Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 440: One Good Thing

Chapter 440: One Good Thing

The smell of breakfast which filled the kitchen wafted in Damien's nose as he entered. He was already dressed in a light blue shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a pair of khaki pants. Seeing Katherine wearing his white dress shirt while she made a mess in his kitchen put a smile on his face. He'd love to wake up every morning like thismessy kitchen or not. 

He watched as she grabbed a pack of frozen peas from the freezer and pressed it on the right of her butt over his boxers that she wore. The only time he hit her there was last night and he didn't do it again. He hissed at the sight and kissed her neck from behind. "Sorry again. No more spanks for you."

"What?" She whipped her head to the side, her hand still rubbing the sore spot on her butt. "Ah, no! I bumped into the corner of that counter. I didn't get hurt last night."

He gave her an eye, and she didn't seem to be lying. 

"Still. No more spanks for you," he insisted.

Katherine tossed the peas onto the counter, and flashed him a teasing smile as she approached. "Then can I do it to you instead?"

Damien's chuckle made her blush. "Only naughty girls like you get spanked."

"Tch." She rolled her eyes, silently wishing that the day would come when she gets to spank him. A smile broke her face at the thought of it.

"What are you making?" He snuck a peek at the pan behind her.

"Souffl pancakes. Have you tried them? They're so fluffy like clouds!"

"Where'd you learn how to make these?"

"Internet. I practiced while you were on a trip." Katherine proudly smiled as she plated three fluffy pancakes on a shallow bowl. She garnished it with some blueberries and strawberries, then dusted with powdered sugar. Placing it in front of him, she handed him a fork and waited for him to take a bite.

Damien took a generous bite and a moan of approval combined with his eyes closing made her happy. "They're amazing, thanks," he said and then softly chuckled when she bent her head forward as if she was asking for a pat, in which he happily obliged. Katherine could be really adorable from time to timejust like a fluffy kitten.


An hour later, Damien was on his way out of the penthouse with a briefcase in hand. As he reached the foyer, he turned to Katherine and told her, "You should rest more. I'll pick you up at lunch and then we'll head to your grandfather's mansion."

She shook her head and walked with him to the elevator. "There's something I need to do for work. I'll just stay at my place while you're out. You're heading to Park Group?"

Damien glanced at her before he pressed a button at the elevator and sighed. "I have to clean up your mess." She bit her lip and he rephrased his statement. "Her mess."

Katherine cleared her throat and they descended to the 61st floor. "Oh, by the way, have you seen the property titles that your mom got from your uncle's office?"

"Right. I haven't yet. Will you grab me copies of those once I come to fetch you later?"

"Sure." She gave him a peck on the lips before stepping out of the car. "Later, Damien."

"Mm. Check in with Styles. Then keep me posted with your findings," he said just before the door closed.

When Katherine got inside the penthouse, she saw Styles in the living room. He was in a daze and didn't move an inch even after she called him. "Hey! I was calling you. Is everything okay?"

"Queen I I Look" Styles extended his hand outward, showing her a piece of device.

"Whose? Is that yours?" Her brows knitted and she listened as Styles told her what happened.

As Damien reached his car, his phone beeped and he checked the message that came from Katherine.

[Naughty Kitten: You bought Styles a Lamborghini?!]

He was about to send his reply when another message came through. It was a GIF of an angry kitten scowling at him. He chuckled heartily, finding the little cat so adorable. Quickly changing her name, he went back to the inbox and another message arrived.

[Angry Kitten: You broke him! He's not functioning properly anymore! You better fix him, Damien.]

[Damien: He's not a machine, Katherine. Tell him it's an advance payment for when he finds the base.]

[Damien: Or I'll take it back. Including the others.]

Katherine let Styles read Damien's response. When he was done, he wordlessly returned her phone and headed to his room.

"Where are you going?" she asked.


She let out a chuckle and shook her head. Just as she was about to start her work, Ava from West Bespoke Tailor arrived bringing two garment bags with her. Katherine was confused as she wasn't expecting her that day, but all Ava said was, "These are from Chairman Park. I'll take my leave now, Ms. Young. Have a good day."

Still unsure what the dresses were, Katherine slowly opened the bags and found the two dresses from the auction last night. It didn't take her long to figure out that the old man who won the bid was probably Damien's proxy. A sweet smile brightened her face as she went inside her room and sent Damien another text.

[Katherine: You are as crazy as me. Probably even more. I love the dresses. Thank you.]

[My King: Anything for you. Wear one later.]

Finally ready to work while Damien was out, she grabbed several binders that she kept inside one of the bottom drawers in her closet and laid them all on top of her bed. With a random hair tie that she took from her dresser, she had her hair pulled back into a ponytail and muttered to herself, "All right. Where were we"

Park Group

Damien arrived at his family's company with a few men with him from Maverick Security. A skinny man in an all grey tracksuit, black cap, and a black mask walked next to him. He carried one briefcase with him and he kept his head down as they got inside the elevator. "Zero," Damien called the skinny man.

"Yes, Your Majesty?"

"Are you ready?"

Although a mask was covering his mouth, a sly look on Zero's eyes formed as he smirked. "As I'll ever be."

Damien took out a small device from his pocket and handed it over to Zero, saying, "This is what Styles gave me. He said you'll know what to do once you're in. Do you?"

Zero plucked the flash drive from the other's hand and swiftly put it away for safekeeping. "Of course. They won't notice a thing."

"Good." Damien whipped out his phone and called his uncle, telling him that he was coming up. 

There was actually one good thing that came out of the infiltration. Maverick Security would now be in charge of Park Groupwell, partly in charge. But because of this, it would be a breeze for his future plans: Taking over Park Group and eradicating the underground business that his uncle was still running. 

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