Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 306:

Chapter 306:

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Star Wars Galactic System has 7 chapters so far.

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[Adam C. POV.]

[Twenty minutes later.]

Finding Selene had been easy, and surprisingly enough, talking with her had been easy as well, I mean sure, it took me twenty minutes to figure out how, but I still did. Apparently, when mixed with projection magic, my All Seeing-Eyes were quite the communication device, granted I wasn't the best at projection magic, so it took a few attempts to do so, but the result was better than I had anticipated.

Selene, thankfully, agreed to come, so now all that remained was kicking my family back Fiore.

"Adam..." Erza started, her voice laced with concern as she approached me. "What's going on? First you come to fight this war without us, and now... you are telling us to go back home, and you might not come back."

I could feel her spiritual pressure rise in anger, concern, and fear.

I smiled softly, I was wholeheartedly impressed, she had gotten quite strong in such a short period of time. Already Captain Level, and without a Bankai, that was no short feat. And it wasn't only her, but everyone else as well, their strength had increased exponentially, though her change in question had been the biggest.

She had become a Shinigami... just to save me the pain of seeing everyone I have ever loved, grow old and die. And now, I was sentencing to that very fate, by leaving her alone.

"The Soul King wants to kill me, and Yhwach," I said, looking at the sky, fully aware the bastard was probably watching us right now. "If I leave with you, with everyone, he will follow."

"What guarantee do we even have he will come after you?! Or for that matter what guarantee do we have he won't come to Earthland after... killing you?" Erza's voice cracked with the weight of her emotions, a blend of desperation and determination, as tears streamed down her eyes. "You promised you wouldn't do this again, you promised we would fight together whatever came our way."

"I did," I replied, patting her head. "Call me a liar if you want, but you have to understand that I won't be able to... d- give my all, if I don't feel my family is safe."

"Is there anything we could do?" Gildarts asked, stepping forward with his usual gruff concern.

"To be entirely honest, I don't even think there's something I can do," I chuckled, a dry humorless chuckle. "But, I will try my best, Fairy Tail style." Meaning, go big or go home.

"Promise me you will come back to us," Erza pleaded, her voice barely more than a whisper now. "Promise me you won't leave me to face eternity alone."

"I promise," I smiled, knowing full well... I was lying.

As those words left my mouth, the air in the room suddenly shifted, charged with an electric tension that cut through the atmosphere like a knife through heart. Followed by the darkest spiritual pressure I had ever felt in my life, the presence of a Hollow-like being, that far surpassed any Arrancar I had sensed.

Turning around, I caught the brief glimpse of something descending towards me. A strange looking blade of pure white, almost glowing, with black spots on it.

"Ikomikidomoe," I muttered in realization, despite this being the very first time I was seeing this blade, yet... despite this, a part of me was completely sure that... thing, was Ikomikidomoe.


[Adam C. POV.]

With everyone back in Fiore, and Selene making sure they didn't come back, I grabbed

Ikomikidomoe, I could feel its anger... its hunger, and more.

The Hollow inside the blade was threatening to consume me, to devour my soul, to destroy me. It was almost ironic, seeing it was similar enough to a normal Zanpakuto, meaning, that before using the blade and the power it could wield, you had to subdue the spirit within to your will.

Normally, this is a process that takes sometime, but time was not something I had.

So it was time to speed run this entire thing.

Closing my eyes, I focused on my soul, as the world around me shifted, dissolving into a vortex of swirling colors and sounds. Until I was no longer in the Soul Society, but in a place that was both familiar and foreign, my inner world.

The landscape was a stark, desolate wasteland, reflecting the turmoil within me.

Standing before me was Ikomikidomoe, its form no longer that of a mere blade, but a towering, menacing Hollow. Its eyes burned with a fierce, predatory light, and its presence dominated the space, a tangible force of raw, unbridled power.

"You are uglier than I imagined," I said, smiling at the Hollow.

Roaring, the Hollow charged forth, its movements a blur of speed and power, animalistic in nature. I dodged, narrowly avoiding its razor-sharp claws, feeling the rush of air as they passed inches from my face. Smiling, I countered his advance, my strikes precise and calculated, but they seemed to have little effect on the Hollow.

I had to admit.

He was strong.

Unfortunately for him, I was stronger. Moving forward, I ducked under his claws, and with a swift, decisive movement, I struck. The impact reverberated through the inner world, a shockwave of energy that shook the very foundations of my consciousness.

Ikomikidomoe reeled, its form wavering under the force of my attack. So, before he could recover, I pressed on, delivering the second and final strike, forcing him to submit.

The world around us stilled, the tumultuous energy dissipating into a tense silence. Ikomikidomoe, now subdued, regarded me with a newfound look, its hateful gaze tempered by a grudging acknowledgment of my strength.

"You have bested me, Shigami," The Hollow spoke, its voice a deep, resonant rumble that echoed through the inner world. "I accept you as my wielder. But know this, if you ever show any sign of weakness, I will devour your soul."

Awww, I got my own White. Take that Ichigo.

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