Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 422: A Business Deal

Chapter 422: A Business Deal

Magnum Hotel

Damien received information on the whereabouts of Naughty Bunny Club's owner and it led him to Magnum Hotel. He got curious seeing as the address wasn't a residential one. What was the owner doing in a hotel? Did it mean he's not a local?

When he arrived at the hotel's main lobby, Felix was already there waiting for him. "I have a bad feeling about this," he heard him say. 

"Why? Who's left at the penthouse?"

"Alpha team." Felix pushed the button of the elevator and held the door for Damien as they got in. "I went to the club earlier today and I didn't recognize the security. They aren't from around here. They were even sniffy in giving me the info until I told them that you sent me."

Damien tried to think of who the owner could possibly be but he didn't have a clue. When they reached the floor, they stepped out of the elevator and headed towards the suite. When they turned a corner and headed towards the presidential suite, several men stopped them in their tracks.

"You can't be here," one of them said. He was wearing a black fedora hat. He had an average height but he sure was gutsy to face Damien's tall figure.

Damien cocked a brow. Judging by the looks of the men who stopped them, he suspected that they were some sort of a mob or something which shouldn't be the case if they knew that Harbor City was under his uncle's territory. So whoever this man was, he sure had the guts to stop a Park. "Says who?"

The men looked at each other and chuckled, arrogance laced their faces as they looked at Damien and Felix. There were only two of them while there were six men guarding the presidential suite. The guy wearing a hat came forward and answered, "How about you give me your name and I decide whether you're worthy of knowing."

Damien found them incredibly ridiculous. He scanned the group who were seizing him and Felix, then he looked at the man in the eye. Digging his hands in his pockets, he walked closer, towering over him, and darkened his stare. "Tell your boss Damien Park is here."

The man in a fedora hat suddenly felt little when Damien spoke his name. He had been used to his boss's deadly aura but Damien's was just as scary. He didn't answer but he stepped back, knocked on the door and entered. He was only gone for a few seconds before he came back out and let the two pass.

Damien and Felix entered the presidential suite and were greeted by a heavy smell of tobacco in the air. There was a woman's underwear laying on the floor and another on the coffee table. They exchanged looks and waited for someone to appear.

Just then, a man in a tailored grey three-piece suit with brown leather shoes appeared from the side. He had a chiseled jaw and stubble on his chin as though he couldn't be bothered to shave for a couple of days. He had green eyes that stared at Damien so sharply as he approached.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Chairman Park," the man said, extending his right hand to Damien.

"And you are?" Damien received the handshake, noting the firm grip that the other gave.

"Giovanni De Luca," he answered.

Damien was surprised. He didn't think that he would come face to face with a De Lucaa Mafia leaderin Esmea. Not to mention, he had thought that Giovanni was an old man, but judging by this man's appearance, he should be in his thirties. 

"Please, have a seat." Giovanni gestured at the empty armchairone that didn't have a woman's underwear. 

He offered Damien a drink but the latter declined and went straight to the point. "You own the Naughty Bunny Club at Mango?"

Giovanni smiled before sipping the cappuccino in his hand. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, Chairman Park?"

Damien didn't like it whenever people chose to avoid answering his questions but he ignored the other's attempt to skirt the issue and told him directly, "Two of my people took something from the club last night. I was told that the owner was staying here in this room. I'm here to settle the matter."

"Ah So you represent those women from the club last night. Hmmm Such fine ladies Except they've got very naughty hands, if I may say..." Giovanni drawled. He sat across Damien, an air of nonchalant attitude lacing around him. "The one in black was really stunning, but the other one was more my type."

Damien's interlaced fingers tightened upon hearing his statement. 'This bastard Did he think he could get to Katherine? Over my dead body.' He clenched his jaw before he straightened up and told him, "They are off-limits, especially 'the other one'."

"Oooh. Protective, are we?"

"She's my girlfriend."

"Well, I'll be damned... I didn't know you do girlfriends, Chairman Park. Not what I expect from someone like you."

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me. Why don't we skip the pleasantries and get to the point?"

Setting the cappuccino down on the table, Giovanni looked at Damien, gestured with his hand and said, "Alright, let's hear what you have to offer."

"I'd like to keep things under wraps." Damien kept his voice firm and his face unreadable.

"Sure. That's not hard to do. But what do I get in return for... 'keeping it under wraps?'" Giovanni did an air-quote for emphasis, a faint smile dancing on his lips.

"What do you need?"

"That easy, huh? You'll grant anything?" Giovanni raised a brow. "Why do I feel like this isn't the only thing you came here for?"

Taking a deep breath, Damien responded, "The thing they took. I want to keep it."

Giovanni laughed, rubbing the stubble on his chin and leaning against the backrest. "So... they stole something and now you want to keep it. What's so important about this item? Wasn't it just a photograph?"

"It's a memento of someone important to me. Nothing that's of use to you, I can assure."

Contemplating, Giovanni scanned Damien's face as though he was trying to see if he was telling the truth. "Hmmm... You see, one of the things in the contract, when I bought the club, was to keep that wall untouched. You may be right, I don't have any use of that photo. However... I'm a man who honors contracts, Chairman Park. So... what you're asking costs a lot."

Finally. Damien was now certain that a De Luca indeed bought that club. And now, Giovanni was asking for a bargain. A corner of his lips raised into a lopsided grin and he lowered his voice, "You must have forgotten something... A De Luca or any of the Italian-American syndicates cannot touch Esmea. You being here is already asking a lot. I can have you kicked out of here faster than you can imagine. You may be able to walk freely in this state as long as you come here in peace but that contract of yours from the club you just signed?" he scoffed, "...If I really want to, I can impose the concord and have that nullified."

The smile on Giovanni's face widened as if he wasn't being threatened just now. "Fair enough. But, stealing is stealing, Chairman Park... And you're asking to keep the evidence. How about we agree to make this beneficial for both of us. Ya know... You scratch my backI scratch yours kinda thing?"

"In exchange for keeping the photo"

Giovanni raised his index finger, "And keeping the authorities away from this mess." He winked, making sure Damien understood that he was asking two things from him.

"Tell me what you want."

Getting up from his seat, Giovanni buttoned his coat. "I'm just here for business, Chairman Parklegitimate business. And I swear on my life that's all there is to it. So, can I keep the request for later? You reign in this state. I would need your favor when the time comes."

Damien got up and kept his stare locked at the other. They were standing face to faceboth of them having dangerous auras around them. Then, Damien shook hands with him. "Deal. Come and see me when you want to collect."

Giovanni's devilish smirk broke across his face as their firm grips sealed their agreement. "It's a pleasure doing business with you, Chairman Park."

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