Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 406: King and Queen

Chapter 406: King and Queen

Young Corporation

After Katherine spent the night at Damien's penthouse and made him a hearty breakfast, the two went to work separately. She didn't want to keep him for too long so as not to hinder him from his work. He had been going to meetings a lot lately, making him incredibly busy. Because she had caused him a lot of trouble these days, she didn't want to add any more to his burden.

But that didn't mean that she would go easy on her little mission. She had yet to decide what to name her mission as she had two goals in mind. One is to make him believe her, obviously, so she would have to prove her undying love to him. Twowell, to make him surrender to her advances. She just couldn't take his avoidance! It's so unlike him and she didn't like it. She knew that he was doing this on purpose and it was killing her.

He had to give in somehow! The question was, how? What could she do? Should she just continue to strip in front of him until his nose bleeds? Surely she couldn't do that.

So she would just have to be more creative. She's Katherine Young aka Queen. She could definitely do it!

Gosh. Even in her mind, she sounded crazy. Was she really planning on how to seduce her own man? Fine. Let's see how long he'll last.

Katherine spent the morning buried with paperwork. It was ten in the morning when her mind drifted to Damien and she thought of sending him a text message, hoping that it would put a smile on his face. She was hesitant to send it at first but she did it anyway.

[Katherine: I'm at the office. I have so many files to read to learn about the company. I feel like a student again. Not gonna lie, I actually missed working for you. And I miss you already.]

She was never the showy type of girlfriend. At least not so much. She did have her moments but it was mostly Damien who always took the first steps. Texting her first, calling her first, taking care of her first. Now it's her turn. She just hoped he wouldn't get sick of her being the clingy type. For the sake of this mission, he shouldn't. 

Waiting for his response made her anxious and she stared at her phone for a whole minute before it lit up from his response. Damien was currently at a meeting in the company but he managed to respond to her anyway.

[Baby Bear: You want to work with me again?]

Seeing as his saved name was still the same, she decided to change it to "My King"

[Katherine: If you'll have me back, President Park, I don't mind being your slave.]

[My King: Never. We're equals. Though I don't mind being your slave.]

She smiled upon reading his response, finding their little exchange amusing.

[Katherine: Haha. Damien Park... My slave? I don't think the world will let me if I make the King be my slave. Everyone will hunt me down if I do that.]

[My King: Katherine, the key to living like a King is to work like a slave.]

The words struck her. He was not the Resort King for no reason. Even if he came from a wealthy family, he worked hard to be where he was now. Truly, he deserved to be on top. His words of wisdom were inspirational. She thought about her response but she received two more texts from him.

[My King: For you, I will, My Queen.]

[My King: Also, though I would love for you to come back to the company, I wouldn't steal you from YC. Your grandfather might have my head if I do that.]

Katherine chuckled at the message. She was about to respond when her landline rang. It was a call from the CEO's secretary requesting for her to go to the CEO's office. Picking up her bag, she left in a hurry and went to see her aunt.

When she arrived at her aunt's office, she felt a strange nostalgia. She used to visit her father here when he was still alive. The combination of melancholy and bitterness washed over her but she forced on a smile as she greeted her aunt. "Good morning, President Young. You called for me?"

"Hello, dear. Come sit," Deborah Young gestured towards the luxe sofa and they sat side by side. "It's only the two of us here, you don't have to be so formal. You can call me as usual."

Katherine made a small smile and politely bowed, wondering what her aunt wanted from her.

"How are you feeling? Are you adjusting to your work well?" Aunt Deborah asked.

Katherine answered her truthfully, telling her that it was tough at first because of the different environment but she wasn't totally lost. She was a fast learner, so self-studying the materials given to her was a breeze.

Aunt Deborah complimented and wished her well with her adjustment, making her look very kind. "How's President Park these days? I hope you two are well?"

Truthfully, Katherine didn't like talking about her relationship with Damien to anyone. Not even her aunt. So she was a bit reserved when she answered, "I would like to apologize again for the trouble we caused recently, Aunt Debbie. I hope the company isn't suffering too much because of it. I promise I will try to avoid such things in the future."

Deborah placed a hand on Katherine's shoulder with a gentle smile on her face. "Don't worry about that anymore. That matter has been handled now. We can just focus on the bidding. Besides, I support your relationship with President Park. In fact, why don't we have dinner together? Just us three I would love to get to know you both more. How does Saturday sound?"

Katherine felt a little uneasy but she just softly chuckled. "Oh Um President Park has been quite busy these days, so I will have to check with his schedule when he's free. We also already have a prior engagement at the Central Plaza on Saturday. So"

"Central Plaza?" Deborah's ears perked up. Central Plaza was a prestigious hotelmuch like Crown Hotels. "Are you... attending a party?"

"Sort of. It's actually an auction I'm still a bit unfamiliar about what really happens there as I'm just new to the club."

"The club?" Deborah's brows knitted in curiosity, eyeing Katherine very carefully as she probed.

"Yeah... Have you heard of The Platinum Club, Aunt Debbie?" Katherine wondered.

The vein in Deborah's neck ticked at the mention of the club. Of course, she had heard of it. She had tried to apply for membership in the club a few times but she never got any response from the founders of the club. "I have. You're a member?"

Katherine nodded and a small smile painted on her face. "I just recently got in actually. Are you also a member, Aunt Debbie?"

With a forced smile, Deborah shook her head and masked her jealousy. "Ah, no. I don't have time for clubs. I'm far too busy with work as you can see... I wish to attend parties but even those invites I have on my table, I only seldom respond with a 'Yes' on the RSVP." She waved her hand nonchalantly. "With company matters, I wouldn't have a lot of time," she lied. She couldn't believe that this woman just came back not too long ago and now she was a member of that exclusive club? Bitterness laced her tongue as she bit back a scowl.

"I see" Katherine smiled and nodded.

Saved by the bell, Deborah Young's secretary reminded her of her meeting in a few minutes. Deborah then turned to her niece and told her, "Well, it can't be helped. Next time then, when President Park will have free time."

Feeling bad that she had to decline her aunt's invitation, Katherine offered, "How about Sunday? We can go to the house so we can have lunch or dinner with Grandpa and Caroline."

Deborah nodded in response. "That would be lovely, dear."

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