From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 53: Overlord Level! Brutal Goblin!

Chapter 53: Overlord Level! Brutal Goblin!

The Wandering Hero almost lost his soul when he was called out like that.

Looking at the ferocious and terrifying Beast King Goblin, just the sight of it made his hands tremble!

Coupled with the dream he had just had, he didn’t dare to step forward.

This was not the time for romantic hero fantasies, but a real-life slaughter scene!

Those geniuses, nobles, and battle-hardened soldiers could all die in the next second.

There were no miracles, no hope.

The Wandering Hero stood frozen, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, the connected silver shield wall was almost about to collapse.

The Beast King Goblin grabbed a knight and used him as a weapon, constantly blocking the attacks of the lancers.

Afraid of stabbing their own men, they couldn’t attack.

This gave him a chance to catch his breath.

Seeing this, Stantmont struggled to his feet with all his might, his leg visibly broken, but he still hobbled forward.

Felomon was about to say something, but Stantmont raised his hand to interrupt, “Count, you can’t die, but I can! Let me do it!”

Seeing such a passionate scene from an elderly man, the Wandering Hero’s conscience finally awoke!


A dashing figure brushed past Stantmont.

His flowing, slightly curly black hair and scruffy beard looked particularly handsome and dashing at this moment.

The Wandering Hero held two magic balls in his hand, leaping over soldiers onto the shield wall, “High-level Magic · Converging Energy Sphere! Fusion!”

The two light balls began to merge into one giant light ball!

Immediately after, the Wandering Hero jumped into the center of the shield wall, preparing to unleash the light ball!

The Beast King Goblin sensed danger and activated the skill Brutal Strike! A fierce black wind swirled around his fist.

However, the Wandering Hero did not fear, facing the attack head-on!


In the pitch-black night, a dazzling white light burst forth!

Stantmont and the others in the distance couldn’t even open their eyes from the brightness.

The sturdy shield wall was also disintegrated by the explosion of the light ball.

Other goblins still fighting soldiers on the mountain lost their will to fight upon seeing this commotion and began to think of fleeing.

It was clear that the Beast King Goblin was likely dead!

“Huff, huff, did I, win?”

As the light faded, the Wandering Hero gasped.

Before him was a blood-soaked corpse, the ground sunken in where it lay!

Finally, the Wandering Hero smiled, confirming, “I won!”

He had won! He led the empire’s soldiers to defeat the leader goblin and saved two counts!

The title of Epic Adventurer was secured!

Stantmont also breathed a slight sigh of relief, but then ordered, “Pursue the remaining goblins, leave none alive!”

Just as the Wandering Hero was about to kill the other goblins.


A bloody maw lunged at him, his legs still rooted to the spot.

Above the waist, his body was already gone.

It turned out the Beast King Goblin wasn’t dead, its bloody body barely holding on, gnawing and swallowing the Wandering Hero.

The sound of crunching bones was clearly audible.

Stantmont was stunned, but quickly charged again with his sword, “Damn beast!”

He aimed to kill it while it was still weak and heavily wounded.

However, at this moment, the Beast King Goblin’s body began to mutate!

It had devoured the Wandering Hero, and having consumed many others before, it was now evolving!

“Count Stantmont! Run!!!” Behind him, Felomon shouted.

Because it was already too late.

The Beast King Goblin’s hands began to grow claws, tearing at its own head!

It ripped off a layer of skin!

Following that, in a new form, like a newborn covered in amniotic fluid, it had many sticky fluids on it.

Its size remained about the same, but the crocodile-like back scales, previously only on its back, now covered its entire body.

It looked almost nothing like a goblin anymore, with four long and sharp fangs resembling a cutting machine, capable of easily tearing through flesh.

Thick black mane grew around its neck and sparsely on its body.

Its eyes, in the dark night, were pure white and glowed.

They seemed to pierce through everyone’s soul.

Its stance resembled a hungry tiger ready to hunt, with sharp claws on its hands and feet, and a tail.

Its chest and arm muscles were robust, like a raging gorilla.

Lin Tian looked at the creature in astonishment.

He muttered, “Is this overlord level? Level 80, Brutal Goblin! His overall strength broke through the 3000 mark! It actually reached 3100!”

Since it had just evolved, its overall combat power rating wouldn’t increase much.

But its attributes had grown significantly.

Breaking through 3000 made it a terrifying existence.

Brutal faced Stantmont’s attacking sword and simply pinched it with its claw! It caught the longsword aimed at it.

With a slight force, “Crack!”

The fine longsword snapped in half.

Stantmont was dumbfounded, “You…”

Before he could finish, the broken sword blade pierced his heart, and Brutal tossed him into its mouth.

“Damn it, if this guy eats everything, what am I going to eat?” Lin Tian cursed as he watched from a distance.

At this point, it was clear that the humans were going to lose. It seemed he needed to intervene and suppress this brutal creature.

He needed both sides to be severely wounded so he could gather the experience points and evolve into a hero variant!

At this moment, Felomon shouted loudly, “All soldiers! Attack that creature!”

From afar, the soldiers who had been suppressing the goblin army turned around and saw the most terrifying thing they had ever encountered!

They had never seen a creature that exuded such a chilling aura!

It was even more terrifying than the berserk soldiers on the battlefield!

Crucially, they saw Stantmont’s broken sword on the ground, indicating that he was dead.

Brutal, furious to the extreme, charged at the group of soldiers!

Their hands trembled as they held their weapons.

However, unexpectedly, Brutal did not attack them but instead bypassed them, killing several hero variants next to the goblins, “I said, if anyone tries to escape, they will die!”

“Boss, boss, we won’t run anymore!” a heavy-armored hero variant goblin pleaded.

But in the next second, the goblin was torn apart by Brutal’s claws, the heavy armor as thin as paper in its hands.

Brutal glared at the other goblins, “All of you, attack! If anyone takes even half a step back, this will be your fate!”

With that, the remaining goblins all launched a counterattack!

Fighting might not kill them, but not fighting would certainly mean death at the hands of Brutal.

Facing the goblin army, now reorganized by Brutal, the humans began to panic. The death of Stantmont was one thing, but the terrifying Brutal Goblin was their true nightmare!

The oppressive force was insurmountable.

Soon, the humans were driven back into Bright Town.

The ground was covered with the corpses of soldiers, as well as many adventurers.

Ever since Lin Tian wiped out three hundred adventurers, a few more had trickled into Bright Town.

Little did they expect to encounter this disaster.

Seeing the situation spiraling out of control, Felomon hurriedly shouted, “Retreat! Cavalry, take as many civilians as you can and retreat!”

At this moment, he deeply realized his failure.

Underestimating the goblins had led to this outcome.

As they fled, Brutal certainly wouldn’t let them go, “Pursue! Don’t let them escape!”

He still hadn’t retrieved the magic ring; otherwise, this trip would be in vain.

In the sky, watching the two groups leave, Lin Tian couldn’t help but show a sinister, satisfied smile.

Because below were countless corpses!

Goblins, soldiers, adventurers.

Almost a thousand in total!

He quickly flew back and ordered, “A hundred of you, grab some sacks and follow me, be quick about it!”

Thus, Gobu Kuang and the others, carrying sacks, began frantically collecting bodies.

No matter big or small, tall or short, fat or thin.

All were stuffed into the sacks.

Most of the dead bodies were small goblins, generally around levels ten to twenty, but it was better than nothing.

There were also several hundred human soldiers and big variant goblins.

At levels thirty to forty, they provided relatively more experience.

After packing all the bodies, they retreated, leaving the remaining two hundred big variants and some hero variants to stay behind and finish the cleanup.

Lin Tian, riding a flying dragon, went ahead to see the current situation.

Not long after flying, he saw Brutal and the others already engaged in battle with the human army again.

But the humans were fighting while retreating.

It seemed they would be wiped out sooner or later.

Brutal’s strength had become too overwhelming, capable of withstanding thousands of troops, slaughtering them single-handedly.

Felomon’s eyes were filled with anger, but no fear, “These damned beasts! Your Majesty, if only you had given me a thousand more soldiers!”

He hadn’t expected to suffer defeat within the Lionheart Empire’s territory!

He felt deeply ashamed of his title as Count.

Brutal, killing one soldier after another, moved towards Felomon.

At this moment, Lin Tian frowned, astonished, as he looked at a mountain road about ten kilometers away.

Several different lights were approaching rapidly!

They were moving too fast, beyond what any human or creature could achieve!

Extremely conspicuous in the dark night!

“Damn, could it be that guy?” Lin Tian muttered, worried it might be the Sword Saintess returning, possibly with her former comrades, as Goblin Slayer had mentioned.

At this moment, Brutal, covered in blood but with none of it his own, had already reached Felomon.

Glaring at him, it demanded, “Hand over the magic ring, and I’ll give you a quick death!”

“Magic ring? I don’t have what you’re looking for. If you want to kill me, then kill me. You lowly beasts are not worthy of negotiating with me!”

Felomon replied firmly, gripping his sword, ready for a fight to the death.

Even knowing he couldn’t win, even having had opportunities to escape.

But as a former knight, he couldn’t allow himself to do so.

Hearing this, Brutal didn’t rush to kill him but instead snatched his sword and crushed it into a ball.

Furiously, it roared, “Give me my magic ring!!!”

Thick, foul-smelling saliva sprayed all over Felomon’s face.

Felomon was somewhat bewildered, his face righteous, “I really don’t know about any magic ring. Are you serious?”

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