Genius Warlock

Chapter 418

Chapter 418

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As Oliver spoke, a transformation unfolded. His ordinary hand was replaced by a massive one crafted from Ptahs Assistants bones and Black Suits flesh, seamlessly executing the extraction of emotions, life force, and mana from Desijeh Duranse, the former dean of the Department of Life Alchemy.

The giant black hand extracted a notably larger amount relative to its size, resembling an intense, massive river divided into three potent streams made of light. These streams flowed towards the black hand, which absorbed the energy, integrating it as a part of Oliver. He draped the acquired power around his body like a robe, similar to his encounter with Shamus but with a more distinct and rugged form, thanks to the aggressive material and increased quantity.

How dare you-!!

Desijeh Duranse, having her emotions and mana extracted by Oliver, swung her arms in anger, panic, and anxiety.

However, her resistance was of little consequence.

While it was true that the mana of Desijeh Duranse was extracted, she wasnt the only one.

Olivers black hand was simultaneously extracting the emotions of rage, fear, and madness from werewolves, ogres, wizards around, and even the entire city, assimilating them as its nourishment.

It was a test to see the performance of the hand he created, and it exceeded Olivers expectations, evident from the flustered Desijeh and her subordinates.

In desperation, she concentrated mana and emotions in one fist, clenching it tightly.


The sharp crack of a whip echoed through the air as she clenched her fist, the sound resonating with a menacing intensity. 

This was no ordinary whip; it was crafted from bone and flesh, an ominous creation that exuded a sense of danger.

It looked dangerous at first glance, and even more so to a warlock, as it was laced with various magics and dark spells.

Proving its power, when Desijeh swung her arm, the whip moved faster than the speed of sound, cutting off Olivers extraction in an instant, leaving deep wounds on the ground and buildings.


The extraction was cut in half instantly.

The massive energy, reminiscent of a river, lost its power and scattered into the air, and Desijeh immediately lashed her whip towards Oliver and Yareli.


Oliver clicked his tongue and flicked his finger. 

In response, Desijehs whip, a formidable weapon capable of slicing through concrete walls and paved roads, came to an abrupt halt in mid-air. 

It was as if an invisible force had seized control, effortlessly catching the deadly whip in the grasp of the massive emotional particles that enveloped Oliver.

Desijehs eyes quivered with disbelief. Her prized whip, crafted from her own enhanced flesh and imbued with a combination of enhancement spells and plague dark magic, had proven itself in battles against even the monstrous entities summoned by the Human-meat Chef for macabre rituals. 

Its power was notorious, yet now, it found itself thwarted by the mere flick of a finger from a young man barely over twenty.

This was unacceptable. Even if he had defeated Theodore and caught the attention of Gretel as a genius, this was too much.

Desijeh herself was a pioneer who had given up her career and honor accumulated over a lifetime to challenge new frontiers, unlike other old pigs who were content with reaching their limits.

Her efforts were now being negated.

By a kid barely over twenty. This was intolerable.


Casting aside her morality and pride, Desijeh, rejuvenated with new power, imbued her whip, created from her own body, with anger.

The whip, pausing in mid-air, moved like a living snake, trying to swiftly entangle the arrogant boy and Yareli.

However, it was blocked by the dense emotional particles emitted by the robe, but that didnt matter.

[Steel Bone]


[Target of Hate]

Desijeh cast black magic using her body and emotions as materials. The bone spikes hardened beyond steel, the whip enlarged to oppress its target, and hatred was added to constrict its prey.

Like the grasp of a giant.

Taking this as a signal, Desijehs subordinates infused more mana to pressure Oliver and Yareli. Their goal was to encase them in earth and shatter them.

However, their scheme was foiled by sudden eruptions of sharp stone spears from beneath the ground.


These massive stone spears burst forth from all sides, tearing through the wizards who were holding Oliver.

During the spellcasting, the magic was reversed, erasing its effectsa maneuver that any skilled wizard could recognize.

Nonetheless, the attacked wizards were horrified. In real combat, utilizing an opponents magic against them by reversing its effects required a significant disparity in skill. This was even more evident when about ten individuals were casting defensive spells to thwart such reversals.

Yet, despite these defenses, they were overwhelmed, indicating a substantial difference in skill. Far more than the distinction between a professor and a student.


Before Desijeh could gather her thoughts, Oliver unleashed a black magic spell, grinding Desijehs whip into fragments.

This biologically enhanced whip, fortified to its limits with magic and black magic, disintegrated with ease, breaking the encirclement. Desijeh was left feeling overwhelmed, disoriented, and infuriated.

Was this the outcome of all her efforts?


Desijeh screamed, unleashing a substantial amount of mana, creating dozens of magic circles in the air. Her plan was to obliterate everything within her reach with military artillery magic, merging spatial magic with pure magic school magic. Additionally, she channeled mana through her legs into the ground, preparing to initiate an explosion from below.

The strategy was to bombard from above and below simultaneously. While she didnt expect it to harm the individual in front of her, it would serve as a distraction. During the chaos of the bombardment, she planned to hurl a spear crafted from her own bone to strike.

Victory in battle wasnt solely determined by might and skill. A moment of carelessness and an unexpected strike could turn the tide. Desijeh, who had lived for 64 years, knew this from experience.

[Shadow Spike]

However, Olivers incantation shattered that experience. The unnaturally enlarged shadow stakes, fueled by an immense amount of emotional energy, not only intercepted Desijehs dozens of magic circles but also annihilated the explosion magic rising from below.

As a result, the shadow stakes bloomed like colossal flowers, safeguarding their master while sapping Desijehs will to fight.

It was a showcase of overwhelming power.

In response, color drained from Desijehs face, and she released the javelin made from her own bone and emotions.

It felt like that moment in her life when she realized she was no longer young, and her skills had reached their zenith. That overwhelming sensation of powerlessness and injustice now stood before her in human form.

Recognizing this, Desijeh fled without hesitation, much like when she had betrayed Rokuri University.

Block him!

While morphing her form and escaping, she commanded the werewolves and ogres to attack Oliver, if only to buy a moment of time. That was all she required to make her escape from this place.

As intended, the werewolves and ogres, manipulated by torture and black magic, lunged at Oliver. The werewolves, surpassing druids or paladins in agility, charged in, breaking through the shadow stakes and clearing a path, while the ogres followed with their immense strength.

The nimble and formidable werewolves created openings, while the ogres, relying on their brute strength, intended to finish the job.


Oliver extended a finger toward the werewolves, tapping the air. In an instant, before the werewolf could react, it was impaled by arm-thick nails. The emotional particles in the air had concentrated at close range, outpacing the werewolfs speed and reflexes.

The once-fierce werewolf collapsed weakly, overwhelmed by the excruciating pain from the nails. Seizing the opportunity, Oliver conjured shadow stakes that pierced the werewolfs ribs and heart in an instant.


Meanwhile, the ogre, surprisingly agile for its size, closed the gap, hoisting a building column much like their initial encounter.


Oliver countered with his black hand. Astonishingly, the black hand smashed the 5-meter tall ogre into a building. Not content with that, it swiftly extracted emotions, life force, and mana from the ogre.

Yareli shouted, We should be chasing Desijeh!

Yes, I know, Oliver replied while squeezing the ogres energy, effectively turning it into a mummy.

Then, he incanted toward the diminishing figure of Desijeh Duranse.





Four incantations simultaneously.

Yareli witnessed something falling from the sky. It moved too rapidly to be discerned clearly, but she had an intuitive sense of what it was.

It was a quarterstaffthe same one Zenon had thrown earlier to destroy the blood stakes.

Surprisingly, the quarterstaff that had soared high into the sky and disappeared was now descending directly above Desijehs head.


Despite the distance, a distinct and deafening explosion echoed. A shockwave of dirt and force radiated outward in a semi-circular pattern, reaching their location.

Yareli watched the scene in silence as Oliver retrieved Bigmouth, a neatly folded glutton bag, from a leather case on his back.

Bigmouth, could you help me out?


Yareli stood in quiet, cold astonishment as she observed the quarterstaff embedded at the center of a massive crater and the partially torn remains of Desijeh Duranse.

The former dean of the Life Alchemy Department, who had fled like a desperate insect, met her end in this brutal manner. It was such a pitiable demise that it failed to elicit any sympathy.

It was difficult to fathom. Desijehs skills were at least on par with a Tower master, yet On the other hand, it made a certain sense.

The man standing beside her, shrouded in a black robe, lent credence to everything simply by his presence.

He had just dispatched werewolves, ogres, numerous wizards, and a representative of Rokuri Universitys magical prowess, all while maintaining an unsettling calm.

Bigmouth, have you consumed everything?

At Olivers inquiry, the glutton bag, as large as a person, waddled over. Despite its comical movements due to relatively short limbs compared to its massive body, Yareli regarded this peculiar artificial life form with caution.

After all, its appearance was off-putting, and it had recently devoured the corpses of werewolves, ogres, and numerous wizards in their entirety.


Bigmouth responded with a croak, resembling that of a toad. Oliver appeared to understand and replied.

Im sorry. I called on you after a long time just to put you to work. But I couldnt simply discard these valuable materials.


Yareli pondered whether he was referring to the werewolves and ogres or if the wizards were included as well. She didnt dare to ask, though.

Could you swallow this as well?

Oliver used the emotional particles from his robe to bring Desijeh Duranse, who had been bisected, toward Bigmouth.

Bigmouth begrudgingly, yet obediently, consumed Desijeh.

First the upper body, then the lower.

Yareli was left speechless by the peculiar sight. While she contemplated what to say, Oliver retrieved a wallet and handed a thick stack of bills to Bigmouth.

Grumbling in protest, Bigmouth happily accepted the bills, savoring each one as it placed them into the mouth on its head.

Why are you giving it money? Yareli inquired.

Bigmouth, well, the glutton bag, has a fondness for money. Or gold and jewels. I feel guilty for making it work all the time, so I offer a bill or two as a reward for its services. Ive given it more this time since Ill be requesting more favors.

Yareli surveyed the city, ravaged by Human-meat Chef.

May I ask what happened? Why did you come outside? What decision did the university make?

We ventured out to rescue people at the request of the police and the military. Morally and politically, leaving things as they were wouldnt have been right.

Oliver nodded in comprehension. Large organizations like the city or the tower had certain expectations to fulfill in return for their benefits and had to respond accordingly.

We were ambushed like this.

Yareli gestured to the bodies of the wizards from Rokuri University and the police that Bigmouth hadnt ingested. They lay in piles, a testament to the ambushs skill.

As she observed their lifeless forms, Yareli felt a mixture of bitterness and responsibility, while Oliver, unsure of how to console her, remained silent.

Did you manage to rescue your friend? Jane?

Oh, yes. Thanks to you, Ms. Yareli. Shes in a safe place now.

So quickly?

Yes, I relocated her to Rokuri University.

Yareli tilted her head in confusion.

Is that possible? It seems quite far given the distance and time.

I planted a few of the papers you had on Rokuri University. I used those to transport her.

Olivers casual revelation of such a perilous feat left Yareli gasping in disbelief. She was so astounded that her shock rendered her momentarily speechless.

Fortunately, Rokuri University decided to aid the citys residents, so they wont be expelled.

Thats a relief.

Ha Then, Im sorry to ask, but could you assist me?

Oliver shook his head, surprising Yareli with his unexpected response. He promptly explained.

Im not unwilling to help you. Its just that theres something more pressing I need to attend to first.

Something more urgent?

Yareli inquired about the nature of this urgency, and Oliver immediately elucidated the reason behind the significant disturbance caused by Human-meat Chef.

His explanation was concise and to the point, not consuming much time, but it didnt lessen the shock for the listener.

Naturally, he discussed the plan to open the gates of hell. Depending on the circumstances, the entire city of Ravel could be in peril.

Then Oliver posed a question, a very reasonable one.

But where are the paladins? Arent they needed the most in a situation like this?

Most of them went to protect the temple, the nobles, and the king. Only a few came out to support this side.

I see

More importantly, how did you find out about Human-meat Chefs plan? It doesnt seem like an easily accessible piece of information.

A logical question. Oliver contemplated how to evade the answer but then shook his head.

Mr. Puppet told me.

Puppet, as in?

Yes, the Eternal Puppet, one of the fingers of the Black Hand. Hes in this city, and I happened to meet him.

And he told you about the plan? Another fingers plan?


Oliver replied naturally, and Yareli finally appeared unable to keep up, her usual composed expression breaking into one of astonishment.

Why would he do that?

Why? Im not exactly sure. He seemed to want to see something more interesting, but I cant really say for sure.

Should you be telling me all this so casually?

Yareli asked sincerely. After all, she had already informed him that she was observing him to report to her grandmother.

Oliver simply shrugged his shoulders.

You helped me helped Miss Jane.

Yareli was left speechless. Olivers demeanor was inscrutable, transcending conventional wisdom and self-interest, leaving her uncertain of how to respond.

She was thoroughly perplexed.

To Yareli, it felt as if her entire life and understanding of human relationships were being upended.

Not just felt like they were being upended.

Whether Oliver was aware of what was transpiring within Yareli or not, he continued speaking.

Anyway, since we need to halt Mr. Human-meat Chefs plan swiftly, I wont be joining Professor Kevin but will head directly to Zone 1. I apologize for my inability to assist and request your understanding once more.

Oliver sought permission to go alone to confront the finger.

The more they conversed, the more it seemed like conventional logic was being twisted.

Wouldnt it be safer to join the group? You gave papers like the ones you gave me to Professor Kevin and Lieutenant Terence, didnt you?

It would take time to explain everything to them. Id like you to do that for me, as youre more adept at persuasion than I am. Ill proceed ahead and attempt to buy some time.

His rationale was sound. Every moment was critical. Trying to convince the individuals from Rokuri University would slow them down.

Yet, curiously, Yarelis curiosity grew stronger.

In this urgent situation, Yareli found herself acting in a manner she never would have under normal circumstances, as if she were somehow being influenced by the man before her.

Do you genuinely believe you can stop Human-meat Chef on your own?

No. Im not confident in combat. I can only give it my all.

Why Why go to such lengths?

Its part of the job.

Oliver reminded himself of his identity. Zenon Bright. An employee of the Magic Tower.

Additionally, there are people in this city whom I hope wont come to harm. Individuals like Miss Jane and Mr. Murphy. One is a friend, and the other an acquaintance. Mr. Lucian lent his assistance as well.

I dont know what to say.

Oh, and Professor Kevin, Lieutenant Terence, and you, Miss Yareli.

Yareli remained silent, her gaze fixed on Oliver, a sea of questions and perplexity swirling within her.

Sensing her emotions, Oliver addressed a question she hadnt articulated.

Uh youre colleagues in the same mission and I like you all. Professor Kevin, Lieutenant Terence, and you, Miss Yareli.


Because youre beautiful.

Oliver recalled her emotions as he spoke.

Yareli, unable to formulate a response to his answer, visibly shook, her emotions mirroring the turbulence in her eyes. Finally, with a quivering voice, she inquired.

What truly are you?

Im just me.

Oliver reiterated the answer he had already discovered. Yareli found an odd sense of steadiness and even contentment in his words.

Youre extraordinary.

Thank you for the compliment. Youre extraordinary too, Miss Yareli. If its alright, I should depart now

People devour people.

As Oliver was about to take his leave, Yareli suddenly spoke, as though she had made a firm decision.

Thats my answer People devour people, just as Human-meat Chef claimed. In numerous forms through war, slavery, colonialism, and child labor.

I understand.

Yes Once, my family was in a position to be devoured due to these eyes. Thats why we fled here.

Yareli pointed to her eyes behind her glasses.

Fortunately, we settled here and prospered, attaining a position to consume others.


Its not something to congratulate. Its a natural course of events. Resources are limited, and human avarice is boundless. We have to consume each other. Its a tragic law But Zenon.


People are gradually improving.

At least here, slavery has been abolished, and theres a growing opposition to child labor People devour people, but theyre still striving to become better. The issues with the Magic Tower as well It wont be resolved all at once, but it will improve, little by little.

Youre certain of that.

Yes. Because I will make it happen.

Sincerity radiated from Yareli. It was quite remarkable.

Thank you wholeheartedly for your response. It was worth waiting for Id like to converse further, but can we postpone it for later?

Oliver gestured toward Zone 1. Yareli nodded.

May I ask one thing?

A request?

Yes, please dont get harmed. At least until I can bring reinforcements. Please.

At the familiar question, Oliver replied.

Ill do my utmost to stay safe.

(To be Continued)

CH 414-423 (Vs Human-meat Chef Part3) $3CH 424-433 (Vs Human-meat Chef Part4) $3CH 434-443 (Dave Vs 100 Druids) $3444~ $1/chapter


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