Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 417: A Night Out (4)

Chapter 417: A Night Out (4)

Naughty Bunny Club

Katherine and Amelia were invited to the VIP section. It hadn't even been ten minutes since they started on the dance floor and they were already in. Too easy.

There were dozens of people in the exclusive area. It was like a nightclub on its own with a separate bar filled with more expensive liquors. It was flowing with drinks everywhere and the two women just received their toast. "Bottoms up! A toast to our new friends, Tiffany and Victoria!" one of the girls shouted as she distributed tequila shots to everyone, courtesy of the man in a suit who seemed to be a big shot in the club. With shot glasses in their hands, they raised it to him as 'thanks' before gulping it down.

Katherine and Amelia didn't know who he was at first, but they overheard his name earlier from one of the women whom he also invited up in the VIP section. Apparently, his name was Giovanni De Luca. If they were right with their suspicion, he should be the rumored Boss in the De Luca familyan Italian-American mafia. As for what he was doing in Esmea, they didn't know. Esmea, especially Harbor City, was supposed to be untouchableall because of the Parks.

He looked young to be the head of the mafiaprobably in his thirties. But he sure had the aura of one. He had a few bunnies on each of his sidesthat's what the women around him looked like, they literally had bunny ears and tails and were wearing bodycon dresses. They worshipped him like he was the king; their hands caressing his thighs, arms, and chest. Naughty bunniestruly fitting with the club's name.

It became a little tricky for Katherine and Amelia, aka Tiffany and Victoria respectively, with Giovanni's presence. But if it wasn't for him, it would have taken them a while to get in the VIP area. They continued to act like they were there just to have fun. Even when Amelia was already drunk, her eyes were so sharp as she searched for the picture which she was looking for on the wall. There were hundreds of them and she could only look from where she stood a few meters away.

"Gotcha," Amelia muttered under her breath when she found it. She locked her eyes on her targetit was right above Giovanni's head.

She took a step forward, a plan already churning in her head. The man was there but she didn't have any other choice. However, Katherine held her back, her head subtly shaking from left to right. "Patience," she whispered.

Amelia got restless by the second. But as if the heavens was on her side, one of Giovanni's men whispered to his ear and the next second, he got up and left the VIP area along with the rest of his men. The bunnies got up and vacated the spot too.

Taking her chance, Amelia moved quickly and went to snatch the photo from the wall, careful not to tear it. Katherine followed behind her, making sure no one was paying them any mind.

"Hey, that's stealing," a man with an accented English appeared out of nowhere and placed a hand on Amelia's ass.

Amelia slapped his hand away and gave him a deadly glare. Katherine was surprised at what was happening but she quickly caught on. Her eyes darkened when she recognized the man. She hadn't met him personally before but Alianna showed her a picture of him. It was Craig, Ali's woman-hitting-ex-boyfriend, whom Damien and Caleb exercised their fists and kicks on.

While Craig stood casually sipping the alcohol in his hand and giving the two a perverted stare, Katherine whispered something to Amelia. Then, their scowls turned into seductive smiles that could kill if they stared too hard.

Katherine sauntered towards him and raised her delicate hand above his drink, her middle finger lazily tracing the rim of the glass. "Can you not tell anyone please?"

He raked his gaze down Katherine's chest and the finger that was playing on his glass. He smirked. "I can keep a secret Only if you"

"Oh, I know what you want, pretty boy."

"Craig. My name's Craig," he said, downing the rest of his alcohol.

"Hmmm. I know"

"What?" He put the empty glass down the table and turned to Katherine.

"Nothing. Why don't we get out of here?" she proposed. Her voice was very suggestive that Craig's grin widened in excitement.

"What about your friend? Will she be okay if we leave?"

Amelia mirrored Katherine's indicative expression as she walked closer and said, "Who says I'm not coming? We're a package deal." She glanced at Katherine with a knowing look and then back at Craig.

His eyes went wide. He could not believe that he got so lucky that night. "Davvero?" (Really?)

Katherine and Amelia brought him out of the club and the man had a huge smile on his face while his arms were around their waists. He told them that his hotel was nearby but as they stepped out of the club and walked several meters away, Katherine slapped his hand off her waist and grabbed him by the wrist. She all but dragged him to a dark alley and with a sly look on her face, she said, "Your hotel is too far. I can't wait."

"Woah~ Okay~" Craig was still clueless as to what was about to happen to him.

Katherine and Amelia pushed him against the wall and he whimpered, but he chuckled thinking they were just too eager to get their way with him.

Oh, they were eager alright!

He had such an arrogant-looking face. He started unbuckling his belt as he asked, "Who wants me first?"

The two women exchanged looks for a brief second and when Amelia nodded at the other, Katherine turned to face Craig with a wicked smile and answered, "Me."

Then, Katherine's fist connected with his eye.

Police Station

At midnight, Damien arrived at the police station where Markus said the two women were. As soon as he stepped in, he quickly scanned the place and he met Felix's anxious eyes. The latter was sitting on a bench and he immediately got up but couldn't say anything.

Damien glared at him. Felix was older than him, but right now, Damien didn't give a damn. He didn't know what happened yet, but he was already mad.

"Chairman Park," a man called his attention.

Damien looked to his left and saw a man approach him. "Detective Donovan. What happened? Where are they?"

The detective gestured to the side and Damien followed him deeper into the station. "Don't worry, they're intoxicated but they're both safe. I had to put them in a holding cell though. I saw them outside the Naughty Bunny Club at Mango District."

"What the hell were they doing there?" Damien couldn't begin to imagine how in the world they were drunk and was even in that club. "Are they in trouble?"

"Well I recognized Lia since I met her yesterday, and I would have just given them a ride home. But"

Amelia went by the name 'Lia' when she met the detective, so Damien didn't correct him. "But what?" 

They entered the area where the holding cells were and the detective pointed his hand to the first cell. Katherine and Amelia were sitting beside each other on the floor and sleeping. They leaned against the wall and shared a thick blanket that covered them from the neck down. If they weren't in jail, they would have looked sweet and cute; except they really were. And in the cell next to theirs was Craig, who was all black and blue with a busted lip and a black eye.

"When I found them in the alley, the ladies were beating up that man over there. I stopped them and I would have just sent them all home, but he claimed that he saw them stole something from the club."

"They stole something?" The crease in Damien's brow got worse.

"That's what he said. And he threatened to tell the owner of the club. I thought of settling this quietly and letting you guys know first so I brought them here and called Felix."

"What did they steal?"

The detective scratched his throat. "I don't know Lia is hiding it inside her dress and she refuses to give it."

Damien ran a tired hand down his face. He just couldn't catch a break with these two women. 

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