. Also, she can levitate into the air and could possibly fly. Another thing, Mr. President, the CCTV cameras can't capture her.

She's invisible to the cameras, and it looks like she can control anything related to tech, as she had access to everything and everywhere in the facility. There was also something about her mentioning something about her master, but I don't understand what that means."

Adrian noticed that immediately, the President turned and looked at an old man sitting quietly at a corner of the office and looking out the window close to him.

"Do you think she's related to him?" He asked curiously as he walked back to his seat.

"I can't say for sure, but there's a very huge possibility. The two of them are invisible to the CCTV cameras, and anything that's related to tech is easily under their control. Also, they are stronger than other phenomena.

These are things that the two of them have in common, so the possibility is very high, but we can't confirm anything yet," the old man replied, as he looked out the window with his mind seemingly occupied.

"She mentioned something about her master; maybe it's the young man from the Abyss, but just as you said, we can't say for sure. We can only know when we ask them ourselves." The President said, as he tapped his table rhythmically, with his thoughts unknown.

"Adrian, you said that she escaped by our most valuable asset, and by that, you mean President Yusmaorobis' daughter, right?" He asked in confirmation.

"Yes, Mr. President," Adrian hurriedly answered.

The feeling of uneasiness he had has subsided greatly, and it brought him relief.

"It seems like we would be paying an old friend a visit." The president smiled and pressed the communicators on his table.

"Adrian, give me an update on the experiment progress so far." He ordered, and the meeting continued.

While the meeting continued, the old man that sat at the corner of the office was looking out the window, deep in thought.

"Where did you guys come from? Are you from out there? What are your intentions? I hope to meet you soon."


Caracas International Airport.

Immediately, after an aircraft landed and taxied to a stop, a jet bridge was immediately moved to its location and connected to it.

After it has been connected securely, a comprehensive team of medical professionals that has been waiting for its arrival rushed towards the passenger door of the aircraft, with one of them pushing a stretcher.

The team of medical personnel was closely followed behind by a heavy escort of security personnel.

When they got to the passenger door, the medical personnel adjusted the stretcher, allowing Luna to place the young lady on it.

"Like I said to him before on the phone, she's alright. All she needs is rest and food. Don't stress her too much; she has been through a lot," Luna told the medical personnel and left.

Before landing, she had already called President Yusmaorobis and informed him of her arrival.

At first, he thought it was for another favor, but when he heard that Luna was returning with his daughter, his mood was greatly lifted, and he immediately ordered for the best medical team and security team in the country to move to the airport.

He didn't follow, as he didn't want to get his heart broken from disappointment. Also, he was scared to look at his daughter.

He knew that she already hated him for his decision to take her to the organization, and he doesn't blame her.

He was happy as long as she was finally safe and free from the clutches of those beasts, but he knew that he was also in for a lot of trouble in the coming days.

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