Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 413: Run!

Chapter 413: Run!

The air inside became thick and the two women churned their brains thinking for an escape out. There was no way out on the first floor and their only choice was to cross the other side of the building through the second floor to get to the south door as the west and east exits were all inaccessible.

Facing Katherine, Amelia placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "I don't mind being caught by them. But not you. You have to get out. They can't know you're here."


"On the count of three, we'll bust through this door and I'll create a distraction. You go straight to the south door. By then, Styles will be able to open it for you."

"What are you talking about? I won't leave you here. No way!" Katherine shook her head, unwilling to do what Amelia was planning. She came here to back her up. What kind of person would she be if she left her here? "I'm not leaving you here, Falcon. And you can't make me."

Amelia sighed. "You're so stubborn." With one hand on the handle, she held the other up and silently counted, "One Two Three" She pulled the door open and the two of them sprinted deeper into the building.

"There they are!" one of the guards shouted.

Just a few seconds in and the two women were already surrounded by men. They kept their heads down in order not to be recognized with their caps and masks covering their faces.

Amelia brought her fists up in front of her on an on-guard position, while Katherine took out the knuckle knives that she attached to each of her thighsshe swiftly pulled it out and twirled once before her fingers found their slots inside the knuckle holes, the extremely sharp knives pointing outward below the bottom of her fists. 

The "god of death" knives shone under the fluorescent lights at the same time that her fierce eyes darkened. She positioned one near her face while the other was slightly forward.

Amelia and Katherine had their backs facing each other while the men surrounded them trying to gauge how they were to capture these intruders.

Two men started to close in and a fight ensued. This wasn't supposed to be a war as it was a simple investigative mission but fights like these were expected. It was inevitable. But as much as possible, Katherine tried not to slice them with the knives in her handsat least, she was trying to avoid hitting any vital parts and only aimed to knock them out. It was the same for Amelia.

"I almost got it," Styles spoke through their ears while they were busy attacking and counter-attackingall while avoiding to kill the men.

The two Femme Fatales were fast and sharp. Soon, the dozen men that surrounded them were down to six. The security detail that night was a mixture of Frederick's men and regular security guards so their level of combat fighting was different from each other. But with their uncoordinated attacks from every side, it was a bit tricky for the two women to try and avoid injuring them heavily.


A cry caught Katherine's attention and when she turned, she saw a huge man behind Amelia with his arms locked around her neck. She looked tiny compared to the giant. Without hesitation, Katherine dashed towards them shouting, "Give me a lift!"

Amelia was already getting choked and she almost did not understand what Katherine was asking but when she saw the other running to her direction, her instincts kicked in. She removed her grasps from the man's arms, interlaced her fingers together and held them open in front of her just in time for Katherine's foot to step on it, and gave her a boost upward.

The next second, Katherine was high up in the air with her right fist pulled back just before she delivered a punch straight to the huge man, the hard steel knuckles of her knife damaging his face. He let go of Amelia and he wiped the blood on his cheek. Apart from the busted skin, he was also cut by the knife. 

"The south door is open! Run!" Styles's news rang in their earpieces and the two made a run for it with the rest of the men running after them.

Just before they reached the south door, Katherine noticed an approaching man in a business suit several meters on the east side of the building and when she concentrated her stare, she recognized him. 'William' she thought. She lost her focus and almost didn't notice the gun that he pointed at her.

"Queen!" Amelia hissed and pushed her forward. They disappeared at a corner and sprinted out through the south door.

As soon as they exited, the door locked behind them. "I locked them inside. You only have thirty seconds before their system resets. Go go go!" Styles commanded.

"Let's circle around the city. I'll meet you back home." Amelia headed for the motorbike while Katherine went to the Lexus and nodded in agreement.

Felix, who broke out in sweat watching the events unfold on the tiny screen, already had the engine running. So as soon as Katherine got inside, he sped off into the night.

Golden Phoenix Residences

While the three took their time to go back to the penthouse, Styles moved quickly and deleted all traces of them ever being anywhere near Park Group. He planted a virus that attacked Park Group's security system, destroying their security footage in the last twenty-four hours. 

There was a look of triumph on his face as his fingers danced on his mechanical keyboard. He was so thrilled at what just happenedit had been a long time since he had been challenged like this and the exercise made him feel invigorated. 

If Styles was an addict, this was his drug.


The two women, along with Styles and Felix, gathered at the kitchen. There was a large tablet on the kitchen island counter the size of a long envelope and on the screen were the pictures of the titles that Amelia took from Frederick's office. They still don't know what to do with that but Amelia had asked Styles to look into it already and he disappeared back to his bedroom, leaving Felix and Katherine with her.

"Hey Um, Felix," Amelia started and the stoic man had an unreadable expression as he looked at her. Felix was still having a hard time wrapping his head around the idea of her being Damien's mother as she looked like she was younger than himat the same time, his chest was heavy, unsure of how to handle the situation. Damien will definitely kill him. The two women were a handful. He thought he aged a hundred times the past couple of hours.

"Thanks I know you have to report back to him but can you at least wait until he comes back?" Amelia requested.

"Whatever." Felix shook his head and left the kitchen.

"That was reckless, you know You should have at least told me so we could've come up with a better plan." Katherine's expression was soft as she spoke.

"I know." Amelia nodded. "You have to understand, though... I had been a lone wolf for so many years. Even with Styles the last five years, I still operated alone most of the time. Old habits die hard and I'm sure you know what I mean."

Unfortunately "I do," Katherine agreed. Only the two understood what they meant coming from the same dark organization.

It was quiet for a few beats before the latter spoke again. "But it's different now I want to change for him. I want to be better. I can't lie to him, Amelia. Not anymore..."

"I know And I'm not asking you to Just at least until he comes home. I don't want him to worry while he's on a trip."

Katherine inhaled deeply and was hesitant when she agreed. "I'll head to bed now."

"Hey, Katherine?" Amelia called, and when the other turned, she made a small smile. "Thank you."

Katherine returned the smile. "Anytime." 

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