Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 428: Silhouette (5)

Chapter 428: Silhouette (5)

Leaving the main hall of the event, Damien and Katherine found themselves in the hallway. The colors of the walls and the carpet reminded her of that time in Magnum Hotel where they first saw each other again a couple of weeks ago during her Welcome Home Party.

That time, they were estranged, hurt, lost, and all sorts of things altogether. After promising each other that they would always be together, they still separated and were heartbroken. Tears were spilled, hopes were almost gone, and they thought of giving up. But as fate kept leading them back together, they took their chanceseven if it meant that they would still keep hurting.

Katherine and Damien took the leap. Their relationship was flawed and so were they.

The two had every reason to let go and just be done with each other. They were like two magnets repelling and attracting each other. But subconsciously or even deliberately, despite their differences, they made their choice and bonded.

Which was why at that very moment, they became one. Just a minute ago, they were having a discussion about liesDamien scolded Katherineyet now, they were in sync. Just like magnets, they had this invisible field that's forcing them together. That's how strong their relationship was.

Katherine was now desperate to keep it that way. She couldn't afford any more setbacks. She could no longer bear for him to keep worrying about her. It was time that she changed. And hell be damned, it was going to be hard.

As they looked from left to right, Katherine and Damien found Chris at the other end of the hallway. Chris was talking to a woman, whose back was facing them. The other end of the hallway was so far away that they couldn't see them clearly, especially since the hallway was dark. Such convenience at a time like this when they needed to know who Chris was talking to.

A large hand grabbed Katherine's wrist and pulled her to the corner, pressing her to the wall. "We can't be seen. We don't know who they are," Damien whispered. His body was pressed against her front as he stealthily took a peek from where they were.

Their position was so intimate and she shouldn't even be thinking about anything else other than what they were supposed to do: Find out Chris's contact in the clubbut who could really blame her? It was as though Damien's sex pheromones were on a high and was spellbinding her. It was ridiculous that she was lusting over him at a time like this. 'Not now,' she scolded herself and tried to shift her focus back to the matter at hand. 

He grabbed her hand and dragged her with him, deeper into the hallway. "They're moving. Let's go."

Katherine kept up with his long strides as they hurried. The space where Chris and the woman were just now was already empty. Her brows knitted. "Where are they?"

"She went towards the lobby. The other took the elevator."

"Damien, you need to go after her," she said.

"What about you?" Concern was written all over his face when he already knew what she was about to say.

"I have to go after Chris. You know the club members longer than I do, I wouldn't recognize that woman, whoever she was."

Damien didn't like it but at the moment, he knew this was the best option. "Do not engage, Katherine. Promise me. Unless you really need to. Stay out of danger."

"I promise." She swiftly tiptoed and kissed his lips without hesitation before turning towards the elevator. She watched where it stopped and saw that it went all the way up to the twelfth floor.

He tore his gaze away from Katherine and turned his heel towards the lobby. He hastened his steps to catch up with the woman who was just about to leave the hotel. And right as he landed by the front desk, the woman had just gotten inside a black limousine at the entrance. Damien all but sprinted outside only to see the limo speed off into the main road.

He panted and ran a hand down his face in frustration, ignoring the curious gazes of the people looking in his direction. He failed to see the face of the womanall he got from all that was her silhouette. But even if it was a long shot, he was hopeful that once Wallace gives him the guestlist later, he would be able to recognize who she wasif she was the same person whom Chris kept meeting at Central Harbor Restaurant so secretly.

Meanwhile, Katherine was getting inside the other elevator when a hand harshly grabbed her by the elbow. Her instincts kicked in and she immediately tore her arm away from the other in one swift move. Her other hand hung mid-air and she was about to hit the person's neck when she recognized who it was. Her brows furrowed and her eyes were menacing as she spat, "You again?"

"Huh!" The woman from earlierthe one who warned her to stay away from Matthewhad her eyes widened as she gaped at Katherine's hand. "Are you about to hit me?"

"What the hell is your problem? Get lost!" Katherine was already at her wit's end. This woman kept appearing out of nowhere, it was pissing her off.

The elevator door closed on her so she had to press the door open again. Without waiting for the other to answer, she stepped inside, turned around, and met the woman's crazy stare.

"You've got the nerve to shout at me? You already have a boyfriend, but you still flirt with Matth"

The elevator door shut on the woman's face after Katherine repeatedly pressed the close button. Her adrenaline shot up because of that womanif she hadn't controlled herself, she could have broken that strange woman's neck. She just lost seconds because of her. Her jaw ticked as she waited impatiently for the ride to go up the top floor.

She didn't expect to see Chris that night. There were a lot of questions in her head and she needed answers. The ding of the elevator drew her back to reality and she quickly stepped out of the car. The twelfth floor was so quiet as she looked around, realizing that the doors were probably to presidential suites.

Katherine contemplated whether she should start knocking doors or eavesdrop from the door. What if he was sent here to kill someone? What if

Just as she was thinking of a plan, she heard the sound of a helicopter from the floor above her. Her eyes went wide and her head snapped towards the stairwell's direction. Without second thoughts, she dashed towards it and climbed the stairs that led to the rooftop.

"Stupid heels. Stupid dress," she hissed when she almost stepped on her dress and struggled on her heels. She always hated running like this. But it wasn't as if she could have predicted she would be chasing Chris in this dress. Flats just weren't an option for her if she wanted to look good.

Katherine pushed open the door to the rooftop and just as she stepped on the landing, she saw a helicopter lifting off the ground with Chris inside, and they met each other's stare.

She raised her arms up to cover her face as the wind created by the helicopter's blade rotation was too strong, blowing against her body. She watched as it ascended higher in the air and she realized that there was nothing she could do now. They stared at each other but neither of them knew what the other was thinking. Then, the helicopter flew away, leaving her even more confused than she already was.

Katherine was in a daze as she went back down to the twelfth floor where she met Damien again. He sighed in relief seeing that she was safe but he worried that something happened to her. After she told him what transpired, they headed back to the party. She had somewhat calmed down as they reached the floor, but she still thought it was a waste that she didn't get to Chris faster. 

Just when they turned a corner, the woman from earlier appeared from the side and her snarky expression greeted them. With an arrogant look, she stalked towards Damien and bit out, "Did you know that your girlfriend was flirting all night with men?! You better make sure she keeps her hands to herself" The woman swallowed the rest of her words when Katherine strode towards her, and pushed her against the wall, choking when Katherine's fingers wrapped around her neck.

"You," Katherine spoke under gritted teeth, her eyes were ablaze and her face spelled wicked. "You cost me time. I don't know what the hell your problem is, you sociopath! Your obsession with Matthew made you unlucky to have stepped on a land mine like me. Tell me, do you want to meet him face to face in black and blue, or in red?"

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