Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 63

With a flick of her hand, Madam conjured a flower from the vibrant red blood, revealing an object nestled within the blossom.

Lennok pondered why it took her so long to present him with something, only to discover that the item revealed was a photograph.

[Rumors suggest there was a clash with the outlaws of District 48 at Jenny's bar.]

Silently, Lennok accepted the photo that Madam extended to him.

Against the backdrop of a blurred night sky, a blue lightning dragon soared in the image.

[This photograph captures a battle involving the leader of the Cigar Bang Gang. It's not widely circulated information; my children obtained it for me.]


Ignoring Madam's words, Lennok fixated his gaze on the lightning dragon in the picture.

Certainly, it was no ordinary occurrence. It surpassed the realm of Common magic that Lennok himself could wield.

It belonged to the realm of Unique lightning magic series—a skill reserved for high-level wizards.

The belated revelation from Madam confirmed Lennok's suspicions.

[I've heard rumors of your exceptional skill in lightning magic. I brought this with the thought that you might find it interesting. Do you like it?]

Though he already knew the answer, Lennok remained silent before responding.

"…..This seems unrelated to the deal. Why are you going out of your way to tell me this?"

The significance of the information—about the gang leader possessing knowledge of Unique lightning magic—was self-evident to Lennok.

If he continued his collaboration with Dyke as planned, he might encounter a lightning wizard for the first time in this world.

And that could serve as a breakthrough in his currently hindered magical research.

[I am fond of talented individuals.]

Though unseen, it felt as if her smile radiated from behind the veil.

[Do I need to explain the beauty and transience of yet-to-bloom flowers? Let's just say it's a greeting to someone with such talent.]

Madam's words lingered, and Lennok swiftly grasped her intent.

Interest and desire for talent.

If she'd shown such feelings blatantly, she couldn't help but covet Lennok who was right in front of her.

[With your talent, you will eventually bloom on your own, even without anyone's assistance. It seems you already understand this.]


[But I can help you blossom into an even more splendid flower than you imagine. And I want you to know that I don't extend such aid to just anyone or in any manner.]

After assessing Lennok's expression, Madam turned away with a satisfied air.

[Feel no pressure, and do visit the castle at some point.]

No further questions or answers were exchanged.

Madam's disappearance from the spot was instantaneous.

With his heightened mana-sensing ability, Lennok discerned that she had vanished hundreds of meters away in a single moment, prompting a light sigh to escape his lips.

Madam, a vampire of such immense power that it was difficult to fathom her role as a broker.

Her strength far surpassed that of Jude Russel, whom Lennok had encountered previously.

She appeared to be a vampire who had lived for a considerable time, but it was difficult to comprehend why someone of her caliber would involve themselves in this industry.

The proposition she presented was enticing, but Lennok was not naive enough to blindly trust her words.

In this field, offers of assistance without any expectation of reciprocation were as transient as a flower blooming in a mud puddle.

And Lennok did not regard Madam as such a flower at all.

It was merely a typical recruitment effort employed by brokers.

Lennok took another puff from his cigarette and spread out the blueprint before him, carefully examining its contents.

"……So this is what it meant."

Upon studying the blueprint, Lennok quickly grasped why she had mentioned that it deviated from Autoble's previous direction.

Within the document was a meticulously drawn image of a large bike powered by two-wheel drive.

The true nature of Autoble's recently initiated project became clear—it was a foray into product expansion.

"A bike….."

Lennok chuckled, his gaze fixed on the blueprint.

Wouldn't coveting such an item be a bit too ambitious for Lennok, who lacked any particular means of transportation?

While it wouldn't be a bad idea to acquire one should the opportunity arise, it was not a matter that required immediate consideration.

‘I should exercise restraint until I have the means or magic to ensure safe transportation.'

The more he pondered, the more urgent his need to research teleportation magic became.

Given his recent encounters with individuals who appeared more competent from Lennok's perspective, he felt the necessity to further develop contingency plans.

There was no such thing as being too prepared or cautious.

Lennok, his left hand gripping the steering wheel of the jeep with its missing front end, took a long drag from his cigarette.


He pressed down on the accelerator and swiftly departed the construction site.

In the front yard of an abandoned building, amidst the stillness of the night after completing the job, only a single car remained, missing one wheel.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

The aftermath of the encounter with Madam progressed rapidly.

Sebastian efficiently handled all associated matters as soon as he learned that Lennok had secured the blueprint.

"Thank you very much."

The acting vice president of Autoble, who visited Sebastian's office early in the morning, bowed repeatedly, displaying an extremely deferential attitude as though he would willingly offer up his liver.

"If it weren't for Mr. Wizard, we would have been oblivious to Madison's attempt to steal our project results. You prevented the efforts of all Autoble employees, including myself, from being rendered futile overnight."

If the blueprint had truly been leaked, it would have resulted in significant losses, so the vice president's gratitude was not misplaced.

Sebastian handed the original blueprint to the vice president and patted his shoulder.

"I'm truly glad everything worked out. I can't hide the satisfaction I feel whenever I successfully handle a job like this."

"How could we have known about this if not for Sebastian? We never anticipated Madison's betrayal….. We are sincerely grateful for the continued partnership with headquarters."

Observing the vice president's expression, which perfectly aligned with Sebastian's shrewd self-assurance, Lennok raised his gaze with a hint of boredom.

He couldn't help it, as he understood it was a necessary part of the job.

The role of a broker inevitably entailed maneuvering and interacting with people in this manner.

"I hope you've reported this incident to the president accordingly."

"Of course. He's been busy managing the situation personally, but he assured me that he'll make time for it soon. You can look forward to it."

"Hehehe!! That's not exactly what I had in mind…."

Sebastian wore a satisfied smile as he watched the vice president leave the office.

Solidifying his relationship with Autoble's president through this incident was a significant achievement in his eyes.

Once he had composed himself, Sebastian took a seat across from Lennok.

"I apologize for my excitement. Establishing connections with Autoble's officials was no easy task. Given their substantial backing from investors, they hold considerable influence in the market. However, their interactions are relatively limited. Making progress in the automotive industry through this incident is quite significant."

"I see."

Lennok responded nonchalantly, prompting Sebastian to swiftly change the topic.

"I've bored you with the details. You had some other inquiries, correct? I've gathered all the necessary information."

With that, Sebastian smoothly retrieved a file from under the table and handed it to Lennok.

"While collecting information and specifically targeting companies with intense internal politics, I was able to pinpoint where the information about the company you're interested in is located. Take a look as I explain."

Following Sebastian's instructions, Lennok immediately began perusing the contents of the file.

True to Sebastian's words, as soon as he opened the cover, the pages were filled with information solely about Dyke Corporation.

A concise summary of the corporation, details about the current male president, and introductions to the directors beneath him.

There was even a photograph of the planning team leader, Panua.

Observing Lennok flipping through the papers, Sebastian began to speak.

"Dyke Corporation, once known for its production of industrial tools, is currently facing a significant internal crisis. The successor who gained management rights after the former president's disgraceful retirement is aiming to remove the long-standing board of directors."

"……So it's a power struggle?"

"Indeed. However, for the new president to gain the shareholders' consent, he requires notable achievements. To accomplish this, he came up with the idea of expanding the company's business scope into the 40s districts under the leadership of Panua. Entering a new market often leads to exponential sales growth, so if this venture proves successful, he could seize control of the massive corporation almost overnight."

"And the board of directors won't simply stand by and watch."

Lennok found this situation familiar, as it was not uncommon even on Earth.

"You catch on quickly. That's precisely it. The board of directors, who currently hold the power, are minimizing their support for the project and applying significant pressure. The few employees who have chosen to align with Panua and are prepared to face off against the board essentially form the backbone of the project."

So the decision to involve freelancers from the underworld instead of relying on Dyke's vast pool of talent was not merely a matter of saving face.

In that case, it became clearer why Panua had resorted to unconventional recruitment methods.

They likely lacked the necessary support to screen and select personnel through conventional means.

‘As expected… It's a far cry from what meets the eye.'

Lennok suddenly realized that coming to Sebastian had been a wise decision.

Without this valuable information, he would have been left questioning Dyke's incompetence with no actionable insights.

Lennok didn't expect to fully grasp the intricacies of the poorly planned operation, but at the very least, he now held a stronger position in the Dyke-Lennok relationship.

From Lennok's current standpoint, this was not bad news.

Demanding more from Dyke than he currently did meant that Dyke would be unable to refuse his requests.

Having swiftly calculated the situation, Lennok rose from his seat.

"Thanks for the explanation."

"Leaving already?" Sebastian asked with a slightly dumbfounded expression.

"With the file in my possession, I can gather the remaining information on my own. I have something to attend to right now."

As he spoke, Lennok gestured towards the file he held.

Sebastian, still processing Lennok's unexpected departure, added, "Do you remember the motorcycle blueprint you brought?"

"…What about it?"

"While I handed the original over to Autoble, I couldn't resist making a copy for myself."


"If you find yourself interested, feel free to drop by again."

Sebastian seemed to have sensed Lennok's growing interest in that area.

Brokers possessed sharp intuition and a knack for crossing boundaries.

Instead of replying, Lennok offered a smile and left Sebastian's office.

The information he had obtained as a reward for accepting Sebastian's request was significant.

Certainly, Sebastian had also gained something in the process, but that was an acceptable price for establishing a smooth relationship moving forward.

Lennok wasn't sure how Sebastian had managed to gather insights into Dyke's internal affairs, but his ability to provide such thorough information in such a short span of time was reason enough to continue engaging with him.

Sebastian's skill in extracting internal corporate knowledge based on limited information was impressive, showcasing his expertise in dealing with executives and wealthy individuals.

While Jenny excelled in networking with corporations, mercenaries, gangs, and brokers, Sebastian possessed a deeper understanding and perspective within his concentrated customer base.

Contrary to Lennok's initial impression, Sebastian's capabilities were undeniably remarkable. He was a talent that Lennok should consider engaging with, particularly during the upcoming battle of nerves with Dyke.

With that in mind, Lennok made his way directly to Jenny's bar.

He had gathered all the necessary information. Now, the only task remaining was to navigate the arduous negotiation with Dyke.




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