Galaxy's First Ruler

Chapter 6: Retirement Ceremony

Chapter 6: Retirement Ceremony

Planet UGF-P02

Tall women are appreciated everywhere, but they are especially admired in the company of small women.

Boudicca felt the warm rays of the afternoon suns on her red face. The visible traces of embarrassment subsided a little under its endearing warmth. She stared at the back of her superior, who was walking a step ahead of her. Not only they made her come here but had also put her under this midget's direct supervision. And she couldn't help but curse her destiny for it, as the midget's presence had been unbearable ever since.

"Military Secretary Boudicca! Are staring holes in your superiors' back also come under your active duty?"

"No No, Lt. General Eydis." Boudicca stuttered a reply and came out of her dazed state.

'How did she know? There cannot be that much of a level difference,' Boudicca thought.

She glanced at the left arm of her superior and saw an insignia of a round red shield, with a starry spiral at its center. Her thoughts wandered to the good old days of her time in the kingdom, where people worshipped her. But now that she was here, this place owned her. No kingdom's matter could take priority in front of that insignia.

Boudicca sighed.

"Ma'am, where are we going? It's almost time and I still have the last inspection left to do."

"To meet the Supreme Commander."

One sentence and Boudicca's legs trembled.

"But But I have done nothing wrong." The panic in her voice was vividly noticeable.

Turning around, Eydis said, "Well, the orders were for only me to report. But isn't it better if there are two of us? Now come on and try to keep up with me."

'This this this fucking bitch,' Boudicca thought. With a head full of rage and heavy steps, she almost overtook the midget.

No one wanted to be called upon by the Supreme Commander. And no one wanted to be called upon by him, especially today, on the day of his retirement ceremony. Boudicca still remembers when he announced his sudden retirement 3 days ago. His declaration had taken the entire galaxy by surprise. Some were teary, and some were plain sad. While most of them were curious.

"Activate the teleportation to His Majesty's office." Lt. General Eydis ordered the officer in charge of intra-planetary teleportation.

Boudicca noticed the officer's gaze on her face, even if it was for a moment, and she calmed herself down. Her blue hair under the peaked cap and her white military greatcoat fluttered as they arrived at their destination.

A soldier was already there to receive them. He saluted, "Ma'am, the Supreme Commander is expecting you."

Eydis nodded and gestured to him to show the way. Even after serving for 3 years in the United Galactic Front, she was yet to meet His Majesty in person. There were four Generals under the command of the Supreme Commander, but only the Generals had convened the annual meetings.

"Why do you think he asked only for you?" Boudicca whispered.

"We will soon find out."

The young soldier approached the entryway to a corridor. "I may not go further. Please go to the end of the corridor and take a left."

The pair of officers were soon standing before an enormous door. They could only see a nameplate, and there was an unearthly and eerie silence.

"I think we need to knock"

As soon as Boudicca uttered those words, the door opened with a creaking noise.

"Lt. General Eydis, reporting to the Supreme Commander."

"Major General Boudicca, reporting to the Supreme Commander."

All nervousness had gone within a tenth of a second. The officers were not given that title unfoundedly.

"Come in." A gruff voice reverberated in the surrounding.

As Boudicca entered the office, she felt suffocated by its vastness. This office could have made someone feel diminished in comparison. But not the man seated behind the desk. His relaxed posture looked like a deliberate attempt to make the office more commodious.

The young officers kneeled and synchronously said, "Long live His Majesty, The King."

The Supreme Commander of the United Galactic Front, a position only a King could have earned. And as long as he lived, none could make him give it up. Nobody in their right mind would have dared to look into his eyes and asked him to retire? Who would dare to even stand in his presence and utter any word of defiance?

"At ease, soldiers."

Boudicca stepped back and let the Lt. General be the center of attention. She furtively observed the Supreme Commander and realized, if she were to stand on her toes, even then she would come up short. The King did not look old, even with that massive gray beard, and his black eyes still brimmed with vigor. There was a ghastly scar that ran down from the top of his left eye and down to his neck, where it disappeared behind his uniform's collar.

"Lt. General Eydis, I heard you have had some trouble with the General of the 2nd Quad."

Eydis clenched her teeth and replied, "Yes, Supreme Commander."

Boudicca did not feel surprised at this inquiry. She had already known General Grimwald's acts of wooing and how the nave and young Eydis reacted to the incident. It was a hot topic, and it did not need one to report it to reach even the ear of the Supreme Commander. But it was not important enough to get addressed by the King himself unless there was more to it than met the eye.

Eydis's thoughts were not much different from Boudicca's, but she was not ready for what followed thereafter. She only remembers an image of the Supreme Commander, mouthing some words. And a heavy silence followed it. Only the perplexed look she had, and her incapability to process what she heard, could have described Eydis' astonishment.

"Huh! What?" Before Eydis could react, a bewildered squeaky voice came out from behind her.

The Supreme Commander raised his eyebrow and Boudicca, drowned in shame, lowered her head. But her voice had fulfilled its purpose and took out Eydis from her stunned state.

"I will ask again. What do you think about becoming the next General of the 1st Quad?"

Eydis collected her emotions. "It would be my honor, Sir. But I heard nothing about his retirement."

"He will declare it soon. Not only that, but he will also leave the office within the next year."

"But what about the other Lt. Generals? They would not stay calm if I were to assume the office of General of 1st Quad. I am the youngest among them, sir." Eydis poured out all her doubts in a single breath. Sweat had already drenched her back.

"You do not have to worry about them. Would they dare to deny a direct order from me?"

The air in the room suddenly felt like a swamp. Boudicca could barely withstand the urge to vomit, and the corner of her eyes had become wet and red. The Supreme Commander tapped his finger on the table and the nauseated atmosphere once again became bearable.

"You would not have any trouble, given your family background, Lt. General Eydis. How much time do you need to become a Duchess?"

Boudicca raised her head with a jerk at this question. She could not perceive General Eydis's strength, but the King definitely could. If he was right, then the midget had been strong enough to not remain a mere Lt. General, and there was no "if" to it. As proved by the Lt. General's answer, "4 months but I can achieve it in 3 depending on luck."

"Very Good." The Supreme Commander showed a rare hint of a smile at those words.

"For now, I want you to take the General's Trial," his words took aback both of them, "It's ok, you don't need to pass it. Give it your best and send me the data later."

Eydis's whole body had itched at the prospect of her attempting the Trial.

"Ok, you can leave."

"Yes, sir." Boudicca and Eydis saluted at the same time.

With the approval of his nod, they took their leave.


The King, in his amusement, noticed that General Eydis looked almost an inch taller before she came. He exhaled and slumped back on his throne, the office chair. As he massaged his temples out of habit, he waited to lose himself in the utter silence of his office. This retirement did not signify a pleasant rest, but it was his ultimate vicissitude.

"What, tired already, Imhotep?"

The King's eyes shot open, and the air was becoming denser by the rate of milliseconds. But this time he was the one to bear the pressure. Who would dare to address him by his first name? But another more important question was occupying the Supreme Commander's thoughts. How could have someone approached him without his knowledge?

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