Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 58

Madison was entrusted with a critical project at Autoble, a well-known car company in Vulcan. As the team leader of the development department, he was in charge of a new model project that was crucial for the company's future.

However, a major setback occurred during the final stage of the project when the blueprint of the completed model was stolen by an unidentified group of freelancers during transit.

The injury on Madison's face was a result of the scuffle with the robbers during the theft.

"I would like to retrieve the blueprint intact if possible, but if not, I want to assign the job on the condition of completely eradicating the leaked blueprint."

Sebastian, in a comforting and reassuring tone, consoled Madison who was visibly distressed.

"Don't worry. Mr. Van is an incredibly competent professional who has never failed a single request. He will undoubtedly be of great assistance."


Lennok looked at Sebastian with skepticism, finding the guarantee somewhat hollow. While it wasn't entirely inaccurate, it didn't quite feel right either. With only a handful of substantial assignments under his belt, it seemed odd to make such claims.

Nonetheless, Madison seemed to find solace in those words and quickly regained his composure.

Sebastian skillfully continued to coax and calm Madison, extracting the necessary information for the request. Eventually, he succeeded in sending the now-composed office worker back to his home.

As Madison drove away in a silver sedan, Sebastian silently retrieved a cigarette from his pocket.

A lighter floated up from thin air and lit the cigarette, releasing smoke into the air.

Lennok quietly observed him, sipping the remainder of his coffee. In witnessing this, he began to grasp the challenges of the service industry to some extent.

After a moment of silence, Sebastian turned his head towards Lennok and inquired, "What do you think?"

"I'm not entirely sure what you're asking," Lennok gruffly responded.

"Is there anything else you can deduce, aside from the fact that this man named Madison is lying?"

"……If you knew that, there would be no need for a lengthy conversation."

With a satisfied smile, Sebastian, who took the seat where Madison had been sitting, nodded at Lennok.

His gaze was filled with a sense of pride that he wouldn't let expectations down.

"To only have a bruise on his lip after a fight with the robbers attempting to steal the blueprint, it's stretching the truth to its limits… It was almost infuriating to listen to."

Autoble Corporation's new project.

Did the robbers, who were aware of the blueprint's existence and tried to steal it, leave such obvious traces and let Madison go unharmed?

Furthermore, claiming that they merely punched him, causing only a bruise on his lip, before politely sending him away seemed absurd.

The ecosystem in Vulcan, as Lennok was well aware, was neither kind nor friendly.

"There are two possibilities we should consider," Sebastian said, smoothly retrieving a bottle of wine from beneath the table and expertly pouring two glasses.

"Either Madison is colluding with the robbers and lying, or…"

"He conspired with them and was betrayed in return."


If he had simply conspired with the robbers to carry out such an act, there would be no need to seek out Sebastian.

Those involved in this field aren't suited to playing the role of innocent victims.

However, if he had planned to steal the blueprint and was then betrayed by his accomplices, that would be a different story.

It would be a secret he couldn't share with his company —a situation where he needed the assistance of a freelancer to resolve matters alone.

It was precisely the type of situation where Sebastian, the broker, could be of help.

"So, what's your plan?"

"I feel sorry for Madison, but I happen to have a good relationship with the CEO of Autoble Enterprises."

Sebastian responded, raising the smartphone he held in his hand.

"All our conversations have been recorded and will be sent directly to the CEO's email. It will likely make it difficult for Madison to show up for work tomorrow due to a meeting with the police."


Sebastian was the type of person who appeared friendly on the surface but seemed to have a hidden blade within.

Lennok thought Sebastian resembled more of a typical broker than Jenny.

Sensing Lennok's thoughts, Sebastian swiftly changed the topic.

"Naturally, I would never dare to deceive a wizard like this. I showed you the evidence directly to reveal my intentions and earn your trust. Do you think I'm crazy enough to mess with electronic devices in front of a wizard?"

…He had something in common with Jenny; his words flowed like a crystal-clear mountain stream.

Regardless, if Madison had indeed attempted to steal the blueprint and then got double-crossed, the next steps were clear.

"In the end, we need to track the movements of the robbers, not rely solely on Madison's confession."

"As a bounty hunter who used to capture criminals like it was second nature, this is where Mr. Van's skill is needed. Are you willing to accept the request?"

That's why he had reached out to Lennok for this job—he must have considered Lennok's background as a bounty hunter when making the decision.

Of course, Sebastian wouldn't know the specifics of how Lennok used to track down criminals, but his judgment seemed sharp.

At the very least, he had thoroughly considered Madison's situation and the approach to resolving the request before reaching out to Lennok.

If Sebastian was such a meticulous and astute broker, it wouldn't hurt to collaborate with him once.

Sometimes, it's not just the nature of the request but also the character of the person that influences the decision.

Lennok made up his mind.

"Fine. But I want something other than cash as a reward."

"Hmm, customers who seek rewards beyond money tend to be challenging. However, I'm willing to listen."

Sebastian responded calmly, as if he had anticipated that Lennok would make such a request.

‘How much should I tell him….'

Lennok didn't intend to reveal everything to Sebastian right away, but he needed to inform him about Dyke for the story to progress. They might not appreciate his actions, but frankly speaking, that was not Lennok's concern.

Given that the plan had been haphazardly designed from the beginning, Lennok had already lost trust in Panua. It would be foolish to remain silent just to maintain credibility in this situation. Instead, Lennok planned to subtly mention Dyke's name as a convenient shield in the future. This way, individuals like Cigar Bang, whom he had encountered that morning, would have no choice but to worry about what lay behind Lennok, rather than directing their anger towards him.

Even if it meant risking some grudges, there was no need to endure unnecessary trouble along the way, especially not with an unreliable partner.

As Lennok provided an abbreviated explanation of the situation, Sebastian stroked his chin thoughtfully.

"This is… quite an interesting story."


"If what you've told me is true, it's not a lie, but there are multiple reasons why corporations have refrained from interfering in this field thus far. If they're considering taking such a risk and entering this game, it's going to keep them busy…"

Sebastian's face tensed, and he shook the glass in his hand incessantly.

Suddenly, his previously pensive expression relaxed, and a smile spread across his face.

"Alright. Let's have a detailed discussion once we recover the blueprint. In the meantime, I'll gather information."

"Is that possible?"

"Of course. Considering the agreement with the autonomous region, this move is quite audacious. It's not an exaggeration to call it reckless. A corporation with internal power struggles is bound to be involved in such an issue. If I rattle the executives I know, something will surely come loose. I'm rather intrigued."


Reaching for his phone, Sebastian appeared completely different from a man swaying from the effects of alcohol.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I should be on my way then."

Lennok placed his wine glass down and stood up from his seat.

Since Sebastian promptly agreed to show the progress Lennok desired, there was no need for Lennok to delay any further.

The clues regarding the robbers, based on Madison's testimony, were volatile, and to pursue them, Lennok needed to act swiftly.

"I'll begin immediately. Send me Madison's recorded file as well."

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

According to Madison's testimony, the blueprint was stolen from an apartment complex belonging to a construction company in District 35.

Lennok had been considering moving his residence to that area when he finds some leeway.

Compared to District 40, District 30s offered better public safety, which was important to him, considering the magical research he conducted in his one-room apartment.

On this warm day with a gentle breeze, families strolled the streets and friends chatted loudly, creating a peaceful scene that now felt strangely awkward.

Lennok calmed his heavy heart and located the place mentioned by Madison. Given Madison's situation, it was unlikely that he would deceive them regarding his intention to recover the blueprint, so there should be no reason for him to lie during his statement.

At the back of a dilapidated apartment complex set for redevelopment, there was a narrow pathway. Lennok nodded as he confirmed the finely scattered bloodstains on a dusty bench.

Without hesitation, he utilized his magic.

[Bloody Chase]

Mana emanated from his palm, forming a distinct image and instantly transforming into a dark red magic circle. Slowly rotating around the bloodstains, it eventually morphed into a red thread.


The trail abruptly ended.


Although his tracking magic, which had never failed him when tracing suspects, didn't work this time, Lennok remained composed.

Bloody Chase was relatively simple magic, and it was common for tracking to be cut off or disrupted by the slightest variables. He considered himself fortunate that there had been no issues until now.

Lennok was rather dumbfounded by the fact that the magic following this blood trail was cut off.

If this blood had simply been Madison's, the magic wouldn't have been interrupted from the start.

Regardless of what happened here, it's clear evidence that the thieves who really stole the blueprint also spilled this blood and left.

‘There are two possibilities when Bloody Chase is cut off.'

Either the owner of this blood noticed Lennok's tracking magic instantly and possessed the ability to interrupt it, or there were multiple individuals whose blood was mixed with this stain.

To Lennok, the latter seemed more likely. If a wizard with the skill to notice and cancel his magic had been present, they wouldn't have left such traces in the first place.

"What should I do….."

Lennok carefully collected the blood sprinkled on the bench and placed it in a prepared plastic bag, deep in thought. His knowledge of blood was insufficient to solve this himself, and he needed someone's expertise in the field. However, all the options he had in mind involved additional unavoidable costs.

Dialing Sebastian's number from earlier, Lennok slowly left the apartment complex.


After discussing the additional costs, he headed straight to District 40s.

District 44.

True to its ominous number, this area was predominantly occupied by professions with a heavy occult atmosphere. It housed those who dealt with grim and minor catalysts in shamanism, conducted secretive rituals passed down through one-on-one transmissions, or practiced fields such as prophecy or astrology that might not directly contribute to a person's future.

Among them, Lennok entered a street emanating a particularly pungent smell, carefully surveying his surroundings. The scent guided him in the right direction, but locating the actual entrance proved challenging.


With no other options, he expanded his mana to examine the area, and only then did the hidden entrance covered in talismans reveal itself from all sides. A peculiar pattern drawn with red ink flowing down a blue paper caught his eye.

It was evident that this ink was more than a simple pigment-containing substance.



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