Galaxy's First Ruler

Chapter 59: A Thousand Faces (3)

Chapter 59: A Thousand Faces (3)

3 Days Later

New York, USA

Mr. Edwin craned his neck up to look at the three letters on the top of the multistoried building.

He had been quite busy for the last four days. And yet, Mr. Edwin became happy with every passing second. The combination of smooth skin and his white-silky beard gave him an irresistible charm. But the aura of authority around 'The Butler' hadn't lost its sharpness.

Mr. Edwin walked up the steps and stood himself in front of the two huge black sliding doors. The two guards on both sides of him were already sweating. Mr. Edwin had his eyes closed, but not a corner of dust and crease on paper had gone unnoticed by his old eyes. Nothing could go wrong today, and he won't let it.

Mr. Edwin was going to meet his client for the first time. And he won't let the moment turn into anything but a pleasant welcome.

He had felt no short amount of joy upon seeing the messages a few days ago. And Mr. Edwin had squeezed everyone in his contact to complete the tasks fluently and efficiently. The first of which was to buy a building worthy of a top Guild. Mr. Edwin was only told to buy a building for a freshly formed Guild. But knowing his client for so many years, it was natural for him to guess unspoken things.

And among these unspoken things were the private jet, a trustworthy staff, Items, and many Mana cores as the currency. Mr. Edwin had full reign over his client's finances. Who could handle the money better than 'The Butler', once dreaded as the greatest swindler? Everything had been trimmed and pruned to perfection for the members' arrival.

'A Thousand Faces' was going to enter the world's stage. And with it, Mr. Edwin's name would finally come out in the light, too.

Mr. Edwin had his ideas about the people behind the unknown group he had been serving for the last many years. But only recently, after booking the Dungeon in Arizona, he came to see the genuine terror of its existence. The news regarding the ADA's hack had shocked him. But he felt even more interested in the incident after getting to know the viable person behind the hacking.

He felt nothing wrong or immoral for someone associated with the name of his client to do such a thing. Mr. Edwin wasn't a merciful person himself, but he had never made a profit at the behest of innocent lives. And he had never found his client's request going against his work ethics too. So he believed the cause of the atrocity must lie within the American Dreamer Association and not in the Masked man as portrayed.

And he became sure of his guess after seeing the live coverage of the event that had taken place in the ADA's HQ three days ago. Mr. Edwin felt nothing but pride, finding a member of his Client's group to be as strong as Baron Edmund. With a Dreamer like him, the upcoming Guild could make a grand entry.

Mr. Edwin cracked his eyes open and looked at the time on his watch. It was about the time for their arrival. The only thing of nuisance was the horde of the press with their cameras and its flashes. Since the news of the Masked Menace and his Guild had come out, Mr. Edwin had been dealing with the surge of vans and vandalization in front of the building. But the massive force of the hired security personnel had done a great job of keeping the people at bay.

The only thing that had worried Mr. Edwin was him not being a Dreamer. In a world where the RECORD had become the prime source of income, it was a tremendous disadvantage for him to not be a part of it. But at his age, there was little chance that he would become a Dreamer. But remembering the face of her daughter, he couldn't help but relish being left out, too.

A smile had just come on his face when Mr. Edwin caught a disturbance in front of him. Out of thin air, a black-suited man had appeared at the foot of the steps. The mob gathered around the entrance of the building went into mayhem. And angry shouts and blinding flashes had washed over like a tsunami. But everything died down as the Masked Menace turned around to look at the feeble people.

Mr. Edwin saw the masked gentleman coming up and he took a step-down in his direction. It was time to greet one of the strongest Dreamers among the future members. As both distinguished people came face-to-face, Mr. Edwin put his white-gloved right hand on his chest and gave a slight bow.

"Welcome to the Thousand Faces Guild."


Mr. Edwin followed the Masked Menace in the building and saw him taking a glance at the various personnel stationed within it. Seeing him nod after the brief observation, Mr. Edwin sighed inwardly. He didn't know how it worked, but he was familiar with the concept of Divine Sense. As they reached into the middle of the lobby, the Dreamer turned around to look at him.

"Nicely done Mr. Edwin. Have you bought the Elites and Bosses Mana cores?"

Mr. Edwin smiled and replied, "Thank you for your appreciation. Yes, what money could buy has already been bought."

It was already a humongous task to even think of obtaining the cores of the Crawlers of these levels. Even with his level of cunning, Mr. Edwin had got only one Boss Mana core and three Elite Mana cores. And with buying the four cores, the ever-present funds in the account had dwindled for the first time.

"Don't worry about the money, Mr. Edwin. More would come soon."

Mr. Edwin's mouth fell open, seeing the masked Dreamer wording his thoughts exactly. But he hadn't forgotten the decorum even after getting startled by the unusual coincidence. So he regained his composure as the incident had never even taken place.

"Mr. Edwin, you would act as the Guild's Director and handle all the Dungeon-related activities. I am sure you have found out by now that Mr. Bernard from Blazing Royals Guild will join us in the future."

Mr. Edwin nodded.

"As efficient as ever. Have you booked the Dungeon as per the email?" asked the Dreamer.

"Yes. Please enjoy the drinks while the others arrive."

Mr. Edwin gestured towards the sofa and the drinks as a server poured a glass of wine with no verbal instructions. But he didn't notice any movement out of the Dreamer before him. When Mr. Edwin turned his head to look at those dark-black eyes and found them staring at him with a strange glare.

"What others Mr. Edwin?"

"The other members of the group. I didn't know the actual number, but I have prepared a celebratory feast for at least 100 people. I could only make a guess based on the past tasks."

Mr. Edwin explained his words as solemnly as possible. But seeing the corner of the terrifying mask's mouth rising horrified even his soul. He saw the Masked Menace taking a seat leisurely and heard the abysmal words that would keep him awake for nights to come.

"This is it, Mr. Edwin. I am 'A Thousand Faces'."

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