Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 197 200 Million Years Ago

Chapter 197 200 Million Years Ago

After Zhou Xixian and Ye Bo’s assistant left, they waited for the appraisal result.

The age of fossils is not difficult to determine. The relative age of fossils has always been determined by the strata in which they were found. However, since people’s understanding of the atom has gradually deepened, scientists have found a new way to identify the absolute age.

Some substances found in nature are composed of isotopes (atoms with the same atomic number but different mass numbers). Some isotopes are radioactive, that is, their nuclei emit radiation spontaneously and gradually disintegrate into another substance. For example, the radioactive isotope 14C changes To 14N.

Each radioactive isotope has its own rate of decay, which is called a “half-life” — the time it takes for a substance to decay by half the number of atoms. , if we know the half-lives of various isotopes, It is not difficult to work out the age of an object containing such isotopes by measuring how much of it is left.

The two most widely used methods are the 14C method for the identification of organic matter and the 40K-40Ar method for the identification of volcanic formations and fossils associated with them. Taking the 40K – 40Ar method as an example, argon is a decay product of radioisotope potassium. The half-life of this isotope potassium is 1.3 billion years, so it is easy to determine the age of the specimen. At present, this method has developed extremely sophisticated and it can identify the history of about 50,000 years old specimens, as well as Specimens of the same age as the earth, with very little error.

After a while, Zhou Xixian’s assistant called back first.

“Have the results come out?” Zhou Xixian asked in a hushed voice, stepping aside.

“It came out, it’s about 200 million years old.” There was an exciting voice on the line.

“Are you sure?” Zhou Xixian’s pupils flashed and his voice trembled with excitement. Two hundred million years ago. In other words, the end of the Triassic period, a little earlier than the Jurassic period, where the dinosaurs were.

“There can be no mistake. We identified it twice, Sir. This fossil is of extraordinary value… “

“I don’t need you to tell me this.” Zhou Xixian was afraid that Ye Bo would hear it. He hung up the phone and forced the excitement down in his heart, he went to Su Jing as he intends to take the lead and take the fossil.

Who knew that Ye Bo’s excited voice would come out at this time: “What? 200 million years old?” Ye Bo is on the phone with his assistant. The same results were obtained by them.

“Mr. Su, this fossil must be brought back to the Institute of Archaeology by me.” Zhou Xixian knows that his plan to secretly take the fossil has been ruined, and he took the lead.

“Nonsense, I don’t know the meaning of first come first serve. This fossil must be brought back to the ancient Biological Research Institute.” Ye Bo is also excited. This spider fossil as at least 35 million years older than the earliest relatively complete spider fossil to be ever had found. There is no doubt about it that this is a precious fossil that has great archaeological and research value.

“Fair competition then, 100,000 Yuan,” Zhou Xixian said.

“I… I 150,000 yuan.” Ye Bo’s mouth was twitching a little. He was anxious in his heart because he knew that he would not be able to grab it with the money he has. It’s not that the Institute of Archaeology has more money, but this Old Zhao himself is very rich.

“300,000.” Zhou Xixian said calmly.

“300…350,000.” Ye Bo bit out.

“500,000.” Zhou Xixian faintly said, Ye Bo couldn’t speak, and he was so angry that his face was red and purple, and Zhou Xixian smiled. “Oh, it seems that this fossil belongs to me.”

“Old Zhou, I will not sell this fossil at only this price.” Su Jing smiled.

“You can’t say that. The fossil is just a stone to ordinary people, and only old things like us like it. So if you want to sell this at a high price, that would be impossible.” Zhou Xixian waved his hand.

“Don’t listen to him, if you sell this fossil at the auction, you will get at least one million yuan.” Ye Bo can’t get it for himself, but he doesn’t want Zhou Xixian to get it so easily. This unique Fossil, which is expected to be loved by many collectors, should be sold for no less than a million yuan. If no earlier spider fossils are found in the next few years, its price will rise.

“You ancient deathless cougar. This fossil is strictly a state property. Can you just get it at the auction house? After I bring it back to the Institute of Archaeology, it will be counted as contributing to the country.” Zhou Xixian was angered, but he was really scared that Su Jing might take it to the auction and sell it, “One million is one million, how is Mr. Su selling it to me?”

Ye Bo is silent now. He doesn’t really want Su Jing to sell the fossil in the auction house. By contrast, selling the fossil to the Institute of Archaeology is much better than selling it to a private person.

“Well, Old Zhou, I will sell it to you for one million, but there is a condition that when you don’t use this fossil, you will occasionally let Old Mister Ye study it.” Su Jing said, he just released his spiritual force detection and according to the spirit of Zhou Xixian In terms of volatility, this should be his highest price. If it goes up, he will not buy it. Such a fossil that is useless to himself got sold for one million, this business is not bad. As for talking about Ye Bo, it is for Xue Zhonghong’s sake.

“This, let’s do it. If there are any more fossils in the future, remember to contact me.” Zhou Xixian glanced at Ye Bo and reluctantly agreed to it. For fear that Su Jing might back off, he immediately transferred one million to Su Jing.

“Thank you, Mr. Su.” Ye Bo also smiled.

“It’s just a little effort.” Su Jing smiled.

In the distance, Li Guanglei and other people who faintly heard the conversation were surprised. It is no wonder that Su Jing is so rich and can build such a building. The first floor is even reinforced with alloy plates. It turns out that it is so simple for him to make money, a stone can sell ??one million.

“By the way, it’s strange that the spider is so well preserved.” Zhou Xixian held the fossil in his arms and was confused. Ye Bo didn’t say anything but nodded his head in agreement.

“How strange?” Su Jing asked.

“The best fossil spider ever found was buried in fine ash, so the delicate bone marrow was not destroyed, it was just squashed, but this one is obviously not, and why is it not? “Zhou Xixian said.

“This…how should I know when even you don’t know it.” Su Jing said this, but his heart was unsettled. Is it because the spider body came from A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality and it is strong. For example, the giant spider, who was smashed on the body with tons of gabage did not die immediately, and its body was basically intact. If it was replaced by the earth spider, it would have become a meatloaf. However, this reason cannot be said out loud.

“Well, I’ll take it back and study it.” Zhou Xixian beckoned to his assistant, picked up the fossil and left happily. Ye Bo also said goodbye to Su Jing. Looking at their backs, Su Jing thought to herself, “I hope they don’t waste too much time on it. After all, no matter what they find out, the fossil is from a very different earth.” (to be continued ^~^)

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