Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 100: Underwater Band King's Army

Chapter 100: Underwater Band King's Army

The Underwater Bandit King held up her hand and sighed when she got 100 kilometers away from Central City. 

As a Class NPC, she didn't have as many restrictions as other NPCs when it came to traveling around the continent, but couldn't get within 5 kilometers of the battlefield where the Monsoon Kraken would be fighting her Water Army.

She looked back at the thousands of men and women who used to be green from the Green Leaf Curse, and smiled seeing their beautiful faces. Harvard had saved them from the curse, and now they would in turn save the entire continent! 

"You all I expect great things from you. You've all suffered for over 100 years being stuck underground, but now an even greater curse is upon us."

"All the monsters have left, and this landscape will soon be turned into an oceanscape. In order to stop it, you must defeat the Monsoon Kraken! Even if you must sacrifice your lives, you will do it! I promise, anyone who survives will get a drink on the house!"

"YAAAAHHH! FREE DRINKS!" One woman screamed and thrusted up her arm. "Free drinks! Free Drinks! Free Drinks!" They started chanting as they marched passed the Underwater Bandit King. She sighed and crossed her arms over her ample chest while she stared at Harvard sleeping against a rock. She took a deep breath and nodded her head with a trace of happiness. "Harvard, I can sense you'll wake up any minute now. When you do, I hope you lead this army to victory. Otherwise, this entire world will explode and with it all of the dreams inside of it."

"Let's hope the opposite happens, and you get to become the Underwater and Land Bandit King I know you can be."


Harvard snored for quite a few minutes while both sides appeared on opposite ends of the battlefield. There were roughly 100,000 Ghost Adventurers on one side, and millions of boulder crabs, and double fin sharks on the other side.

It seemed like a terrifying day to be dead ghosts for almost everyone on the field. Even those that still looked human and had flesh and blood were also scared! They-they didn't want to go back to the underworld! 

[The Monsoon Kraken has requested to start the battle in 1 minute. Do you accept?]

'What? What time is it?" Harvard woke up and saw hundreds of women in front of him wearing short white skirts and white tube tops. "I-I'm awake? Wow, I'm awake and the battle didn't start yet! I-I thought I'd wake up and see everyone dead, hahahaha!"

"Don't get too excited," Tilly helped Harvard up and wiped the dust off his butt with her silver armor covered hands. "They brought more troops than I thought. By the way, what ever happened to Katie?"

"I think she got lost with the guild house. I told her to park it, and haven't seen her since," Harvard said, his eyebrows somewhat trembling. "That guild house could've probably easily taken down a Kraken. I hope she's not using all my lograms to go somewhere far away! I mean, I just told her to park it! How hard could that be right?"

[Monsoon Kraken has offered a second time to start the battle. It's 11:57. He will start at 11:58.]

[He's requested that everyone is fighting get a will as soon as possible to avoid their bodies being collected by his armies and being burned to a crisp. This is especially true for NPCs since no gravestones will appear behind them when they die. Only their dead bodies will remain.]

[Are you ready for death? The countdown to your death is about to begin and by that time it will be too late for you to write a will. You are also free to join the Monsoon Kraken's side and live in his underwater paradise, but you are all too pathetic aren't you! Too pathetic to do anything but die from his army that's about to slaughter you all to dust!]

"Wow, so close to when I get my Magnificent Daylight Ruler form? He could've attacked at 6 PM, or 6 Am or something. He knows that but he still wants to fight me now? Is it because the fighters he brought are only strong too at this time? Did King Yama make classes that got strong at certain times a part of the universe expansion pack? Damn it! No more time to think!" Harvard stood up and nodded his head. "Sure, I accept."

[The battle against the Monsoon Kraken will now begin in 10 seconds. 9 8]

[If you haven't placed your wagers yet on which side will win, please do so. 5.4.]

[Does your mother know you might die today. 2.1. I hope you left your will. 0!]


Instantly, both sides rushed forward while Harvard smiled and took out his Ultimate Midnight Daggers. It was finally time. Like, how many chapters did he have to go through just for this battle! It was time for him to prove his manhood!

"Not so fast!" Candy Kid soared towards Harvard with ten bolts of lightning around him with a girl flying right next to him with her mouth open. She seemed to be using her mouth to fly by sending out large sonic booms. "You-you will fight us first! Prepare to die, Hamlord!"

"Hmph, Speed Curse deactivate! Smokescreen activate!"


A large bolt of lightning struck where Harvard was just standing while hundreds of soldiers around him got pushed back. The battle was starting and their commander was already in trouble! 

Harvard shot out of the cloud of smoke and coughed with Double Stealth activated before Candy Kid arrived in front of him and punched him in the chest with all his might.

Boom! Bang!

Harvard crashed through a tree in the forest while Candy Kid slowly walked towards with with a laser appearing in the center of his hand. 

"You die now," Candy Kid held out his hand before a laser shot right towards Harvard's face. "Take this father! Ultimate Sadness Attack!"

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