Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 141

“This can’t be!”

“Irina put that artifact up for auction herself?”

Quickly, the auction hall filled with commotion, as numerous individuals on the second floor, who were among the attending customers, identified the artifact.

Nevertheless, on the third floor, where the VIP seats were located, an eerie silence dominated.

“Jenny, among the people you mentioned earlier…”


She had unquestionably introduced a few members of the Arasha Expedition Team within the VIPs.

“Don’t look back. Nothing good will come from catching their gaze right now.”

Upon hearing Jenny’s remarks, Lennok immediately elevated his mana to extend his senses.

As anticipated, the trio seated at the rearmost row of the third floor displayed visible tremors, struggling to contain their emotions.

It was evident.

The ‘Compassion of the Archangel’, said to be in possession of Irina Pheffield, had not been willingly put up for auction by the expedition team.

And the reason for their presence as VIPs was equally clear.

The subsequent events were straightforward.

“12 billion!”

“15 billion!”

[15 billion is bid!]

“18 billion!”

“20 billion!”

[20 billion is bid!]

“28 billion!”

What was the issue if they could secure possession of the artifact, regardless of the high cost?

Both Lennok and Jenny, who were observing the skyrocketing price of the artifact, found themselves without words.

Jenny shrugged and commented, “Well, it makes sense. The artifact should have never been released in the first place. There have always been talks that its applications are limited because of its numerous, yet unidentified, abilities and functions.”

“So you’re saying it hasn’t even been fully researched yet?”

“Especially because it wasn’t an artifact controlled by the government. It was an artifact that the skilled explorer Irina Pheffield cherished more than her life. No one would have thought it would be released even if the expedition team was ruined.”

Jenny swiftly averted her gaze.

“And looking at the other members of the expedition team here, we can guess what happened to her, can’t we?”

The implication was clear.

Irina Pheffield had perished, and the artifact she possessed was now surfacing at the auction through the agency of another.

Her comrades were present to reclaim it.

Jenny proposed that this was the most plausible scenario.

Meanwhile, as the two conversed, the price of the ‘Compassion of the Archangel’ continued its ascent, leaving only two customers in the VIP section still engaged in bidding.

Members of the Arasha Expedition Team and a cloaked elderly gentleman.

“500 billion…”

[The bid is at 500 billion!]

“600 billion.”

“…630 billion!”

“700 billion.”


The expedition team members strained to match the bids, but the old man, shrouded in a sense of calm, submitted an offer they couldn’t rival.

In the end, a robust man, unable to contain his fury, rose from his seat and removed his mask.

A man boasting neatly cropped blond hair and pronounced eyebrows stepped forward to confront the old man.

Through gritted teeth, he deliberately addressed the old man.

“Give us that artifact.”

The old man responded leisurely.

“Why should I?”

“Don’t you know whose artifact that is?”

“I do know.”

Grey eyes behind the mask gleamed softly.

“This old man knows that you’re no longer the owner.”

“You old man!”

Incapable of containing his anger, the man shouted and surged his mana.

From a distance, one could detect an unusual and intense flow—a sign that the man possessed remarkable skill.

He took a bold stride forward, extending his thick hand toward the auctioneer. Yet, another individual intercepted his arm.

“Stop right there.”

A woman clad in a suit. Her face bore a striking, deep scar.

“What do you want, punk?!”

The man growled menacingly, but the woman didn’t even flinch.

“What are you trying to do? Do you even know where you are? This is not a place to use force.”

“We didn’t come here for the auction.”

He retorted.

“We came to reclaim what was stolen…!!”

“Don’t spout nonsense. Do you know who entrusted that item to our auction house?”


“The very person who killed Irina Pheffield brought it here themselves. And now you want to reclaim her belongings?”

The woman uttered mockingly.

“Or do you plan to kill someone with the same hand that killed the monster?”

The man’s eyes turned crimson, yet he remained immobilized.

Perchance, the woman’s words had struck a chord far too true.

In the end, he exited the auction house alongside his expedition team members.

The “Compassion of the Archangel” fetched over 100 billion and ultimately landed in the auctioneer’s hands.

Jenny nodded as she witnessed the old man raise his hand amidst jubilation.

“Some famous relics have the power to rival weapons of war. If those were let loose, it wouldn’t have ended like this.”

“Should we be relieved?”

“At least that’s not something we could get our hands on. Unforeseen variables aren’t good.”

At that moment, a resounding explosion rocked the auction house, abruptly silencing Jenny’s words.

The lights extinguished, shrouding the space in darkness.

Two events unfolded nearly in tandem.

Panic propagated like wildfire, and the crowd surged toward the exit.

“Move! I’m going first!”

“Save me!”

[Everyone, please calm down. Our guards are here for your protection…]

The auctioneer endeavored to pacify the throng, yet the focal item of the auction—the “Compassion of the Archangel”—had vanished.

“Let’s go.”

Jenny seized Lennok’s arm.

“We have to check the amulet right away.”


Lennok concurred instantly.

Amidst the chaos, Jenny’s discernment proved impeccable.

Their task wasn’t to fathom the occurrences within the auction house.

The paramount concern was to assess the amulet for which they had submitted a discreet bid.

If this power outage extended beyond the auction house, the same turmoil might have ensued within the first-floor foyer.

Amid the mayhem, it wouldn’t be unexpected for the amulet and assorted items Lennok had consigned to the auction to have been pilfered.

Swiftly, the duo navigated to the rear of the first-floor stairs via a specifically designated VIP passageway.

Liam stood there, positioned at the stairwell’s rear. His complexion was ashen, yet otherwise, he seemed unscathed.

As though to affirm his ownership of the grand edifice, a retinue of guards encircled and shielded him—nearly ten in number.

As soon as Liam laid eyes on Jenny’s countenance, he emitted a sigh of relief.

His relief was palpable, devoid of pretense, manifesting in the creases of his aged visage.

“Jenny…!! You’re safe. Thank goodness.”

“If the auction house handles this properly, there shouldn’t be much loss of life. However, it seems that the ‘Compassion of the Archangel’ was stolen.”

“Oh, that’s not what’s important. Look at this.”

Liam withdrew an object from his pocket and firmly pressed it into Jenny’s palm.

It was the amulet for which the auction hadn’t yet commenced.

“What’s this…”

Liam exhibited a playful grin that contrasted his years.

“I thought you would want it, so I took care of it.”

“Thank you.”

“What’s the big deal, it’s just a amulet, not something significant.”

Liam erupted in hearty laughter.

“I hope it’s worth at least a drink the next time I visit your bar.”

“I’ll serve you the most expensive one, so you can look forward to it.”

“Alright. I have to go. I hope we can talk about Kaiser soon.”


Jenny averted her gaze only after ensuring Liam’s secure departure from the auction house.

Even a shrewd broker like herself could retain attachments.

Such inclinations were intrinsic to human nature.

Swiftly regathering her emotions, she grinned, clutching the amulet in her hand.

“It’s a little different than planned… but it’s still a success.”

“That’s good. That amulet is authentic, right?”

“Of course. There’s no way I wouldn’t recognize this symbol.”

Jenny idly toyed with the amulet.

“Let’s finish the auctions on the other items quickly and get out of here. Staying here for too long could get us into trouble.”

Even in this predicament, her chief concern was securing the items Lennok had consigned for auction, rather than departing prematurely.

Fortuitously, aside from the theft of the ‘Compassion of the Archangel,’ no other untoward incidents unfolded. The tumult subsided swiftly.

Lennok penned fitting bids for the items and departed the auction house alongside Jenny.

Items that, while desirable, wouldn’t entail substantial losses if left unattained.

It was prudent to confirm their successful auction later on.

Outside the auction venue, a convoy of vehicles lined the vicinity, harmonizing with the crowd.

Lennok observed the array of elegant sedans and supercars adorning the expansive parking lot, all undoubtedly luxurious.

Jenny, versed in such affairs, had conveniently parked her car on the street, sidestepping the congestion for a brief stroll.

Her vehicle, befitting the earnings of a broker, boasted a vivid red sports car.

Lennok gingerly maneuvered himself into the low-profile automobile. Just as he adjusted his posture, she initiated the drive.

The road lay desolate, possibly due to the lateness of the hour.

Amidst the emptiness, only amber streetlights illuminated the streets as their car merged onto the outer lane.

Lennok, who had been absently gazing at the passing lights, interjected.

“Jenny. Don’t be surprised, but listen.”

“What is it?”

She swiveled her head abruptly while clutching the steering wheel.

Lennok gripped her shoulder, pivoting her gaze forcibly, and uttered in a hushed tone,

“We’re being followed right now.”

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